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July 02, 2020 01:28 PM UTC

Trump Hasn't Ever Been 'More Excited' by a Candidate, White House Told Boebert

  • by: Jason Salzman

(Trump thinks Boebert’s Primary victory means HE will win Colorado? Everything is always about Trump somehow. — Promoted by Colorado Pols)

After Lauren Boebert’s upset primary victory over U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO), her campaign told local Associated Press writers that the candidate was not available for an interview due to her trip to South Dakota for a Bikers for Trump Rally July 4.

But she accepted interview requests from the Denver Channel and other news outlets plus at least two on conservative talk radio, first with KHOW host Dan Caplis yesterday and later today with KNUS host Steffan Tubbs.

The AP piece focused in part on Boebert’s warm feelings toward Q’Anon, a conspiracy theory.

“When Lauren Boebert was asked in May about QAnon, she didn’t shy away from the far-right conspiracy theory, which advances unproven allegations about a so-called deep state plot against President Donald Trump that involves satanism and child sex trafficking,” began the AP story. “Everything that I’ve heard of Q, I hope that this is real because it only means that America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values,” the Associated Press quoted her as saying, drawing from a radio interview.

But KHOW’s Caplis didn’t mention QAnon at all, beginning by telling Boebert, “This is a great thing,” and, “You have lit a fire.”

“And now we need to win in November, and we will,” Boebert told Caplis, saying she got calls from U.S. Representatives Jim Jordan of Ohio, Ken Buck of Colorado, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

Vice President Pence called her from Air Force Two, telling her about “the wonderful things” he’s learning about her and praying for her family, and he thanked her for serving at-risk women in her local jail, Boebert told Caplis

“And then I got a call from President Trump,” said Boebert. “And it was incredible.”

“Wow. Cool,” said Caplis.

“At first, I was told twice by his White House political director how excited the president was,” said Boebert on air. “He said last night I was in his office at 11:30 with [Trump], and he’s going through your Twitter, and he sits back in his chair and he says, ‘You know, with her winning, I think it’s safe to say we just won Colorado.’ He told me how excited the president was and again he said, ‘I don’t think I’ve seen the President more excited over a candidate before.’ He said, we are going to put you on the phone with him.”

Boebert then spoke with Trump who invited her to meet with him at his Rushmore event backstage.

“It was an honor of a lifetime to have that call with President Trump,” she told Caplis.

Boebert recently gained attention by rejecting state COVID orders to close her cafe, until its license was suspended by the county. Her business previously made headlines for food-safety infractions and for its staff, including Boebert, openly carrying guns. She also challenged a Democratic presidential primary candidate on gun issues. Her campaign has said she doesn’t “follow QAnon.”


10 thoughts on “Trump Hasn’t Ever Been ‘More Excited’ by a Candidate, White House Told Boebert

  1. I encourage readers to click the link above regarding the 80 people who got sick from food poisoning in 2017 on food prepared by Boebert's restaurant. The county didn't really do much about it (no fines, etc), and now the lousy food handler is a Republican candidate for Congress. Yippee.

    1. It does show a theme of reckless disregard for public health (poor food handling in 2017, not following “no masks” rules, and now opening in defiance of best scientific advice, insisting on open carry of weapons which is proven to increase violent crime by up to 15%).

      Goddess help us all if this deluded woman is elected to a position in which she has power over public well being – more than just the few willfully ignorant souls in her place of business.

      Of course Trump likes this kindred spirit.

    1. Donnie  might want to consider Samanthas' pistol packing hubby before he throws too much attention toward her. Some of those gunny types don't always think ahead. He might forget Donnie has armed men around him. Wouldn't it just be CrayCray if the Secret Service had to take out the angry, armed, man in the ball cap?

  2. oooh … Trump on July 3, Bikers for Trump on July 4.   That's a sure fire way to win votes and influence people in CO-03.

    And I know I'm old fashioned … but I keep thinking there was something about federal personnel NOT campaigning in the office. Assuming the "political director" is Brian Jack, part of the White House staff, he's subject to the Hatch Act and responsible for

    The Office of Political Affairs develops, supports, and advances partnerships in support of the President and his policy agenda.


  3. I have to ask – if Fat Donnie thinks Boebert's win means he's going to win Colorado, does he actually think we're Wyoming and we only have one congressional district?

    1. Who knew that?  I didn’t know that?  Nobody knew that?  Nobody told me that . . . 
      — The most informed person on planet Earth

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