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January 07, 2021 08:19 AM UTC

Trump Concedes

  • by: Colorado Pols

The Tweet from Dan Scavino went out at 1:40AM Mountain time:

AP reports via KDVR:

President Donald Trump for the first time acknowledged his defeat in the Nov. 3 election and announced there would be an “orderly transition on January 20th” after Congress concluded the electoral vote count early Thursday certifying President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Trump’s acknowledgement came after a day of chaos and destruction on Capitol Hill when his supporters stormed the Capitol, forced members into hiding and halted the formal congressional tally for more than six hours.

So ends the most severe test of our small-d democratic institutions in 160 years.

We passed, but not by enough.


45 thoughts on “Trump Concedes

        1. Four people died, numerous capitol police were seriously assaulted, as was our democracy, property was destroyed, but hey, party on Kimberly ! This is what I hate about these scumbaggy, empty headed excuses for human beings…

  1. I guess I don’t know what the word “concede” means? . . .

    . . . It’s apparently something different than I learned.

    Another pack of lies from the office of the Liar in Chief . . .

    . . . guess he wants his twitter account back?

    1. For our purposes, concede is synonymous with "acknowledged." And this statement acknowledges that Trump will not be President after January 20.

      Yes, five minutes after Trump's Twitter ban is lifted we'll probably have to update. We have chosen for now to believe the Trump staffer over Trump, which we concede/acknowledge based on experience is not without risk.

      1. Thanks, Alva.

        For my purposes, transition is probably being used as synonymous with “modification,” as in:

        “There will be an orderly modification on January 20th — from representative democracy to a beautiful Ttumpocracy.  It’s only another step in our fight to Make America Great Again.”

      2. Actually, my wife pointed out that he did not say what he thought we would be transitioning *to*. His "first term" statement might imply he still thinks we will be peacefully transitioning to his second term. This is still not good enough.

  2. it is not over by any means…there still is Qbert and buck to deal with…and the Colorado republican party is insane, and willing to harm our nation…they supported the insurrection yesterday…anyone who signed onto the "insurrection papers" need to resign…they have decided to disregard their oaths of office, and have become insurrectionist…

    1. Q’bert might be in a group dead-heat with some other of this year’s fascist freshmen in setting the world record for time to break a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
      A democracy can not tolerate the election of people who would overthrow the democracy. Such people can not be allowed to hold power if the democracy is to survive.

  3. The Democrats must break their pattern. They failed to prosecute after the Reagan/Bush regime, and the Bush/Cheney regime was worse and committed bigger crimes. The Democrats failed to prosecute these crimes, and the Trump/Pence regime was worse than the Bush/Cheney regime. Since this involved an open, armed coup attempt against the constitution, America can not afford the next “Smiling Trump” regime that goes still further. The Democrats must break their pattern of accommodation and appeasement and thoroughly investigate, prosecute and punish the crimes of the Trump/Pence regime, including Sedition, Insurrection and Incitement to Riot.

  4. So far, there is more of a reaction from private corporations running social media platforms than any part of the government.  Perhaps this time, we SHOULD be running government like a business.

    Among Trump enablers from the legal profession, there has been (barely) more of a reaction from law firms than from the courts or bar associations.  In extraordinary situations such as this (largest number of legal cases filed by a wide margin, a 1 and 62 record in those cases, and recorded statements of lies by several attorneys), much more needs to happen.

    Among Trump enablers from the Sad!-ministration, I've read of a few resignations on the principle of not staying on when their colleagues attack the institutions of government.  The First Lady's Chief of Staff; a Social Secretary from that office; an assistant Press Secretary; an envoy for Northern Ireland; and the Deputy national security adviser.  Scarcely an honor role.

      1. They are trying to bring the substandard working conditions and wages of the third world here. Phase I is exporting all the work and jobs so that the lives of 90% of Americans are worse by comparison and, in Phase II, they have been conditioned to accept anything.

        The people already in Phase II are the ones you saw in the Capitol yesterday.

        1. Spot on with that, kickshot.

          The cost of labor is fundamental to business success. "They" are the decision makers in board rooms everywhere who serve a corporation.

          Corporations, no matter how much they spend on their "corporate constitution" presentation booklet, make money for shareholders. It's what they do. It is all they do. Industry, unfettered, becomes ravenous for profit to the point of cruelty and neglect of its servant humans…workers and consumers alike.

          The "Free Market" crusaders from the Chicago School of Economics have been hard at work. Wealth is celebrated around the world. Workers everywhere are increasingly disenfranchised. Profit drives decision making.

          Some companies try to control the savage heart and cold appetite of the S corp. They will ever only have limited success. They will necessarily fall short…and BigMoney will call the shots. Without fail.


          1. Thanks, both. yes

            I've long pondered what the scene will be like when you game out the current system. When the upper echelons have completely deprived the working class of the means they need to survive where will they turn next in order to sustain themselves or the lifestyle they've achieved?


            It's like this old Quigman's cartoon that I love and live by:

  5. Impeachment is on the table: 

    1. Now if they can just dispense with the pomp and circumstance they might get it done.

      Hopefully Pence is also at work on gathering support for invoking the 25th.

      1. Belts and suspenders — impeachment, if successful would ensure he could never hold federal office again.  It is not limited to just his time in office.

          1. Agreed.  A25 takes effect immediately upon the votes of the VP and a majority of the Cabinet.  Trump would be removed and even if he contested it, the clock would run out on his term before his case would even be heard by Congress.

            Impeachment is the longterm innoculation against the threat of his running again.  Although at this point, I'm fairly sure he'll be too busy fending off civil and criminal charges, which could not only bankrupt him (again) but as a felon, also prohibit his running for office (I believe).

            1. Interesting point on impeachment.  Removal from office takes two-thirds vote of Senate.  But ban on holding any future office of trust can be done by a simple majority vote.

              With the new 50 -50 senate and Romney, we might get 51 votes.

              I still think it would be a mistake, since it would define Biden's first term and there are far better ways to spend that political capital.

                1. I agree with VG and Gertie. Biden should stay presidential and focus on his agenda.

                  But, never fear, there are people waiting for Trump beginning January 21: the NY State AG, the Manhattan DA, the government of Scotland, others. And who knows, after a reasonable amount of time, Putin may decide to tie up a “loose end,” assuming he still has some competent operatives (one of Navalny’s attackers was recently duped into saying how Navalny was poisoned).

              1. What are you talking about?!?!?!?

                Impeaching dump would increase Biden’s political capital and would be accomplished before the inauguration.

                Biden won the popular vote by a huge margin, partly (maybe mostly) because he was not trump.

                The only downside would be having to reprint all those tshirts and hats because Biden would be 47, not 46.

                  1. yes

                    But putting Rs on record for anything is like trying to capture a fart in a windstorm.

                    But keep a scorecard. Maybe they will be driven from office not for their stands but for their unending and infinite capacity for mendacity.

                    We can hope.

                    1. (it also forces Buckles to take a recorded vote in the event he's sniffing around for a statewide opportunity in '22). 

                    2. I don't disagree on that gertie – but it may make a difference to some moderate independents if he's on record for letting POTUS leave this scenario unscathed. 

              2. Impeachment conviction takes 2/3rds vote.  With conviction, there is an automatic out.  In addition, the Senate may act to ban future holding of and office of trust — but that option for sentencing is available only as an "add-on" to the initial vote.

                Unless McConnell makes an announcement that he's for it and will push for a trial, the Senate is in recess until start of business around noon on the 18th.  So, removal via impeachment and conviction is unlikely, at best.



      2. The likelihood of either is a long shot, paraphrasing Brian Williams to a guest last night — In what world do you imagine [either of these] options actually happening?

        But, impeachment is preferred — it keeps Ttump from being elected again, and therefore, running or campaigning (or pretending to).

  6. I disagree with your headline.

    Even in this statement Trump does not concede; he does not congratulate Biden; he continues the Big Lie of a rigged election.

    Trump is still engaging in sedition and insurrection against our Constitutional Republic.

        1. I’m with you, Gertie. Whether he leaves or the Secret Service drags him out, he’ll be gone. Then he must be impeached so we’ll never have to suffer his evil insanity again. And, hopefully, they’ll be able to come up with crimes to charge the most egregious of his henchmen along with him. Steven Miller springs to mind.

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