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January 18, 2021 06:49 AM UTC

MLK Day Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


39 thoughts on “MLK Day Open Thread

    1. Welcome back, puppy. 

      As an elder in in the "flaming liberal" camp, I think I can speak for my comrades in expressing our appreciation for a boost to the LWNJ ranks.

      😎 rock on

        1. Now if only Denetrumper returns, we can have a round of hail, hail, the gang's all here.  I wonder if she carried out her threat to vote for Trump just to spite the rest of us.

        2. Life is going fine. I moved into Lowry last year, and have been settling quite nicely. So far *knocks on wood* we've been COVID-19 free. Work keeps me busy, but pretty much abandoned almost all forums..

          I have actually moved to the left away from the mainstream liberals, and I've got historical precedent to back my move up. Y'see, my great grandfather was a registered Communist in the U.S. when he moved from Russia nearly a century ago.

          So I kind of identify myself as ML/archnocommunist now.

          Bernie was my compromise in '20. I did not vote for Biden, nor do I feel strongly enough that the administration will succeed. I felt the that the DNC rigged the primaries, and didn't give us any options. I voted Green again like I did back in '16. Of course, we made no noise because Trump was badly needed to boot out. Many of my compatriots felt this way. Something like 68% against Trump and 30% for Biden.

          Biden will seen as a caretaker President, and will be treated as such. Harris is the major problem. I think she will be the puppetmaster behind Biden until his dementia is apparently obvious.

          I say we're fucked for at least 8 years.


          1. Before folks jump all over your posts because of your political choices, I want to remind us that we want to have a wide spectrum of views to develop critical thought – in the world and on this blog. 

            I don’t share your gloomy belief that we are “fucked” for the next eight years. I think we pulled ourselves back from the brink of fascism, just barely, but that we need to hold our “moderate, centrist” Federal officials’ feet to the fire and push them to more progressive, sustainable long term solutions.

            I voted for Bernie in the primary, and am delighted that he will be chairing the Budget Committee. There are a few of us far left progressives / socialists/ communists on here. Speak your mind, and watch out for invites to pig wrestling contests!

      1. I don't remember your protests about Cory Gardner being ridiculed, GG. Just because Calamity Jane is from the 3rd is no reason she shouldn't get the same treatment.

        1. Good to see you are posting again gertie97.  I was in on the ridicule of Gardner because I felt duty bound to comment on his Trump toadyism.  Qbert is such a habitual liar and law breaker that it feels like we are just going over old stories.  Is she a total piece of shit and Trump toady? Why yes of course.  Is it worth commenting on every single fucking day.  I think not.

        2. Gertie, as usual, is right.  Gardner had his faults but never tried to kill anyone, with his Glock or his sliders.  Compared to Two-Gun Tootsie, he was Pericles.

        3. Gertie, as usual, is right.  Gardner had his faults but never tried to kill anyone with either his guns or his sliders.  Compared to Boo-bird, he was Pericles.

        4. Gertie, as usual, is right.  Gardner had his faults, but never tried to kill anyone with his guns or his pork sliders.  Compared to Boo-Bird, he was Pericles.

          1. But I’m right too V.  Pols should devote some ink to what Hickenlooper is doing and what the big asks in the state legislature.  You can get your Qbert quota every day but wouldn’t it be nice if Pols told us if Hickenlooper is going to fossil fuel dinners?  Is Qbert really this huge sucking vortex of repugnant behavior that consumes every news cycle?  I hope not.  We have more important stuff that we should be discussing at least a little during the day.

            1. I agree. Barring unassailable proof of criminal conspiracy, we’re probably stuck with her for at least two years. She’ll vote with the Freedom Caucus 100% of the time, misrepresent half of her district, and give us all plenty to ridicule and feel superior about. I’d be delighted to be wrong.

              But there are other politics stories I’d like to see here, too.

            2. Certainly. Since Hickenlooper showed no remorse, I’m assuming he’s hopped right back on the corporate jets. When is Bilderberg this year?

              1. But…

                He isn't caucusing with McConnell.  That's a huge reason that Biden has a chance at some achievable legislation.  That's not small potatoes my friend.

                PS: There is reason to believe there might be witnesses called at this impeachment trial.

                1. It will be interesting to see who went to Washington…Hick or Frack. Watch his relationship to Joe Manchin, and how that develops. It should be a good predictor.

                  I am hoping for Hick. I am expecting Frack. He will be heavily recruited by the corporation loving, K Street associated, Mugwump Caucus. Is Senator Hickenlooper willing to break with his API buddies?

                  We will see.

  1. Just saw on Twitter that US Rep Steve Cohen stated on CNN that Boebert led a large tour at the US Capitol on Jan 5. I have not yet found confirmation.

  2. I see pretty much the whole Biden family volunteered at a food bank today in Philly in honor of Martin Luther King day.

    A President and Presidential family who are concerned about others and actually give a fuck.  That is refreshing as hell, and is the good news of the day Polsters !

  3. Attorney Roberta Kaplan is about to make Trump’s life extremely difficult

    Roberta Kaplan’s clients include writer E. Jean Carroll, who filed a defamation case after Trump claimed she was “totally lying” about her allegation that he raped her a quarter-century ago in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room, and niece Mary L. Trump, who claims that Trump and two of his siblings deprived her of an inheritance worth millions.

    “I became the go-to person to sue the president,” says Kaplan, 54, with considerable relish.

    I predict a new national pastime.

  4. Perfecting the art of projection and combining it with a stilted racism, the dump administration released their “1776” report today, MLK day. Among it’s claims:


    defends America’s founding on the basis of slavery and likens progressivism to fascism.

    likened American liberals to the Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini

    denounces the charge that the American founders were hypocrites who preached equality even as they codified it in the Constitution and held slaves themselves

    The report is the product of the 18-member commission, which is chaired by Larry Arnn, a Trump ally and president of the conservative Hillsdale College. Other members include Charlie Kirk, a conservative activist (Turning Points USA), and Mr. Trump’s former domestic policy adviser, Brooke Rollins.

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