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September 17, 2020 03:13 PM UTC

Recall Polis 2020: Few Signs Of Life

  • by: Colorado Pols

The first bonafide photograph of a place where Colorado voters can sign a petition to recall Gov. Jared Polis–not requiring a time machine back to 2019, mind you, the 2020 Recall Polis campaign–was sent to us today from a street corner in Loveland:

That’s the only hard proof we’ve seen of any actual organizing for this latest effort, and the clock is ticking–every day these very fine people don’t collect at least 10,500 signatures (that’s 631,266 divided by 60 days), they’re falling behind the mark. We assume if there were thousands of people lining up in Loveland to sign the petition, they’d send a photo of that instead. And that’s not the worst part: a look at the Recall Polis 2020 “Find a Signing Location” page this afternoon contains a whole lot of nothing in terms of information for such populated places as Jefferson County:

Or Denver:

The good news is, you can sign at the Otero County GOP office, conveniently located 180 miles from Denver:

We just looked through the entire “directory” of signing locations, and the only two listings in the entire state direct potential recall petition signers to the La Junta GOP office and a “Save the Republic” rally Saturday in Colorado Springs. If this campaign was serious, they would have been ready with signing locations across the state to follow up the press they received this week that their petition was approved for circulation–thus capitalizing on the less critical media attention these campaigns enjoy at the outset.

But much like the last Recall Polis campaign, we’re making a mistake if we’re presuming this is a serious effort. Any thinking Republican, of course, has no time to waste organizing a futile recall during the height of election season, when every available hand and resource needs to be focused on saving Republican candidates from another impending Democratic wave. If you’re working on this recall instead of helping Republicans who are on the ballot in November, you might as well be helping Democrats.

We’re pretty sure that doesn’t matter to them. So enjoy the distraction while it lasts.


11 thoughts on “Recall Polis 2020: Few Signs Of Life

  1. What if we just want to send money?

    Do we have to go all the way to Otero County just make contributions? Is there a limit to how much we can donate?


  2. I believe the Cow Palace would be Lamar, and I know it well. I haven't had the pleasure of staying in La Junta, but I recall a pretty decent diner on the main strip downtown!

  3. CNN type article. Reporting personal opinions instead of facts. Total BS. This recall will teach a lesson to any politician. No matter what the party is.
    Also this campaign does not have a website, it does not accept donations. Signing sites are not being announced. The website is not legit.
    May be you people should do your homework, that is at least some research

    1. Alyssa, what “lesson” do you think that politicians will learn from these failed recall attempts? 

      You wrote

      Also this campaign does not have a website, it does not accept donations. Signing sites are not being announced. The website is not legit.

      Congratulations- you are in 100% agreement with Coloradopols. One more thing- even though they’re not getting signatures nor donations and have zero chance of even annoying, much less recalling, Jared Polis, their efforts will have one major effect. The Neville family will raise lots of money from it. 

      Patrick and Tim Neville, via Reardon Strategic, Values First Colorado, and other front groups, will still be raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars based on this effort. The grift is the point. Y’all are just sheep led to the slaughter.

      That’s the lesson. You’re welcome.

      1. The last paragraph could be considered as “personal opinion.” However, it is also fact based. I’m not sure what sort of “homework” “Alyssa” would want.

        And what is a “CNN type article?” For a person who never watches CNN, please provide enlightenment. Is a “CNN type article” the same as a Fox article? Or MSNBC?

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