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January 18, 2021 08:48 AM UTC

BREAKING: Did Boebert Lie About Capitol Tours?

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE #2: Rep. Lauren Boebert denies Rep. Steve Cohen’s allegation that he saw Boebert with a “large group” in the tunnels under the Capitol, expanding her previous denials to say flatly “I did not give any tours between Jan 3rd and 6th.”

Only one of them is telling the truth, and there is an investigation underway.


UPDATE: The video of Rep. Steve Cohen alleging he saw Rep. Lauren Boebert with a “large group” at the Capitol:


Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Scaring the hell out of people).

Two days ago, Ernest Luning of the Colorado Springs Gazette reported that Rep. Lauren Boebert had denied allegations she had conducted tours for individuals who later stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, angrily disputing supposed suggestions otherwise made by some of her new House colleagues:

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert rebuked a Democratic colleague for making “false and baseless conspiracy claims,” which she said suggested she gave Capitol tours to “insurrectionists” and have led to death threats, but U.S. Rep. Sean Maloney responded that he was talking about another House Republican.

In a press release and a formal letter demanding a correction from Maloney, the Rifle Republican said the “extremely offensive, shameful and dangerous” comments made on national television by the New York congressman “implied” that Boebert was the member of Congress who had been showing people around the day before a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol to stop certification of Joe Biden’s election victory.

Rep. Boebert’s press release on the matter was characteristically bellicose and unequivocal:

Rep. Boebert did not conspire with criminals that attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Congresswoman Boebert never gave a tour of the U.S. Capitol to any outside group or “insurrectionists.” [Pols emphasis] In fact, the only people she ever had in the Capitol with her were her young children, husband, mom, aunt and uncle. Her mother was the only one of those family members in Washington D.C. on the 6th. During the riots, the Congresswoman’s mother was locked in a secure location, not in the U.S. Capitol, with her staff and never left their sight.

As it turns out, the Democratic member of Congress Boebert complained about wasn’t even talking about Boebert herself–a mistake for which Boebert later offered “a thousand apologies.” But it did provide Boebert with an opportunity to go on the record with a number of details about her pre-insurrection activities that were not known before.

And, well folks, the breaking word today is that what Boebert told us about tours at the Capitol is not true:

Note that this is not what we’d call confirmed information, aired on CNN a short while ago in an interview of Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen. But we now have a situation in which only one member of Congress can be telling the truth. We’ll be watching closely for confirmation, and for a development this potentially earth-shattering we expect that is urgently underway right now.

If Boebert gave an intelligence-gathering tour to the insurrectionists, it’s absolutely the last straw and she’s got to go.

If she lied about it, she’s got to go and there’s no claiming ignorance of her crime.


22 thoughts on “BREAKING: Did Boebert Lie About Capitol Tours?

    1. I’m leaning w/you but we need video proof (and not a deep fake).

      But I am very surprised that the investigation and the investigators have been so airtight so far.

      Nat’l Enquirer would have had this published day of. 😉

  1. I think that there is some room for both to be telling their own version of the truth. If Qbert was seen walking around the Capitol with her husband, her children (I believe she has 4), her mother, and her aunt and uncle, that is nine people, not including any staff members that might have been with them. Qbert was not giving a "tour," she was just showing her family her new office.

    1. One of her sons posted Instagram pics of the Capitol tour he took with his mother. From the dates on the comments, it appears to have been taken in December. She was sworn in on Jan 3 with her whole family attending. Taking a tour with the fam would have been a normal, understandable  thing to do. It was against the rules, but when has Qbert cared about those?
      We’ll see when all the video is analyzed, but….

      I don’t think that we’ll find any obvious criminality on Boebert’s part, although she certainly promoted and conspired with the rioters. I don’t know if that meets the legal definition of “giving aid and comfort” to seditionists. 
      We’re going to have to be rid of her embarrassing and seditious antics the old-fashioned way- by campaigning against her and voting her out. Morgan Carroll is on it. Carroll called for Boebert to resign, which is unlikely, but also promised in an email to Dems to hire three organizers to work CD3 for the 2022 election.

      1. If all of her calls, emails, texts tweets  and etc are available, I would bet you are wrong.

        She is exactly the one who would believe it cannot be a crime if she did not know it was a crime. She will have said or done something.

        1. I’d really like to have hard evidence that Boebert plotted with the Trump mob. Because she clearly won’t resign no matter how many ask her to. Then she could be expelled, someone else(Diane MB?)  appointed, then a special election called. CD3 repped.

          She doesn’t seem to think she has any responsibility to represent the 48% of her district that didn’t vote for her. 

            1. I remember Colorado law saying vacancy elections can have independent or minor party candidates get on the ballot with signatures … anyone know the mechanism for R & D candidates to be on the ballot?  Is it state party?  some sort of House district gathering?  county parties in the district?  those already in place as officers, or some sort of convention?

  2. IF Q-bie did as Cohen alleges in a criminally chargeable manner then there are undoubtedly numerous irrefutable CCTV and security log records (which would also make her criminally stupid for denying her activities instead of trying to spin them sooner rather than later — I wouldn’t argue that she’s not criminally stupid, among other things).   Those records are undoubtedly also highly classified for what should be obvious security reasons, and we will not see those anytime soon, if ever (unlike private cell phone videos or internet postings).

    As I understand it, arresting any Congressperson, especially in DC when congress is in session, is problematic and poses some legal questions because they are free from those apprehension concerns while in route to a vote?  (That’s also why Q-bie, et al, couldn’t be physically prevented from entering the House after setting off metal detectors, and why substantial fines are now being proposed for avoiding detection and searches, instead?)

    The answers will come, but probably not in any wished for quick timeframe . . .


  3. Surely there is CCTV? But somebody should make sure that a modern day Rosemary Woods isn’t erasing any 17 minute gaps in the Republican tradition.

  4. If America is going to find its path back to some form of sanity, it is going to have to understand that anything without evidence is BS. Show me the evidence has to be a constant demand in this world today. And people need to withhold judgement until they see the evidence.

    At this point, I don’t care if the speaker is the President, the Secretary of State, the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a Republican or a Democrat …. the rule must be the same and must be firm towards all …… Show me the Evidence! Because any claims with no evidence are BS.

    1. That’s likely gonna’ be received as a yuge disappointment to the bias-confirming armies of would-be internet Nancy Drews and Encyclopedia Browns . . .

      . . . For reals?? No fun!  C’mon, what’s say we just rush to judgment and implicate Q-bie’s hair-stylist too, huh? (I’ll bet she’s got some interesting reviews on Yelp?)

      On a slightly serious note, every wild speculation with dubious evidence, even if it were true, would add not one bit of weight to her actual eventual guilt. But, likewise, if untrue or inaccurate, only adds another bullet to her bedazzled ammunition belt of victimhood and sympathy claims.

      Truth is not, and probably never will be, a FOQ, but mistruths and inaccuracies are her very BFFs.

      Like Aretha said — Just. Think. About. It.

      1. On the plus side Light Bringer, it is wonderful fun to watch this dim witted individual realize that aligning with the insurrectionists is bad for her grift.  Denying she was in on it is truly telling how much she realizes it’s not good for her career.  The other thing it does is destroy any credibility she has going forward.  Whether she was in on the overthrow or just subscribed to The Big Lie for personal profit, nobody is going to take her outrages and rants seriously.  She will accomplish very very little during her term because she outed herself early on as a kook and a creep.  It took much longer for people to realize that Sarah Palin was an empty mind filled with yuck.

        1. I would just say —

          * It took me one minute to figure out who and what Palin was; and

          * I don't believe Boebert has any legislative goals. Her goal appears to be to overthrow the government, and swagger around with a gun tied to her leg.

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