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December 10, 2020 01:56 PM UTC

Buck, Lamborn Join Dumbass Texas Lawsuit

  • by: Colorado Pols
Rep. Ken Buck (top) and Rep. Doug Lamborn

We wrote earlier about the ludicrous lawsuit out of Texas seeking to invalidate election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin so that Democrat Joe Biden could somehow be un-elected as President. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed the dubious lawsuit on Tuesday, and President Trump officially joined on Wednesday. Six other Republicans Attorneys General joined the suit on Thursday.

As Steve Vladeck, a CNN Supreme Court analyst and University of Texas Law School professor explained for CNN: “In a nutshell the President is asking the Supreme Court to exercise its rarest form of jurisdiction to effectively overturn the entire presidential election.”

As Vox.com explains:

But the problem Paxton faces is the same one that has dogged all the legal challenges filed so far by Trump allies: There’s simply no evidence of significant irregularities. Elections officials in dozens of states spanning the red-to-blue spectrum have found no evidence of significant voter fraud marring the results. And they’ve looked.

Election law experts say that the Texas lawsuit has virtually no chance of succeeding, but that didn’t stop two Colorado Congressmen from joining the (lost) cause. Both Rep. Ken Buck (R-Greeley) and Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado Springs) added their names to an Amicus brief:


Look, Rep. Lamborn is not the sharpest tool in the shed, so seeing his name appear on an idiotic lawsuit is not terribly surprising. But Buck is a freakin’ lawyer who was the District Attorney in Weld County for 10 years prior to being elected to Congress. Buck SHOULD know that this is legal horse manure. Frankly, it says a lot about Buck that he probably does know that this lawsuit is nonsense but he agreed to add his name to it anyway.

Buck has shown recently that he’s happy to parrot any suggestion of election impropriety, and he is apparently more than willing to break election laws himself despite serving as the State Republican Party Chairman. The next time Buck tries to tell you about how he is “draining the swamp” in Washington D.C., you can stop him right here.


9 thoughts on “Buck, Lamborn Join Dumbass Texas Lawsuit

  1. At least, Colorado joined 22 other states in filing amici curie for the defendants and against the plaintiffs in this ridiculous KKKabuki theater lawsuit. H/t Genghis for posting the docket.

    All of the GOP AGs that are signed onto the Koup  Klutz Klan suit are also members of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA). 

    RAGA’s mission goes well beyond just electing Republican AGs, although our own Cynthia Coffman got $2.6 M from RAGA in her own run for state AG in 2014. RAGA also donated to George Brauchler for $5.1 Million in 2018. RAGA appears to act primarily as a dark money PAC to launder GOP donations. 

    RAGA’s declared mission is to 

    defend federalism, adhere to the law, and apply a commonsense, free market approach to governing

    Which is ironic, since this lawsuit is the antithesis of “Federalism”. 

    However, the current chair of RAGA, as well as the Democratic counterpart (DAGA) have pushed back on this lawsuit. 

  2. Trumpist identity signaling, sort of like going maskless in order to show loyalty to the death cut.

    It may be stupid, but it does give us a list of who the anti-constitutionalists are, as well as which Republicans are still legitimate. There may be some penalties that they pay beyond election time. 

    A lawyer can be disbarred for submitting a knowingly false affidavit or submitting a frivolous lawsuit. 

  3. Conspicuously absent from the list of shame is outgoing Rep Scott Tipton.  Kudos to him?  Hell no.  Just another example of cowardly Trumplicans who discover their spine when it doesn’t matter.

    Fuckin fascists.

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