U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

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September 25, 2020 06:35 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I’ve come to learn there is a virtuous cycle to transparency and a very vicious cycle of obfuscation.”

–Jeff Weiner


27 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

  1. Gardner getting some additional notice — from Business Insider.

    But Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) was reluctant to call for accountability, including when it came to a Colorado-based plant Gardner received donations from, Business Insider reports. …

    Throughout his Senate career, Gardner has been one of the top recipients of donations from JBS; He has received $24,000 from the company over the years. This election cycle, he received the second most money from JBS of any senator, as well as the second largest contribution total from the meatpacking industry as a whole

      1. Indeed. 

        I am hoping the MSM (AKA Enemy of the People) will remember how much they helped him get elected with all the free media they gave him…and stop doing that.

        There is much to cover besides the Orange King. Other than a healthy investigative presence, stop covering his rallies and dog and pony shows…and his allies.

        BTW. We did not see anyone from Trumpco, Inc. at the ceremony in the rotunda. 

        1. 1. limited space due to COVID-19 spacing considerations.

          2. Planning for the ceremony done under the supervision of Nancy Pelosi's office.

          3. The Senate side has to consider how to proceed:

          The funding measure, known as a continuing resolution, is being shopped around to all Senate offices, senators and aides said, in hopes they can get unanimous consent to pass it as early as Thursday. That would mean they could avoid procedural hurdles that would otherwise force them to return to the Capitol next Wednesday, after the Jewish holiday, to approve the bill on the final day of the fiscal year.

          Trying to get unanimous consent on ANYTHING among Republicans is no doubt heavy lifting. 

          1. "Trying to get unanimous consent on ANYTHING among Republicans is no doubt heavy lifting."

            Well, they do have those two, huge floating turds in the punch bowl, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

        2. You say that like it's a bad thing, Duke. The ceremony was to pay respects to the Justice, Neither he nor any of his people have respect for anyone who doesn't think (I use that word loosely) exactly as they do.

  2. And here’s another Happy Friday Minute of Sweet Schadenfreude: 

    $rump getting booed while “paying his respects” to Justice Ginsburg. The crowd is booing, yelling, “Vote him out!” And “Honor her wish!”( her last request was to allow the next President to replace her on the court. )


  3. Tune: Waylon Jennings, “Good Hearted Woman.”


    He’s a vile-hearted Fascist spreading hate through this land.

    He stole his first election, he wants the rest of them banned.

    He sold out our country and kissed Putin on his foul rump.

    This vile-hearted fascist that we know as the Donald Trump.


    He packed our courts with stooges who promised to do his will.

    He took away our health care because he’s Big Pharma’s Big Shill.

    He wrecked the Post Office to make sure that his fascism stays.

    This vile-hearted fascist who we’ll vote out in 39 days.



  4. For those who think it's virtually impossible for a police officer to get arrested – and for everyone else as well – I give you this piece of shit. Nazi-lookin' dudebro shot himself in the leg (presumably unintentionally, but who can say with Nazi-lookin' clowns like this) and claimed he was "ambushed." He's in custody, charged with criminal mischief and malfeasance in office.

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