We’re approaching the final sunset of a primary race to determine whom Colorado Democrats will choose to take on our junior senator this November. As a fifth-generation rural Coloradan, I’ve come to the conclusion the best choice is Andrew Romanoff.
I hail from Yuma County which over time has grown deeper and deeper shades of red for reasons I still can’t comprehend. It’s a popular myth in rural Colorado that Democratic values are rarely in alignment with rural values. You don’t have venture too far back in a time machine to refute that notion. In the early ’90s (then) Governor Romer’s Dome on the Range initiative was an effective bridge to our rural communities. Romer’s vision and implementation of the ‘Tri-State Initiative’ supported by (then) Democratic Governors Joan Finney (KS) and Ben Nelson (NE) gave our region the tools to create an economic and natural resource blueprint that may well have averted the millions we’ve spent on compliance issues related to the Republican River Compact had his successor sustained the effort.
Forward, 2005: the Colorado House has elected Andrew as its (at the time) youngest Speaker. During his tenure he was an early advocate for renewable energy and comprehensive immigration reform. I was a Republican at that time but my politics were never a barrier-of-entry with Speaker Romanoff. Andrew, leading with an extended hand, mastered the art of bridging ideological divides. Open to compromise, a lost art by far too many today, he found ways to broaden, not minimize, participation in the critical discussions before the legislature and his constituents.
An effective buttress for rural-friendly initiatives during the Ritter Administration, his leadership on the development of BEST reversed years of decaying rural education infrastructure. If your rural community has built a new school in the last decade, thank Andrew. His support in the Colorado House for the Ritter-era New Energy Economy has delivered billions of dollars in investment in rural counties with ever-expanding wind and solar farms.
Since then Andrew has devoted himself to roles in International development (a plus for Colorado farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs who want to expand our state’s goods into the international marketplace); he’s taken the helm of a mental health organization following a family tragedy. If there is anything rural Colorado (and our country) needs more of now is a member of the Senate with the empathy, understanding, and drive it’s going to take to manifest the vast opportunities before us – and the societal plagues that haunt the least amongst us.
Colorado is a special place: wind-swept plains, mountain vistas. Rural entrepreneurs, farmers steeped in innovation, a second-to-none land grant university, research facilities, and an educated workforce. This isn’t an accidental fortune; it’s one rooted in intention, in part from the man I believe to be best suited to represent this state. A man whose experience will help us continue to build a resilient, robust, 21st-century economy that can be the pride of all Coloradans: Andrew Romanoff.
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Good on you, Michael. Somebody needed to balance the narrative here. Romanoff deserves credit for the BEST grants, that really directly benefitted so many students and teachers in rural Colorado.
I believe his admission of wrongdoing and apology for the immigration “papers please” law he passed in 06. It’s pretty freaking ironic that he’s getting slammed for a policy that Republicans and moderates like Hickenlooper supported when they had a chance to weigh in. And folks I respect, like Bo Ortiz , Polly Baca, Joe Salazar, have endorsed Romanoff.
Romanoff can think on his feet. He’s smart and articulate, and can out-talk or puncture the chatulence and glibberish of Gardner. We all know who can’t do any of those things.
I’m not going to post any more anti-Hick stuff on this thread (unless V insists). I wanted one of the women running to add a different voice to the Senate, but Romanoff will be, I think, a good Senator, who will vote for bold policies that we need now.
Thanks kw. He's been a great public servant both inside and outside of government and his leadership has made a real difference in the lives of so many rural Coloradans (and urban folks alike)
Tee hee.
(In the distance the Morgan County Jug Band begins to play "Ride of the Valkyries.)
Since you insist, V…here's a little gem I call "Hick on a Stick" from last year's 4th of July parade in Brush. He looks so natural driving a tractor. I don't know if he actually did drive it in the parade. Upstaging him is the redoubtable Debbie Gustafson, who was running for Sonnenberg's SD1 seat.
He does look great on a tractor. It would be better on a case than a Johnny Popper, but I know the damn things are ubiquitous.
I doubt very much that your boy could tell a power take off from a rod weeder.
But keep on freaking out. On a mail election, it's far too late for your fulminations to matter.
I spent many-an-hour on the seat of a 4020. I'm guessing you did the same, V? (or were they still Johnny-poppers in your day??). j/k (sorta)
Starting at age 10, I drove the original Johnny Pop Pop — the model D with two giant cylinders. At 14 I started hiring out driving mostly the 4010 if I recall cq. At 17 I drove a 4010 or 4020, forget which, with a cab, air conditioning and a radio.
Man, that’s as close to heaven as it gets. And a $1.25 an hour for my pains. In 1963 a year’s tuition at CU was $300 and I could earn that in just four (60 hour) weeks. Well, five weeks, allowing for deductions for taxes and beer.
Beat you by a couple of years on a "Johnny Popper". I do remember the thrill of being able to drive it by my self on my granddads farm in southern Missouri, I still don't understand how he made a living at it–more rocks than dirt.
My maternal grandfather was a Minnesota dairy farmer and his tillable land was half rock, too. He had 13 kids so sending an army to the field to pick rocks was a regular occurrence on the Barry farm!
I started out at the same age as you in a 4020, then graduated to a 5020 with an Egging cab (and an AM radio) a couple of years later, spending the summers round and round pulling Shafer one-ways around a few sections, followed by rod weeders. When I was a freshman we got the first sound-proof cab (and better air conditioning) with a 4630. Those were the days!
My paternal grandfather started out with horses – and finished up 70 years later with his JD 4WD 8760. We buried him wearing his overalls, JD hat, and the keys to that tractor in his hand.
All this talk of green tractors is getting a little difficult for a kid who grew up on red tractors. My first was a little International Farmall, as I remember. I was 10 or 11 my first summer on the farm.
My uncle John didn't care for Deeres. But he did have a Ford once.
Duke, my grandfather told my dad the first time he met him: "we drive Fords and vote Democrat" (and he had red tractors). Dad drove Chryslers, voted Republican and nothing but green graces our equipment sheds. 62 years later the marriage is still going strong!
Sorry, guys, but I grew up in the city. But, two short blocks from my childhood home was a nice sized city park with a couple creeks running through it. I spent literally tons of time during the summers in that park with grade school classmates and other neighborhood kids. Got exposed further to the countryside from the farms of grandparents, uncles, and aunts in southern Indiana. On my mom’s side of the family, I’m in the first generation born into indoor plumbing. During the 1970s, my folks owned a trailer on the Ohio River halfway between Cincinnati and Louisville. That was always a neat place to visit, especially the times we got to see the Delta Queen, the old wooden sternwheeler, going by.
Only wimps have indoor plumbing.
My maternal grandparents raised 13 kids (back when Minnesota winters were brutal) with no indoor plumbing. It wasn't until they retired in 1965 and moved to the lake house that they joined civilization!
I kind of preferred winter in my outdoor plumbing days. My butt could handle winter cold better than my nose could take summer stink.
I tried never to miss school because I loved the hot showers!
There is an old story about two guys in an outhouse and a twenty dollar bill.
A few years back in West Kansas I had to disc and drill sections with a John Deere 8 series. The swivel captains chair, air conditioning, GPS system, and auto steer were tough going !
And I loved listening to KXXX. They were riding bulls before other stations were muttin' bustin' !
KXXX is still the bomb with Sock Hop Saturday (for those of use old enough to remember those days!) KRVN, Lexington, NE signs off at sundown with Lee Greenwood 'God Bless the USA'. Yuma County is on the edge of the KFRM – Salina signal but a solid, daily ag programming line-up.
Lorrie Boyer (KSIR, Ft. Morgan) is my favorite ag broadcaster these days.
MB- classy and sincere.
Good on you, sir.
Thanks, MADCO – I realize we're on different sides of this issue and I really appreciate your response. We'll join forces on Wednesday behind one candidate.
Fine job, Michael, of outlining the record of an outstanding moderate who somehow choose to run as a lefty. If he loses this race, which is the smart money bet, I wonder what his future is?
Maybe a cabinet post with Polis?
or a regional director for Biden?
But if he does win, I’ll send him money. I don’t finance blue on blue fights (except for president.)
Thanks for the positive views on why one candidate earned your endorsement, without denigrating the other.
One more point — I appreciate Romanoff staying in the race when those who appeared to have a message, credentials, and political skills didn’t. Without him, my primary ballot would have been a State Senate race and a District rep for the State Board of Education. I expect the enthusiasm for the primary would have been substantially lessened without Andrew’s campaign.
Thanks, Michael!
(PS — This probably would have had a chance of getting promoted, if only you hadn’t omitted using one of Alva’s de rigueur scowly-faced stock photos?)
Patience, grasshopper. I assume once they get at least one more diary on our junior senator posted before COB they can promote it and it'll be in its rightful place "below the fold". Standby.
Excellent. Thanks for this, Michael. It's bad enough when the right-wingers throw around "liberal" and "lefty" to denigrate fine candidates for public office. But when the allegedly progressive side of the aisle does the same thing it accomplishes nothing, only plays into the hands of the GOP. Hot tip: Democrats don't have time to be moderate (moderate = Republican-lite). The pressing problems of our state, country, and world demand forward-thinking action now.