U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



(D) Joe Neguse

(D) Phil Weiser

(D) Jena Griswold




Att. General See Full Big Line

(D) M. Dougherty

(D) Alexis King

(D) Brian Mason




Sec. of State See Full Big Line

(D) George Stern

(D) A. Gonzalez

(R) Sheri Davis




State Treasurer See Full Big Line

(D) Brianna Titone

(R) Kevin Grantham

(D) Jerry DiTullio




CO-01 (Denver) See Full Big Line

(D) Diana DeGette*

(R) Somebody



CO-02 (Boulder-ish) See Full Big Line

(D) Joe Neguse*

(R) Somebody



CO-03 (West & Southern CO) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Hurd*

(D) Somebody



CO-04 (Northeast-ish Colorado) See Full Big Line

(R) Lauren Boebert*

(D) Somebody



CO-05 (Colorado Springs) See Full Big Line

(R) Jeff Crank*

(D) Somebody



CO-06 (Aurora) See Full Big Line

(D) Jason Crow*

(R) Somebody



CO-07 (Jefferson County) See Full Big Line

(D) B. Pettersen*

(R) Somebody



CO-08 (Northern Colo.) See Full Big Line

(R) Gabe Evans*

(D) Yadira Caraveo

(D) Joe Salazar




State Senate Majority See Full Big Line





State House Majority See Full Big Line





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October 26, 2010 03:50 PM UTC

Tuesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Lust of power is the most flagrant of all the passions.”



164 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Thread

  1. in the main Denver daily trumpets the higher GOP vote numbers in Colo.

    However, even though 25,00 more Pubs than Dems have voted so far, Bennet is ahead 49% to 46% among those who have ALREADY voted. Pubs and Independents seem to be voting for Bennet, and NOT Buck, in surprising numbers.

    PPP polled through Saturday afternoon.


    1. can the-paper-which-will-not-be-named e any more biased? Singleton is a Hearst/Murdoch wannabe. Thinks he can make reality by putting it on his front page.

    1. Sorry about that, the English translation is the octopus died of natural causes over night. It’s fame as picking the winners of the football games had fans and those who wanted to eat it noting the death.

  2. Yesterday BJ said something about how the Tea Party had cleaned up (purified?) the Republican Party (don’t ask me to find the post – I don’t have enough hours in my day).

    My reaction was ‘good luck with that’ and moved on to the next comment.  This morning in reading an e-mail from family member, I realized that the R’s have succeeded in taking out 3 generations in this years election.  From Washington State to Boston, Mass my children and grandchildren are voting for the D’s because the R’s are too extreme.  

    What’s going to be left is a very weak bench and a real lose to the Grand Ole Party.  

    1. The GOPers are too extreme … you actually believe that common line of BS pushed by the DSCC and DCCC?

      Did you see the 60 minutes story on unemployment this Sunday? I imagine ARRP might want to think about some off shoot groups … AARP unemployed, AARP without 401k, AARP left behind GOP RINOs

      Let’s face it, the Dems and their bailouts, buyoffs, and government prop-ups have not let the markets clear. Not only haven’t sustainable jobs developed, but every month we don’t create 150,000 new jobs, there go 150,000 18-22 years olds back to moms house.

      The functional unemployment no. is 18% — some record of achievement. Blacks and 18-24 year olds haven’t seen these level of unemployment since the 1940’s.

                1. Although I think

                  active lil beaver


                  busy as a beaver

                  are similar enough – and gender neutral – so as not to warrant the dreaded P. Box.

                  You guys are rapidly growing your list of banned words. First ‘pansy’ and now ‘beaver’?

                  What’s next?

                  Perhaps using the term ‘white male’ as a pejorative?


                    1. Send myself to the Penalty Box so I don’t have to be around the fucking lunatics here. Consider me a test run. I’m ready, able and oh so willing.

                    2. I think the P. Box is a great idea and I look forward to posters other than me being banished there.

                  1. Mine was late again too.  Screw it, I’m going to go to the far right.  At least, the Koch brothers pay cash when you sell out.  They apparently are funding beej, who would otherwise be fired for doing nothing on his job except make far-right blog posts.\\

        1. As you go idlely by whistling the tunes of Democrat spin masters, we have America in decay.

          The nation’s unemployment rate is 9.6%, but it is 16.1% for blacks and an unconscionable 41% for black teens. Politicians continue to promote minimum-wage hikes that harm the job prospects of younger and less-skilled individuals, a disproportionate number of whom are black. Wal-Mart’s attempts to open a store that would bring jobs and low-price goods to a depressed neighborhood in Brooklyn, N.Y., have been thwarted repeatedly by labor unions. And the NAACP is issuing studies on the tea party movement?

          Black children are funneled into the nation’s worst public schools, where they underperform and often don’t graduate. Black boys in eighth grade read at about the same level as white girls in fourth grade. The achievement gap persists through high school, where the average black student is graduating with an eighth-grade education-if the student graduates at all.

          The situation has remained essentially unchanged for three decades. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have noted that just 2,000 of the nation’s 20,000 high schools produce half of all dropouts, and nearly 50% of black kids attend one of these “dropout factories.” But that hasn’t stopped the Obama administration from phasing out a Washington, D.C., voucher program for low-income students that improved graduation rates. Still, the NAACP is worried about the tea party?


            1. when it’s off topic (which was the GOP purges – which again raises the issue of whether it’s fair to call Dems “Fascists” when it’s the GOP doing what Fascists did).

    2. Republicans will win 2010 and 2012, but at what cost??

      I think the GOP mortgaged their future, completely, just for 2010 and 2012

      I know an increasing number of Gay, Muslim, and Latino friends who have told me, “I don’t care who runs, I will NEVER vote Republican” – I’ve never heard it more than now

      In addition, I did some guest lecturing at Everest College in Aurora regarding the NYC Mosque – the students were evenly divided – half were African American the other half Latino – only one or two in the large classes were against the Mosque – I’d say 1/3 didn’t care – and 2/3 to 1/2 were completely for Mosque – the main reason why was because many had either felt harassed by Law Enforcement in the past, or had a family member that felt that way – either way, between Prop 8, 14th Amendment, 1070, and the Mosque, the GOP has severely damaged itself, to the point of extinction, I’m afraid

      Within 30 years, I could seriously see the GOP disentegrating, while Democrats have an amicable breakup, with one wing going fiscal conservative and the other staying pro-labor and pro-programs, but both agreeing on social liberalism

      Lastly – heed the lesson of California 1994, where Republicans stormed in on the bigotry of 187, only to see their Party go extinct there by 1996 – and Arnold Scharzenegger is a VERY unique candidate who immigrant voters related to – unless Republicans in California run pro-immigration, immigrant/minority candidates, then they have no shot – and I expect the same conundrum to appear for the national GOP now, as well

      I’m not holding my breath for such candidates to be picked  

      1. A famous film personality, a very successful businessman, very intelligent, socially liberal – no other California Republican had that going for him or her. Still, that state’s problems were way too big for someone who had only been active in the fundraising/hobnobbing sense of politics. I think even Reagan, were he around today, would have found himself not up to the task.

            1. He started off with a bunch of publicity, like a Hollywood premier, calling legislators “girly men” and the like. Way to build those bridges, governor! But I think he learned his lesson quickly.

      1. Not that Hispanics who are not yet citizens would vote, but that Hispanics, natural born, may feel that they would be expected to produce some kind of proof of citizenship and just want to avoid any hassle.

        boyles for almost two years has been engaged in undermining the legitimate credentials which people have.  He claims, and no one official in Colorado has ever contradicted him, that only a “long copy” of a birth certificate with a doctor’s signature is legitimate.  he said that Little League wouldn’t take anything else.  This is of course not true.  The certificate of live birth format which Obama posted and which the birthers have ridiculed for two years, is the format that all states use to issue a certified copy of a birth certificate because it cannot be copied and it is harder to falsify.  but boyles, etc., has destroyed the credibility of such documents.  People will just not vote rather than take a chance in that they will be accused of not being a legal citizen.

  3. From the Washington Post:

    In a year when some Democrats are keeping President Obama at arm’s length, Rhode Island gubernatorial candidate Frank Caprio went a provocative step further Monday, telling Obama to “shove it” after learning from a reporter that he would not be getting an endorsement from the president.

    As Obama traveled to Rhode Island for an official stop and a campaign fundraiser, White House officials said Obama would sidestep one local contest – the governor’s race – out of respect for Lincoln D. Chafee, a former Republican senator now running as an independent.

    I can understand Mr. Caprio’s anger, having your party’s top politician snub you in favor of your opponent, who isn’t of the same party, must be really demeaning.  When Joe Lieberman did this he was thrown out of the Democratic Party, but I doubt the President will be held to the same standards

    1. Did Linc and Senator Obama ever serve together? Chafee was out in 2006, right?

      Senator Chafee was always one of the most moderate, thoughtful, and hardworking voices on the Republican side of the aisle. I think it shows a great maturity on the part of the President to sidestep endorsing Caprio out of respect to Chafee.

      Caprio, on the other hand, easily demonstrated why he didn’t deserve the President’s endorsement. I pity the man’s situation, but in all reality, Chafee is the most qualified candidate for Governor.  

    2. He didn’t endorse anyone, not that he endorsed the opponent. And this from someone who quit OFA for their intrusiveness in our recent D primary…

    3. Lieberman endorsed McCain after losing the Democratic primary in 2006.

      And why are you trying to sound like a disappointed Democrat? Do you think you’re fooling people?  

    4. If you want to compare Lieberman to anyone, compare him to all the elected Republican officials who have been turned out by the radicals in the primaries (with the difference that Lieberman really drifted hard to the right while these GOP pols never drifted to the left.)

      1. My understanding is that with a recall movement, the proponents have two weeks from the time the petition is accepted to make their first listing of contributors.  

        1. in the bookkeeping, I have my doubts that anything will be filed. He’s nearly 30 grand in the hole to the State and got himself in a bit of trouble recently on an unrelated matter. If these recall folks are smart, they’ll drop him from their effort altogether.

          I’m still holding out hope that calmer heads will prevail and they will wise up and put an end to the recall attempt.  

          1. I’m not impressed with Merida and I live in her district. In fact, when this recall was first announced I thought I would sign it. But the whole thing looks like sour grapes, and as others have pointed out recalls are for people who are seriously corrupt or incompetent.

            So, if I see one of those petition gatherers (and I haven’t – I have no idea how they think they’re going to get this off the ground) I’ll do what I usually do when someone wants some egregious thing on the ballot – spend a LOT of time reading the petition, asking questions, and eventually refusing to sign.

            1. At first, I was actually for it. But then I calmed down, thought about it and realized it’s just a horrible idea to use a vendetta as a reason to spend hundreds of thousands of the school district’s dollars to remove somebody that made a mistake. What Merida did just doesn’t rise to the level of a recall and seeing who is behind it cinched it for me that not only will I not back it, but I’ll be speaking out against it.  

  4. Another post for Beej, showing what a bunch of troglodyte goons hang out at Ron Paul rallies…

    Rand Paul Supporter Stomps Head Of Female MoveOn Member Outside KY Debate (VIDEO)

    Josh Green flagged an incident that occurred outside of the Rand Paul-Jack Conway debate in Lexington, Kentucky Monday night that’s already dominating the news in Kentucky and could easily make headlines nationally.

    As the candidates arrived, a group of Paul supporters pulled a female MoveOn member to the ground and held her there as another Paul supporter stomped on the back of her head and neck.

    According to the Louisville Courier Journal, “Lauren Valle of MoveOn.org approached Paul and tried to give him an “employee of the month award” from Republicorp…a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is the merger of the GOP and business interests controlling political speech.”

    The whole thing was caught on video.


              1. Someone with less crazy would have run away with it already.  Most peeps I know back there are (sadly) resigned to Paul winning.  But Paul will get less votes than the GOP candidate has in a while.  You think ‘too extreme for CO’ says something?  How about ‘(almost) too extreme for KY’?

                1. Jim Bunning (who Rand Paul is running to replace) won his two Senate races by <1% and <4%, respectively.  Of course, it was Jim Bunning running, which might have explained it.

                  If Paul can only manage a 5% victory in what is widely regarded to be the best Republican year in decades, that’s not saying much for the man.

    1. probably too many hits. But what I read would be shocking if it weren’t exactly what I would expect from the far and not-so-far right in this country. Bunch of damn fascists who think this is completely acceptable behavior.

          1. I really do

            I’m gonna say a prayer for that poor woman – and I’m also going to say a prayer for those other three involved, that God show them a better way and help them

            Note my post above about GOP extinction – this incident is gonna go viral and fast  

            1. because it’s very easy to cause a serious brain injury and kill someone by doing that. The stepping woman is rude (I didn’t even notice her until you pointed her out), but unlikely to do any serious damage.

              The victim was on her feet and talking after the incident, but complaining of a headache. That’s exactly what happens with a serious brain injury. I’ve seen people die a few days later after being seemingly fine after a head injury. (This happened to Natasha Richardson.) I’m glad she got medical treatment; hopefully it turns out not to be a big deal.

              1. I can’t delete my other comment but I can say that I’m wrong–stepping on someone’s head is just violent and cruel and potentially deadly.  

          2. Look, we all know what beej is going to say. He’ll say she provoked the attack and brought it on herself. At which point I’ll remind him that it was only yesterday that he said that if he pisses you off then it’s your problem.

            1. I already checked Yahoo to see what the right-wing yahoos are saying. They’re saying the guy who stepped on her head is probably also a MoveOn plant. Plus the woman who walked over her (as MOTR pointed out), and the guy who pulled off her wig, and the guy who stepped on her leg. All MoveOn plants.

              In fact this never happened. The video footage has been doctored. This all actually happened at a Justin Bieber concert, with all the faces being substituted.

              In fact there’s no video. What video? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

      1. one guy steps on her head (actually, he mainly steps on her shoulder but there definitely appears to be some contact with her head), one of his pro-Rand Paul buddies says, “No no no no no,” and the stomper guy backs off.

        All the while they’re saying “call the police, call the cops.” (As opposed to “Stomp her”, or whatever.)

        Yeah, it’s an ugly scene, reflecting a decidedly ugly, high-passion election year as it winds to its conclusion.

        Having looked at the video a number of times, here’s what I saw:

        1) The cops clearly should have done a better job of crowd control: you keep the two candidates’ supporters separated, duh! Had they done so this would never have happened.

        2) The Paul supporters shouldn’t have wrestled the woman to the ground. Unless they believed she was about to commit an act of violence, and there’s zero evidence of that.

        3) The ‘head stomper’ should perhaps be arrested for assault. Perhaps the others who wrestled her to the ground and held her there as well.

        4) The other guy did the right thing by repeatedly saying ‘No’ to stomper-man and getting him to back off.

        5) I don’t know what if anything the woman did prior to being pulled to the ground, so this clip doesn’t really give us the entire story about this ugly incident.

        6) I don’t think it helps to exaggerate what’s in the video: the woman was pulled to the ground (wrongly) and one guy stepped on her once (also wrong, obviously) before being made to back off by his fellow Rand Paul supporters. To say this is ‘three guys beating the crap out of a woman’ is, to the extent I can tell by looking at the video multiple times, a passionate overstatement.

        7) None of which excuses the actions of Paul’s supporters.

                  1. about an event based solely on shaky  YouTube videograbs that don’t show the totality of the event.

                    I tend to think the guy saying “No” repeatedly and getting head-stomper man to back off is a Rand Paul supporter, but it’s not 100% clear from the video.

                    My training is as a diplomat. As such my interest is in calming strong differences of opinion (read: passion) that can lead to violence. Not in enflaming passions by jumping to conclusions based on a quick viewing of an edited YouTube video.

                    Other Pols’ readers have other agendas.  

                    1. at some point context doesn’t really matter. When you see a woman getting kicked and stomped on by multiple people, it’s wrong. It’s not “wrong but…”

                      Maybe she called Rand Paul a bad word. Maybe she shoved a piece of paper in his face in an undignified way. After this it doesn’t matter.

          1. That makes it so much worse. I thought maybe there was a single Rand Paul supporter in the crowd who thought assaulting a woman might be over the top. Guess not.

            1. I’m very glad there were some Dem/Conway supporters there to step in. From the looks of the video, it appears the situation was about to get really out of control.  

        1. with her neck on the curb. Another guy stomps on her head and shoulder, pushing her head into the curb. A woman deliberately walks on top of her. (I should have said “two guys and a woman beating the crap out of a woman.” Would that have made you happier?)

          And this is all on top of the fact that none of these people has any right to restrain her. They don’t even have the right to touch her. People have filed complaints over much less.

          Yes, I’m grateful that at least one person there realized it might look bad (or might even be wrong!) to beat the crap out of a woman. If he hadn’t said “no” they might have continued. These people were clearly in a rage and ready to bloody her. It’s unclear whether it was a Paul supporter who stopped them or one of the MoveOn people (the person with the camera was, I assume, part of the MoveOn team).

          I don’t know what purpose you think you’re serving by trying to parse this and be delicate about it.

    2. Apparently all the SEIU goons that beat people up get a pass. Plus, the guy stepped on her shoulder not her head, and was quickly pushed away by others. That guy was wrong, but I can understand their anger at infiltrators with disguises from MoveOn.org trying to make Paul look bad.

      1. Watch the video.

        He stumbled off the woman because it’s hard to balance on a woman’s head.

        I’ll bet you think you’d be a hero if you managed to beat up a woman from MoveOn.

          1. … or whether this or that new post is just another antic of yours as the holy-roller liar who posts fake beliefs just to rile up opponents?

            In other words, we all used to think of you as a vile, ignorant moralist; now we know you’re a lying shill too. At least you’re such a moron at it that you used your own email address on your shill account!

              1. The evidence of your lying “Beej” (aka, LiarBJ, or whoever you are) was presented in this diary.

                Either you are (a) that person with the political and religious affiliations and age and home town and current address you registered under there …

                or you are (b) the person you claim to be on this site, with extremely different political and religious affiliations and age and home town and current address …

                or you are (c) someone else entirely.

                The evidence is there that you lied regarding (a) and/or (b), so (c) seems to be the most likely answer.

                I don’t think you are the person you think you are.

          2. then you reveal that you think it’s right. When you feel the need to balance out with some nowhere-near-as-bad, questionable-that-it-happened bit like you did and express empathy with the goons, then you show that you support their actions.

            That’s today’s hard right for you.

              1. Logic is something you don’t understand. By my logic, I would have to support the SEIU beatings if I said, “That’s bad but I can see how they got mad. The GOP does it too.” But since I never said such a thing, then you can’t logically conclude that that’s what my silence means.

                My silence on that is the same as my silence on which recording of Beethoven’s 9th I like best; it’s irrelevant to the discussion so I didn’t bring it up.

    3. First the word was not only acceptable, but being a bully, a Storm Trooper became admirable, something to emulate, thanks to regent Bosley…nice to see what is now championed.

      I wonder if Bosley will denounce that beating.

    4. According to news updates, the person doing the stomping on this lady’s head is one Tim Profitt, Bourbon County Coordinator for the Paul campaign.

      Twitter updates seem to indicate he’s now the subject of a criminal summons.

        1. And when you get out of jail, welcome to the civil suit that will be filed against you.

          You’re going to love bankruptcy?

           I’m sure bjwilson will do a fund raiser for you, to demonstrate his love for nazi thugs.  But it will raise forty six cents and cost you five thousand dollars up front.


    5. I doesn’t matter what they thought they were doing, what they did was wrong.  They were not law enforcement or security personnel, so they had no right to knock her down or restrain her.  They all deserve to be up on charges.  Hopefully they will be properly prosecuted and treated under the law as they deserve.

  5. Dean Singleton: I don’t know who I’m going to vote for in Senate race

    by Rossputin | 3:38 pm, October 25, 2010 | 3 Comments

    Denver Post Publisher Dean Singleton just said on the Caplis and Silverman radio show (roughly between 3:20 and 3:35 PM on Monday, 10/25) that he has not decided who he will vote for in Colorado’s US Senate race even though his newspaper endorsed appointed Senator Michael “Who?” Bennet.

    Singleton said he could have chosen a better candidate for each party.

    Perhaps most surprising was Singleton’s statement that after meeting several times with Ken Buck, he has determined that “Buck is not extreme.”  Singleton said that while Buck would vote to the right of Singleton’s centrist position, Bennet has a voting record to the left of his position.


      1. I’ll be working some Thu, Fri, Mon and Tues until 2 PM. Thanks V for your help. I know MADCO wrote a diary about door knocking a while back. Thanks MADCO

        1. I gotta say I love having the DSCC on board.

          Someday, later in Nov perhaps, someone needs to explain the low information voters to me and why we want them to vote.

    1. So they can ship the harvested organs to the floating V ships secretly hiding among the clouds!

      You’ve posted some useless shit before ‘tad but this just might be the most colossal waste of bandwidth EVA…

        1. So true! Sometimes when we impersonate agnostic Democrats and advocate for single-payer, our fraudulent games are so inept that all can see!  

  6. Nice article on Politico.com on how The Orange Man is going to have his hands full..of whackos:

    If John Boehner becomes speaker of the House, he’ll be able to enjoy his crowning moment – 20 years in the making – for about five minutes.

    The moment he takes the gavel, Boehner will have to start navigating a handful of Republican factions that have so far been unified only in their desire to block the Democratic agenda.

    Right out of the gate, Boehner will face a high-profile, ambitious freshman class that will quickly dominate the politics of a new Republican House and want to turn the chamber on its head. On the opposite end is the establishment – and a few old bulls whose power is waning even as they demand deference and chairmanships.

    On top of that, Boehner will have to cope with the theatrics of the conservative media darlings – like Reps. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Steve King of Iowa – who are largely uninterested in compromise but are able to drive the Republican conversation with incendiary, cable-friendly sound bites.

    And then Boehner will have what could be called the peacemakers – the true legislators and compromisers, like Boehner himself, who will actually have to make the difficult deals that keep the House relevant.


    Dems couldn’t get their agenda passed because they were a bunch of candyasses. Repubs won’t be able to get an agenda passed because they can’t agree WTF that is…and they’ll be busy calling each other RINOs.  

  7. I doubt AARP will post this expert opinion as they march their members to rationing.

    Cutting medicare by $500 billion with a 30% increase in dependants. Talk about kicking the can down the road … on lordy

  8. I remember when 25 logged in users meant this site was jumping. Now that’s the number you see if you log in at 1 am.

    I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen this many users logged in. I know it was busy during the HCR vote, but I can’t remember how high it got. Anyone remember? (Anyone care? 🙂

  9. It causes people to violate even their most solemn vows:

    “Tancredo was a leader of the term limits movement and has pledged to stick to the three terms that Colorado voters tried to impose on congressional representatives in 1994,” the Rocky Mountain News wrote in endorsing Tancredo (“Tancredo in the Sixth,” Rocky Mountain News, Oct. 17, 1998). Several years later, in a 2001 interview with the Rocky Mountain News, Tancredo again swore to keep his promise to the voters: “For me, the issue of giving one’s word and promising to do something like this is more important than the rest of it… The overriding motivation for me today to adhere to the term limits pledge is that I made a pledge… I took the pledge. I will live up to the pledge. That’s it. That’s the overriding issue.”

    In 2002 the Rocky Mountain News attacked Tancredo’s lack of “credibility and integrity of political leadership… Tom Tancredo had every right to change his mind about term limits, but he had no business breaking a solemn pledge. He should be booted out of office.”

    Paul Jacob, Senior Fellow at U.S. Term Limits, the national organization that had worked so closely with Tancredo to pass Colorado’s term limits laws, has said: “Voters can count on one thing: They’ll never be able to count on Tom Tancredo.”

    Joanna Conti, a moderate former Republican who became so disgusted with Tancredo that she ran against him in 2004 as a Democrat, stated: “Tom Tancredo’s website claims that he offers ‘principled conservative leadership.’ I would assume that with his acceptance of the nomination, breaking his term limit pledge, he will remove the reference to ‘principled’ from his materials.”

    Even Tancredo’s buddy at the Independence Institute, ultra-conservative Jon Caldara, criticized Tancredo as being dishonorable for running for a fourth term, declaring in 2004 that Tancredo should have stepped down and supported someone else who shared his values for the position.

    And now he lusts to be Governor…

  10. “Now how many people in their heart of hearts in (the American Islamic Community) want to see the demise of this country? How many would cheer, not out loud maybe, but in their hearts when things like 9/11 occur? I’ll tell you; it’s a majority.”  

  11. Tancredo pandered to racists by attending a rally in South Carolina in 2006, speaking from a Confederate-flag-bedecked podium to an audience that included people in Confederate uniforms and “redshirts” from a local white-supremacist group, and even – he admits this! – joining his audience in singing “Dixie”! No wonder racist groups like American Vanguard and Stormfront absolutely loved him during the 2008 primaries.

  12. In 2002, Tancredo’s “chicken hawk” attitude on national defense sickened and disgusted fellow Republicans like Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman, a decorated Vietnam and Gulf War veteran who refused to share the stage with Tancredo at a pro-Iraq-war rally – since Tancredo avoided service in Vietnam by getting a medical deferment for mental health reasons.

    Despite not having served in the military, Tancredo likes nothing more than running around with a U.S.S. Ronald Reagan “gimme cap” on his head: a reminder of his Congressional tour of the warship.

    He even had the unmitigated gall to put out statements disparaging the personal courage of one of his opponents in a Congressional race: decorated Marine and Navy veteran Bill Winter.

  13. We have Rand Paul supporters stomping on poor ladies heads, and BUCKpedaller claiming there shouldn’t be a separation of church and state….you get the idea, and then we have Rep. Salazar, who, when blocked from his next meeting by a truck in the ditch during a recent snowstorm, does what any good neighbor and rancher would do:

      1. Not on that icy surface.  He may have working as a “guide” for the back end of the trailer as the truck backed itself out, but that rig comes in at least 10x curb weight.  It’s a physical impossibility.

        1. the guy, by yanking the trailer – the guy powered his tractor out of it’s own predicament.

          The difference is I was being sarcastic – and on ice, as in the water, the smaller guy with traction (propulsion) can and does move the big guy.

          1. by “guide” (sorry towing term) on the trailer.  But after a certain difference in weight, all the traction in the world won’t help.  And I know from extensive experience, ice will negate a positive weight equation very quickly.

    1. To blockquote, you just write the following:

      <blockquote>Buck supporters are pissed that out-of-state Republicans stomped on a woman’s head first.


      and you get

      Buck supporters are pissed that out-of-state Republicans stomped on a woman’s head first.

      Now embedding video is harder, but fortunately most sites try to make it really easy. Go to your favorite YouTube video. Under the video, on the right side, you’ll see a little box that says “embed.” Click in that box and you’ll see a giant mess of HTML symbols. Just select it all, copy it, and then paste it into your comment. If you did it correctly, you’ll see a screencap of the video when you click Preview.

        1. The only difficulty is that some sites’ embedded video codes (e.g., Comedy Central) include a bunch of Javascript commands that are disallowed here. You can edit them by hand, but it’s a pain.  

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