TUESDAY UPDATE: KRDO-TV Colorado Springs reports:
“I’ve seen the comparison before,” said Roberto Garcia-Jones, Director of Personhood Colorado. When asked if he agreed with the concept, Garcia-Jones said, “I support the notion that what Nazis did to Jews is like what were doing to pre-borns today.”
…TARGET 13 received a call from Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. He admitted to TARGET 13 that it was one of campaign’s volunteers who created the site. Mason said, “This is not what we are about.”
Mason also said he was unaware that key staffers were made administrators of the Facebook page. [Pols emphasis] After the calls, any tie to Parenthood Colorado was taken down from the Facebook page and Mason said key staffers no longer had administrative privileges.
Mason didn’t want to tell TARGET 13 who the volunteer was, but he said the person did it without the campaigns knowledge.
We thought the promotional efforts of the campaign in favor of Amendment 62, the abortion and birth control ban initiative, couldn’t get any worse than the “Obama Angel of Death” video.
Yeah, that was silly of us. We forgot about Nazis.
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contrasting Buck and Bennet’s position on 62. I got one on my parked car on Sunday in the church parking lot as I was attending Mass.
Canvassing infrequent Dem voters in Montbello over the weekend, several women commented negatively on Buck’s position on abortion.
I know they are watching for this kind of stuff since the religious wackos like to operate under the radar.
So I guess the flyer was lying.
So Buck is lying. These are the people he thinks are his friends.
No need to be unreasonable, bobster.
The flyer I referenced above is from the National Right to Life Committee, Inc. It features actual photos of a healthy late-term fetus inside the womb, a newborn and an elderly woman.
It contrasts the positions of Bennet-Buck and Frazier-Perlmutter on “the Obama health care law” and federal funding of abortion. It says that the new health care law will allow abortion on demand “and will lead to the rationing of lifesaving medical treatments.”
It does NOT mention Amendement 62.
I had to dig it out of my recylcle receptacle where I had disposed of it.
You can’t tar all Republicans with this brush, sorry. I don’t condone this!
Jeez, dude, I doubt most people thought that.
While I hadn’t assumed, I am glad to see you saying that.
Nevertheless, this came from the official Personhood USA group. This is the message they are selling that Obama is the Angel of Death and people who oppose 62 are Nazis, whether you like it or not.
And Ken Buck was right to walk away from them, even if he is for life. Which he is.
Even though he repudiates their ballot initiative and makes a mockery of the petition process. Ken Buck is a man of his word, except that his word is up for grabs. Depending. Which he is.
But apparently nobody gives a crap about them around here. If a baby could talk, do you think it might compare the doctor crushing it’s head to the Nazi’s? Probably would. It IS damn offensive, because abortion is offensive and should be ended.
It would have already been born, and it would probably be a toddler.
Can you talk to fetuses? Do they talk to you? Are you the fetus whisperer?
Just spit my coffee on my computer….
That is going in my sig line.
Can two people have the same sig line?
Should carry their rapist’s baby, or their father’s/brother’s/uncle’s/etc baby, or sacrifice their own life, so that they can give birth to said child is offensive.
and for the third time I’m posting this biblical differentiation hoping that you will, in some way, acknowledge that you’ve read it:
“This distinction seems basic to the biblical story in Exod. 21:22-25, which is important for the abortion debate. This passage from the Covenant Code sets forth procedures to be followed when a pregnant woman who becomes involved in a brawl between two men has a miscarriage. A distinction is made between the penalty that is to be exacted for the loss of
the fetus and the penalty for any injury to the woman. For the loss of the fetus, a fine is paid, as determined by the husband and the judges (v. 22). However, if the woman is injured or dies, lextalionus is applied: “Thou shalt give life
for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe” (vv. 23-25).
“The story has only limited application to
the current abortion debate because it deals with accidental, not willful, termination of pregnancy. Even so, the distinction made between the protection accorded the woman and that accorded the fetus under covenant law is important. The woman has full standing as a person under the covenant; the fetus has only a relative standing, certainly inferior to that of the
I know, you think women are too stupid to know what we want. I’m sure you’ll tell us what we’re feeling and when things are what. And thank God, we’re all so busy running around in ill-advised high heels and pearls, cooking dinner and asking for rape. When does a girl have the time??
The Lord is the who everyone who takes another life must answer to, and He is above the laws of man.
need an invisible imaginary person in the sky.
let’s discuss it.
I don’t know how that idolatry thing’s going to work… you know, on account of how we live in America.
We don’t make laws based on the Bible in this country.
So easy to dismiss what you don’t understand or what you’d prefer to deny as actions of some lord.
Please gimme proof of any retribution, judgment, or penalty for my actions in the here & now that are meted out after I’ve long crumbled into organic compost. Any … I’ll wait while you find that proof.
and it wasn’t during Old Testament times either, as you can see in the scripture cited above from Exodus.
don’t have one. Guess what, a zygote has no neural tube, there are no nerve cells. If there are no nerve cells there is no pain. I am sorry that you never had to take developmental anatomy and physiology. A fetus is a parasite until it is viable outside of the host.
he gets nourishment from his hosts, Mystery State U and CoPols
who has to read all the daily republican talking points.
I think it’s really effective… suggest that Personhood 62 put ads on all the TV stations comparing raped women who don’t want to carry their rapist’s babies to Nazis – and while they’re at it point out that Ken Buck supports them.
What could possibly go wrong?
Men – please stop talking about my uterus and what I should do with it. My body, my fetus, my pregnancy. I will not tell you what to do with your penis, sperm or scrotum so keep your laws off me.
When’s the big day?
then I should imagine you had a willing partner to contribute some fertilization for that zygote. Please don’t dismiss the care & love and the gleeful anticipation of fatherhood for the male part of your parthership equation (if applicable).
No need to go poking at someone’s overarching spiritual beliefs when a simple beating with the facts will do.
I don’t know why anyone would find this offensive, honestly. If they’ve been paying attention at all Glenn Beck already told many of us “social justice” church goes that we are Nazi’s – apparently we’re just welcoming some more folks.