“That’s what his administration is. No more than graffiti on the walls of American history. We have a juvenile delinquent for a president who has ruined so much public and private property, not even his gang is making much of an effort here to protect him.”
–Rush Limbaugh, Monday
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BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Weekend Open Thread
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: Duke Cox
IN: Dems Save The Day, Government To Stay Open
BY: Gilpin Guy
IN: Weld County Gerrymandering Case Pushes The Boundaries Of Home Rule
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: notaskinnycook
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: bullshit!
IN: Friday Jams Fest
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Friday Open Thread
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Citizens picked to draw political boundaries
The private sector will provide…
So the company – which might not be an insurance company?? – ends their stop gap coverage leaving policyholders holding the bag. I hope the state insurance commissioner figures out which part of the law this bunch violated. If you’re an insurance company you provide the assets for coverage of claims. If you’re not, then you’re what, a ponzi scheme or a Wall Street banker?
Do you know how many economists it takes to change a light bulb?
None. If light were needed the market would have already provided it.
loving and conciliatory comments about the Prez now. I am so happy he has joined the new wave of bi-partisanship. :p
They had scheduled a press conference at that time – to complain that Obama wouldn’t talk with them.
Democrats need to (and sound like they’re going to) take their lame duck session and use it like they should have used their past two years in office – to stop cowering in fear of the Republican Talking Point and start passing the best legislation they can pass.
I really want to see Republicans voting against a permanent lower- and middle-class tax cut extension, no upper-class extension attached. I don’t care if it’s not a bipartisan solution; Democrats need to start playing hardball and stop throwing soft pitches to the Republicans. Republicans won’t play nice next year even if we play nice now, so best to get the good stuff passed while we still can.
than to sit down with him in front of reporters. He schools them every time.
They can’t win in a battle of wits like that.
Senate passes bill to shut down any website that has copyright violations. Yes it’s incredible over-reach but the Senate’s corporate masters want it. And what they want, they get…
This bill gives the Justice Dept the authority to seek a court order to shut down websites offering counterfeit or pirated media for sale.
How is that a bad thing?
Is it a software ‘bot set up by the RIAA that scans every website for the instance of “Usher” and “.mp3” and then automatically sends out a email telling the DoJ to shut it down?
In that case the RIAA stepped on it’s dick and sent a cease-and-desist to Penn State that has a Prof with the last name of Usher, and he’s uploaded all of his lectures in MP3 format:
If they don’t build in a process that prevents this sort of stupidity, then I’m against it.
’cause next time, the Justice lawyer is going to cast a rather jaundiced eye on their crap.
This is an invitation to shut down sites like YouTube because stuff is uploaded and yes they take it down as soon as they get a notice (without even verifying). But Hollywood would love to see YouTube and similar sites permanently turned off.
Or what’s to stop the Denver Post from claiming Pols is not following fair use and it needs to be turned off?
The DMCA already covers private take-down notices that don’t require either DOJ review or a court order. Falsely swearing a DMCA claim may be pursued as criminal perjury, or as a civil claim for damages and/or an injunction preventing the false claimant from filing future DMCA notices. That hasn’t stopped the RIAA or MPAA, though – they figure the cost of the few false claims coming back to bite them in the arse is just part of their battle for ultimate control.
This bill, on the other hand, is a DOJ measure; it is aimed more toward large-scale abusers such as organizations that don’t respond to DMCA notices. And since the DOJ has to go before a judge, they have to have reasonable proof (in theory) that their claim is accurate – and again, falsely swearing to the judge is cause for criminal perjury, which in the case of DOJ lawyers might amount to being disbarred.
(Of course, the other thing that this bill might do is allow the DOJ to go after Wikileaks, though my guess is the entertainment industry is the major pusher of the bill.)
Democrats To Hold Votes On Letting Bush Tax Cuts Expire For Wealthy
Here’s hoping both sides refuse to back down and all of the cuts expire – that would actually be best for the country.
The APF has launched it’s new campaign – Terry Lakin Action Week – to persuade members of Congress to get involved in establishing a new concept, that military officers may refuse duty at their whim.
With Congress back for the “lame duck” session we are urging Terry’s advocates to make calls to Capitol Hill- and to newly elected Members of Congress- during the week of Nov 15-19 to urge them to speak up for LTC Lakin and to provide feedback on the response to those calls. Remember that the U.S. Congress works for you- and that Members have a certain obligation to respond to constituent inquiries- but please be polite and respectful in advancing your point of view.
This is a reminder that LTC Lakin has not yet made some statement refuting his belief about the President’s eligibility or the birther movement. That would not be completely expected at this point and I would anticipate his counsel have told him not to make any more public statements.
Were LTC Lakin to have remained with his former defense counsel, the TLAW, would seem to be another aggravating step in his contumacy. However, he did change lawyers, not soon enough, but because of that I’m not certain the current efforts of APF should be attributed to LTC Lakin. Rather, this shows how the APF and others have taken advantage of him. The birthers still don’t understand the military justice process. They keep to the talking point that if only the president would release his birth certificate it would be all over. Maybe, but it was and is too late for LTC Lakin. He’s in a lose lose situation. If the president’s eligibility were proved, LTC Lakin’s lost; but so too if the president wasn’t eligible.
Right now the prosecution has a standard prosecution case that should be fairly straight forward to make and prove. So long as they continue to take the KIS approach to the case all should go well, LTC Lakin will be convicted and there will be a sentence. That is unless the defense can use what little leverage they have to negotiate a PTA. Remember, a plea of guilty is a first sign and a first step toward rehabilitation.
This is, of course, an invitation to chaos. For all those in private industry, how would you like it if your employees could arbitrarily say, “No, I don’t feel like it” without fear of losing their jobs?
Compound that with what this would do to the chain of command, and you could end up with several hundred thousand “armies of one” who do not feel accountable to anybody. Shudder.
“The brig is over there, we’ll even give you a ride for free. And, oh, dishonorable discharge.”
You scooped me, SSG_Dan….this is one crusade that talk radio has been promoting since the election. Before you dismiss the power of hate radio, please note:
1) They shut down the bipartisan immigration bill a few years ago.
2) They created the Teri Schivado controversy with their calls….and brought the president back from Texas to sign the bill…
3) They elected Brown in MA…signaling the start of the Republican wave.
I think that the situation is far more sinister than it appears.
Obama has released a birth certificate from Hawaii…it is the exact same format which every state uses to issue a copy of the birth certificate. This soldier is saying that he will not accept the certificate as legitimate. He presents no proof of fraud. RAther demands that the president prove he is not guilty.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, Obama presented his passport as proof of eligibilty to the Electoral College and it was accepted. This soldier is refusing to honor the laws of this country.
The real question is: Is this soldier fronting for foreign interests? Is it a pawn? Is it being blackmailed?
I say throw his sorry ass in jail, but not until he has been thoroughly discredited and we have the full story behind his supporters.
These bunch of freaks run the SafeguardOurConsitution.com website, and are currently trying to whip up the Militia-friendly right wing into thinking that LTC Lakin’s unlawful refusal to follow orders is some sort of holy crusade.
That’s why I linked to a site that’s a Military Justice-smart website, and I can add another on just to make Beej happy:
The Lakinistas are trying everything they can to make this some sort of Constitutional issue, but the Article 32 judge has already moved past it.
The good LTC will be Court Martialed on Dec 14th, unless the defense somehow cons the Prosecutor into some sort of Pre-trial plea. Considering how much they’ve pissed off both the Judge and JAG Prosecutor, I’m pretty sure they’ll ignore anything sort of prison time reduction in rank and dismissal.
The dif in this trial will be that under the rules of MIlitary Justice, there will be no Perry Mason shit. Only those things ruled on in the Article 32 hearing will be brought up, which means NONE of this birther shit will be heard.
Enlisted military juries can be lenient, but ones made up of officers tend to be brutal. Esp in the case of this Blue Falcon, who made sure someone else went to AFPAK while he tried this shit in front of a military judge.
Why did it have to be brought to the floor under a suspension of rules? What exactly was going on here?
Suspension bill can’t be amended and they aren’t subject to motions to recommit. Basically, it was the only way to get a completely clean vote on the issue…and show that there is overwhelming support for extending UI…
By SXP yesterday. See his reply to my comment of similar exhausted befuddlement: http://www.coloradopols.com/sh…
Almost sorry I asked, the answer is so depressing.
Is there any inkling the Dems will grow a pair and use these maneuvers to mess up the R agenda come next year? They already control the Senate by virtue of demanding 60 votes to pass anything.
repubs actually know how to tell their members to vote No on motions to recommit. If the majority stays solid, nothing will get sent back to committee to die regardless of what the minority does.
If they don’t, along with very quickly figuring a bunch of other stuff out that I won’t go into again right now, will it really matter whether we get them elected or not? I mean if they are just going to cry about being impotent whether in the majority or the minority while the Rs find ways to rule with gusto in either position, maybe we can all find more fun things to do during election seasons.
Sadly, I can already hear Rs crying for small d up or down votes in the Senate when Ds filibuster(that was what they always did when Ds were in the minority) and I can already see Ds caving because they don’t want to be accused of being against the people.
In the House, If Ds try to pull the kind of tricks sxp has enlightened us about, righties will be in overdrive making sure the public knows all about the D’s anti-democratic dirty obstructionist tricks.
What on earth will it take for Dem pols to figure this out?
BC says: “I mean if they are just going to cry about being impotent whether in the majority or the minority while the Rs find ways to rule with gusto in either position, maybe we can all find more fun things to do during election seasons.”
This really is a core issue of leadership. What do we need to do, within the Party, to get strong Dem leaders in place in government? I intend to remind elected Dems – repeatedly – that they’re not in office to warm a chair, and enjoy the status of their positions.
And good riddance!
…”Do you Support the Obama Agenda? Do You? Do You?” over and over again, chasing a congressman and trying to provoke something.
Let me run up to you on the street with a video camera, shove it in your face and hoot something about “Do you support Karl Rove’s Agenda?” I think you’d do something pretty similar.
Funny how this video was posted within HOURS on Breitbart’s website. And immediately re-posted by all the other conservative websites that pick up his shit.
BTW, how did you feel about former Senator Al Simpsons’ reaction to the same thing? Was it ok because that student was “a punk” and “deserved it?”
That asked him a question. And you mean to tell me that there aren’t 10,000 little whiny-ass lib college kids running around with iPhones, following R’s?
Fuck this guy. You don’t get to touch someone that asks you a question. He should have kept walking if he wanted to hide his embarrassment for his SUPPORT OF THE OBAMA AGENDA!!!
Have a great T-Day – looking forward to the secret beer….
….and I’m wondering if there’s any chance you’ll be there.
You can wear my stakes in our bet I’m going to win…send me an email!
We can probably come up with ten videos that make Rs and tea baggers look like jerks for every one you can come up with. Although your poor victim looks like a jerk, too. The fact that your side devotes so much energy to finding these things speaks for itself. Anything to distract from you sorry agenda.
A blogger, after having previously demonstrated a firm grasp of grammar and spelling, need not make corrections for small errors of such. Intelligence and proficiency are assumed. This does not apply to bloggers who overuse boldface or faulty logic in every post; see rule 232:7.
Have a good weekend, BC.
My favorite, if often aggravating, rightie. You have a great weekend, too. I’m only aggravated because I think you’re too smart to fall for a lot of the rightie stuff you accept.
And the one before. And the one before. Now I feel obligated to say that yeah, it’s not OK to shove someone because they’re being kind of douchey.
Next time he should walk away faster or hail a taxi.
h/t High Country News…and look! I got rid of that annoying double blockquote section. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
a mountain newspaper not-to-be-named reported the following in early October:
Hmmm, think I’ll go take a picture around Dec 1st.
I know that Govenlooper-Elect Hickenlooper likes to mention – even to a Summit County crowd – how much Denver Water users have done to conserve water, but I think we’re still in trouble in the West.
… somewhere else. Or:
the wonderful Aldo Leopold. Aldo is a favorite son of WI and the ecologist, forester, and environmentalist best known for A Sand County Almanac. He was also a professor of Game Management in the Agricultural Economics Department at the University of Wisconsin, I’ve spent many hours reading his writings while sitting in the woods as a young man.
I would suggest the two most likely possibilities are either a crack in the bathtub, or invisible aliens sucking it up for their steam UFO’s.