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December 09, 2010 12:38 AM UTC

Polis Defends Obama Tax Cut Compromise

  • by: Colorado Pols

THURSDAY UPDATE: Based on Rep. Polis’ vote today against the compromise, this report, which relies on the account of a prominent national blogger, is curious.


The Colorado Independent’s John Tomasic reports:

Progressive watchdog blogger Jane Hamsher reports that Colorado Congressman Jared Polis argued passionately at a Democratic Congressional caucus meeting Tuesday in favor of the White House deal with GOP leaders to temporarily extend Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans in exchange for an extension of middle class tax breaks as well as some but not all unemployment insurance benefits.

Yet Congressional staffers told the Colorado Independent that Polis, like many other members of the caucus, has not made up his mind on the deal and won’t do so until the legislation appears in writing for genuine consideration.

Because Polis is a multi-millionaire and will benefit to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars directly from the deal as so far presented, he has been the target of ire. Hamsher specifically asked readers to contact him and ask him why he’s willing to sell out the so-called 99ers, the unemployed whose benefits will run out at the end of December and for whom the deal does nothing…

Polis, however, has campaigned on and supported over the course of years the middle class tax cuts. He is no champion of the Bush tax cuts on millionaires.

Rep. Jared Polis’ support for the tax cut compromise, if accurately retold by liberal blogger Jane Hamsher, puts him at odds with fellow Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette, who joined Sen. Mark Udall yesterday denouncing the proposed deal. And let’s be honest: after watching Polis join with Republicans to attack the health care reform bill over taxes on the wealthy, you can’t claim to really be surprised by this, whether you agree with him or not.


28 thoughts on “Polis Defends Obama Tax Cut Compromise

  1. Obama grew up in Hawaii and that culture has clearly had a large influence on him. One major thing about Hawaii’s culture is that you are supposed to always get along. You rarely see contentious disagreements there, not in politics, not in business, not even between schools.

    I think part of what we’re seeing is that Obama is subconsciously pushing only so far past his level of discomfort. And that level of discomfort comes very early on.

      1. Not “compromise” where the rich & large corporations get most everything they want and the other side gets a couple of small things.

        I don’t think Obama knows how to negotiate at this level. Doing so well is really rough and takes someone who can be a complete son of a bitch – like LBJ or Truman.

        1. Everyone knew that Obama was cool, calm and reasoned.  That is one of the reasons that he was elected during the financial crises.

          Being like LBJ or Truman is not in his nature.  You expect him to be phony?  That is not in him either.

          The problem here is that the House and Senate neglected their jobs and just kept pushing the tax bill a few feet at a time until they were virtually out of time.  So, they can complain all they want that they don’t like the deal but it was really their job to take care of this months ago!  I don’t know what they think that their job is these days.  They want to wait until time runs out and the Administration picks up the ball for them, then they start yelling about how they don’t agree with the administration!  Well, then, get the hell your butt in gear and do your job!

    1. In fact, in “Dreams from My Father,” he opens the narrative by talking about how deeply influential Indonesia was on his developing mind. If anything, I think seeing that sort of poverty firsthand (while living a fairly privileged life for most of his time there) influenced his decision on this deal. He hates to do nothing in the hopes the other side will bend if it means sitting there knowing people are unable to feed their families while he postures.

  2. In your breathless urge to copy and paste what supports your ongoing dislike of Polis, you left out the very next paragraph in the Independent’s article:

    Polis, however, has campaigned on and supported over the course of years the middle class tax cuts. He is no champion of the Bush tax cuts on millionaires.

    1. Don’t know about anyone else’s opinion but I’ve heard enough from Polis to form an opinion independent of one copy and paste.  Never was a fan but he’s not my Rep. so if his constituents like him, fine by me.  

      1. You have drawn your own conclusions and that’s totally your call. But folks that don’t know much about Polis and read this diary and believe Hamsher’s conclusions have a right to know the whole story and I’m not seeing that here or at Fire Dog Lake. Then again, I rarely read FDL because I rarely see the truth there.  

            1. Labeled “join with Republicans,” Middle. It can’t be defended, and however he voted he still spent critical months as part of the problem with health care reform.

              A lot of people like Jared, and I agree his final vote is generally ok, but his out-loud introspection is a big problem.

        1. Agree the diary commits deception by omission and that hurts credibility.  I also don’t grant much credibility to Fire Dog Lake and stopped listening to Randi Rhodes early on because of credibility issues raised by her incomplete or flat wrong presentations. Also the obnoxious intro song. So, not a fan of Polis but big fan of fact checking and giving complete, in context picture of what people have actually said and done.  

          That’s why I’m a big Rachel Maddow fan. She runs the most consistently accurate fact checking operation and presents the most complete, in context pictures, most often with documentation appearing on screen, of any talking head anywhere on the political spectrum.  

      1. Yes, there’s another paragraph in between the one you decided to leave out. Thanks for pointing that out. And thanks for now including it.

  3. To truly “benefit to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars directly from the deal,” Polis would have to have a taxable income of at least $4M.  

    While he had great wealth, I doubt his federal taxable income is this high while working as a congressman especially considering his extensive deductible charitable donations.

    1. The deal as it’s currently written caps capital gains taxes at 15%. Polis could stand to personally benefit greatly from that aspect of this legislation.

    1. But I’ve never known Rep. Polis as someone who just shuts up. Usually he’ll tell you what’s on his mind whether it’s the smart political move or not.

      On the other hand, when the President is in need of people to rally support for his plan, it’s looking like leaders are going to be hard to come by within his own party. Obama probably appreciates it despite the poor optics.

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