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January 13, 2021 09:36 AM UTC

Buckpedaling Shifts Into Third Gear

  • by: Colorado Pols
Can this bike go sideways?

Congressman Ken Buck (R-Greeley) is not known as a man of firm convictions. This is primarily because it is genuinely impossible to know where Buck stands on certain issues at any one time.

You can generally count on Buck, who also serves as the Colorado Republican Party Chairman, to voice at least one idiotic opinion on a particular topic. But three different opinions? That’s a rare treat.

Last week, in a span of 24 hours, Buck went from saying, “I don’t blame the President at all for this” regarding the attack on the U.S. Capitol building, to saying, “I think he’s partly to blame.”

Today, Buck showed up on CNN and offered a THIRD explanation for last week’s terrorist attack:

“What I’m trying to suggest to you is that both sides are at fault,” says Buck in an interview with CNN’s John Berman, who is understandably confounded by Buck’s proposal.

We’re not even going to bother with using a lot of words to explain why Buck’s suggestion that “both sides are at fault” is complete rubbish. There were not two different groups of people laying siege to the Capitol last Wednesday. Period.


9 thoughts on “Buckpedaling Shifts Into Third Gear

  1. It's hard for a looney politician to get attention among all the loons these days . . .

    . . . the loon that loons looniest gets the early airtime.

      1. In the aftermath of a school shooting, its too way early to discuss gun control.  If its a treasonous insurrection, its immediately time to heal.

      2. Kill ‘em all, let God sort it out; “get that black man out of the restaurant before I puke” Buck, Tar baby (born again Christian) Lamborn and #PewPew. 

        They sure know how to pick ‘em. 

  2. Ken Buck speaks up in the House (during impeachment debate)

    In a House floor rant Wednesday, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) blamed Democrats in the House for the current discord, then pivoted to blast prominent actors and musicians. Among those he name dropped in his bizarre comments: Robert De Niro, Madonna, and Kathy Griffin.

    “[T]he socialists in Hollywood joined their allies in Congress,” Buck said. “Robert De Niro said that he wanted to punch the president in the face. Madonna thought about blowing up the White House. Kathy Griffin held up a likeness of the president’s beheaded head (sic), and nothing was said by my colleagues at that point in time.”

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