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December 21, 2020 06:50 AM UTC

Monday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“When your voice contradicts reality and truth, the only way to create space for it is to discredit reality and truth.”

–John Yarmuth


27 thoughts on “Monday Open Thread

  1. In a month, the first FULL day of the Biden Administration, we should experience a clearing of the Trump miasma, leaving only wisps as a trail to find corruption hiding in the bureaucracy.

        1. It was Putin’s Russian hookers who provided the “P.” Stormy was the raw dog-ee (while Melania was preggers). . .

          . . . Facts still matter (somewhere?) (maybe?).

  2. This is gonna’ set a couple of tiny thumbs to smokin’ . . . 

    Barr Says He Sees No Need For Special Counsels For Hunter Biden, Voter Fraud

    . . . hope the Reichstag Fire Department is on their highest alert.

    Odds are Rosen probably won’t bite either . . .

    . . . So, can you say — AG Paxton? AG Miller? AG Hannity? AG Boebert? (get your combination online equivalency degree and open-carry permit* from The Jenna Ellis Law School at CCU, in just one evening . . .) — I’ll bet you can.

    * may not be recognized as legally valid in all locales.

    1. Barr is out on dec. 23.

      His deputy will become Acting AG … " Jeffrey A. Rosen will serve in an acting capacity for the final four weeks of the Trump administration. "

      Vanity Fair article says:

      It’s possible that Rosen will try to continue to fly under the radar when he takes over during the final weeks of Trump’s lame-duck session. But some prosecutors who have worked with him have suggested that Rosen could be even more of a yes-man to Trump than those who held the job before him. “I think he is more prone to agree with the White House and do what the White House counsel wants,” one prosecutor told NPR. “I think he’ll be more of a loyal trooper to the White House, where Barr is more his own man.”


  3. So, we have it on good authority that many top intelligence figures believe we have had a traitor in the White House these past four years.  

    Gregory F. Treverton, the former chairman of the National Intelligence Council, told The Post that Trump “behaves so much like a paid Russian agent. If you look at the string of his actions and pronouncement, the only consistent interpretation that you can logically draw is that he’s in their thrall.”

    Treverton joins a long line of intelligence and law enforcements veterans — including former FBI agent Peter Strzok, former director of national intelligence Daniel Coats and former CIA director Michael Hayden — who have concluded that Trump must have been compromised by the Kremlin. Such allegations haven’t been proved, but so much that Trump does lends credence to them.

    Trump is probably hoping to refinance his debt with Putin's help next year.

      1. I'll bet there are a lot of his minions both in and out of government madly shredding documents before Jan. 20th.  But some will always remain in a forgotten computer, phone or stack of papers somewhere. 

        His accountants probably have the smoking guns just a NY AG or Manhattan DA subpoena away.

  4. Proof of the adage: "The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." – P.J. O' Rourke

    Millions of Christmas presents may arrive late because of USPS package delays

    Competing crises are slamming the U.S. Postal Service just days before Christmas, imperiling the delivery of millions of packages, as the mail agency contends with spiking coronavirus cases among its workforce, unprecedented volumes of e-commerce orders and the continuing fallout from a hobbled cost-cutting program launched by the postmaster general.


    1. @Harry: a good friend of mine is a retired mid-level manager with the USPS. He got "an offer he couldn't refuse" and is working this month here in metro Denver. He told me today that mail volume this Xmas has been at record high levels, and still going strong today when things should be starting to slow.

      1. Yep, the USPS is getting slammed by packages they are delivering the last mile for UPS, FED-X et al.  Plus Covid is beating the hell out of their workforce.  But the sabotage from the Post Master is still the leading cause of this nightmare.

        I was in the local post office this week as a very irate lady was giving the clerk the what's what over her missing 2 day delivery package that was MIA.

    1. Actually, I saw a snippet today that says that isn't QUITE true.

      Morning Consult's update today:  "Thirty-five percent of U.S. adults say they are comfortable going out to eat, a share that hasn’t changed much since mid-November."  Republicans 48% ..  Democrats 26%.

    2. Wild guess: when Trump turns his hotel into his (faux) 2024 re-election campaign headquarters he's going to need every advantage the US taxpayer can extend the grifters to keep this schtick alive.  The last time I was at Mos Eisley Cantina Benjamins the martinis were $25 (that's if you used the house vodka; prices went up from there).  

    1. It’s Pat’s dog’s prerogative to change her mind . . .

      . . . maybe the first one was just another “alternative Truth”?

      . . . maybe Pat’s dog should stop getting her news from FOX?

      Whatever, it can not be a good sign when Pat Robertson starts thinking that you might be acting unhinged!

      1. I loved the responses, especially this one


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