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July 08, 2020 11:42 AM UTC

Hickenlooper or Gardner?

  • by: Colorado Pols
Sen. Cory Gardner and John Hickenlooper

We regularly offer up completely non-scientific polls here on Colorado Pols, and our wise readers are often pretty accurate in their estimations. Don’t believe us? Check out the results of last week’s poll on the predicted outcome of the Democratic Senate Primary.

Now that the 2020 Primary Election is in the books, it’s time to look ahead to November. Who is going to win Colorado’s marquee race? Senator Cory Gardner or former Governor John Hickenlooper?

As always, we want to know what you think will happen here — not what you want to happen or who you personally might support. If you had to place a bet — right now — on one of the following options, what would you select?

Click after the jump to cast your vote…

What Will be the Outcome of the U.S. Senate Race in Colorado?


19 thoughts on “Hickenlooper or Gardner?

  1. I picked Hick winning by between 3 and 5% because by the time this is over, we are going hear nothing but what a corrupt pol he is courtesy of Suzanne Steiert and Frank McNulty.

    But Hick still wins because even if he were to be seen in broad daylight accepting suitcases full of cash in the middle of Fifth Avenue, enough of us will still vote for him.

    Remember, Thurston only won by about 6% running against the Unicorn.

    1. I still maintain that there is a need to investigate the Independent Ethics Commission. Commissioner Debra Johnson seems to have a serious conflict of interest involving Ms. Staiert (sp.?). 

        1. You know where that will go…..

          Staiert will start flailing her hands in the air while screaming, "Fake News," "Hoax," and "Witch Hunt" to discredit any such investigation.

          We've seen this movie before.

          1. Still.  Let her get defensive and do that.  It won't help our second favorite US Senator from Colorado.   It also won't help her out in her run for State Senate.

  2. What would happen in case of an exact tie, and I know there would have to be a recount? It's 2020 and I've learned not to rule anything out.

    1. An interesting question … and apparently, our legislature wanted to provide for that unusual event.

      C.R.S. 1-11-101

      (2)  If at any general or congressional vacancy election, after all recounts have been completed, any two or more persons tie for the highest number of votes for presidential electors, for United States senator, for representative in congress, for regent of the university of Colorado, for member of the state board of education, for state senator or state representative, or for district attorney, the secretary of state shall proceed to determine by lot which of the candidates shall be declared elected. Reasonable notice shall be given to the candidates of the time when the election will be determined.

      [It doesn't specify what happens to the loser … perhaps there is a "deep state" document called The Lottery which explains what happens.]

  3. Meh . . .

    . . . but, yes, I’m voting for Hickenlooper against Gardner.

    Hick Not-Gardner in a squeaker . . .

    (. . . unless Alva starts posting up some scowly-faced weasel pictures, for the landslide.)

      1. Cory Gardner … wonder if he'll say anything about the *resident and his minions overriding medical advice.  You know, that whole thing about "if something is wrong, I'll say so" line. 

        As the Washington Post commented today:

        Trump is making it harder and harder to escape blame on the coronavirus

        On Wednesday, it was Trump saying he would urge the CDC to scale back its “very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools.”

        Trump tweeted that “they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!”

        On the latter account, health officials appear to have acceded.

        At events over the past two days, both CDC Director Robert Redfield and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar have played down — if not disowned — the CDC’s guidelines when it comes to reopening schools. Redfield said Wednesday that the guidelines were not intended as a “rationale to keep schools closed.” Azar said Tuesday that schools should not “hide behind” the guidelines as a means to stay closed.

        And now, Vice President Pence has said the CDC will issue new guidelines that will provide “more clarity.” In doing so, Pence explicitly cited Trump’s contention that the guidelines were too tough.

  4. Gardner is complicit in everything the Orange King does. 

    If I make a decision, while in a position of authority and responsibility, knowing that decision will lead to the death of another, is that not negligent? Is that not homicide…by definition?

    I watched a nurse who is struggling to survive, try to talk about her daughter who died a few days ago…and her husband who is suffering in the same hospital. 

    My anger, my outrage, my frustration at the plight of so many, at the hands of and the for the profit of so few, grows harder and harder to manage. Hurry, November.

    1. Such broad layers of incompetence does make me reconsider opposition to the idea of a "vote of no confidence." 

      If impeachment is designed to protect us against "high crimes and misdemeanors," can we get an amendment to allow for a vote to protect us from high confusions and incompetence?  A snap election of the populace, set in motion by a majority vote of either both chambers of Congress or a majority of Governors, to

       * have the populace vote up or down on the current President.  If removed, the Vice President steps up.


       * vote between two members of the same party to become the new Vice President until the next general election 

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