Why should they know their fate,
Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies?
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more;–where ignorance is bliss,
‘Tis folly to be wise.
–Thomas Gray
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BY: Conserv. Head Banger
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Rep. Jeff Crank Chooses Deep Denial Of Medicaid Cuts
BY: harrydoby
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: Chickenheed
IN: Mayor Mike Goes to Washington for Republican Immigration Circus
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Thursday Open Thread
BY: DavidThi808
IN: Thursday Open Thread
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You may be surprised, or not, that one of the big issues in congress is whether you have a spoon that melts in your soup.
According to the story the Dems didn’t like it so they waited for the Repubs to solve the problem. The result:
Here I was thinking the debt, jobs, wars and rumors of wars had their attention. Just goes to show what I know…
and wondered why they don’t just go back to using real utensils and plates.
Government employees weren’t returning them. Hiding them away in their desk, taking them home. Can you imagine. 🙂
PCG was complaining that there was no male eye candy videos (I of course pick these for the music). So today we have two videos. I’m hoping this fits the bill.
From Slovenia – proper scruffy appearance
And from Greece – pure testosterone
Now if only the Greeks didn’t wear such embarrassing clothes… that was my problem with the “boy band” era, too. I just felt so badly for them in their silly outfits!
Doctor’s Orders
I’d rather be safe than sorry!
So it must be correct. And as cologeek says, I also will error on the side of safety.
I wasn’t feeling well for much of the day. What’s your excuse?
…You and your family are in my thoughts.
So regardless of what it is, I’ll be thinking of you and yours, too.
We got through the two rough days.
Onward and upward.
I’m hope you’re feeling better as well.
I was busy falling madly in love with a scooter helmet.
Anyone know where Mike’s been the last three or four weeks? Can’t recall seeing a column in the Denver daily for quite some time.
I found him…DP moved him to editorials and gave him zero headline promo on line. You have to go into opinion.
He’s thoughtful & open-minded.
He’s been on the opinion page for some time now and they did give the change a prominent announcement when it was first made. I love that the editorial page now has a regular Littwin presence that makes it less rightie heavy. Quillen and Littwin at the same time some days is a treat.
My wife & I went to the Jefferson/Jackson Dinner last night. It starts with a giant mass of people milling around in the lobby area waiting for the doors to open. They had a silent auction for people bad at math (saw a bid of $55.00 for a $50.00 iTunes gift certificate). And you could very slowly wander around.
I’m guessing I walked by 10 or 20 Polsters but since none of us know what the other looks like…
I talked to a couple of elected officials but I always try to keep that to under a minute because they’ve always got a ton of people who want to talk to them. (Met Rep Tyler for the first time – very nice guy.)
So after 20 minutes we bailed and had a nice romantic dinner at Bauer’s. I don’t like the political speeches anyways (promising things they rarely deliver on) so all in all a fun evening.
Even though the speaker was terrific (Brian Baird), I’d rather have a root canal.
in another state. We had Joe Biden (twice), George McGovern, Mike Mansfield (he was on the boring side I have to admit) and Tom McCall (Repub from Oregon who had the audacity to support some Democrats for reelection). There was always music, dancing and hospitality rooms galore.
I still have a few gowns from those days that somehow I can’t part with even though they are totally out of style, there is no place to wear them and of course,they are too small!
Ellie is not THAT old 🙂
Then again, 1) I always love these things and always have, and 2) I was seated at a very youthful table, so the speeches were punctuated by witty commentary.
I got to meet Hickenlooper (then kicked myself for not saying anything about education) and the lovely first lady, Helen Thorpe. Deval Patrick delivered a fantastic keynote. I drank six cups of coffee before realizing it was all decaf. Then there was an afterparty, which surely would have been more fun were I of the drinking persuasion, but it was quite a good time even sober. Though a little tense, because about half the room worked for one or another mayoral campaign.
Funniest moment of the night: I’m not a Denver voter, but I do like Mejia. I got stickered by the Hancock people walking by trying to get a Sprite at the afterparty, then immediately ran into Mejia himself. Asked him for a Mejia sticker, he didn’t have one, so his campaign guy (not Berrick, someone else) gave me the button off his own jacket and insisted I wear it. Then someone working for another mayoral campaign, having had a few, tried to talk me into giving him the Mejia button by spinning a most elaborate, and inappropriate, yarn. James is a popular guy, and did not bring enough buttons or stickers, clearly!
Worst moment: Chris Romer bringing scantily clad high-school cheerleaders to LOUDLY campaign for him. No class and hardly showing his cred on women’s issues.
Another thing that struck me – the crowd was almost entirely white. I found that strange. My wife says she thinks it’s because of the ticket price and so the crowd reflected the party activists who have money.
The crowd that arrived early for silent auction and cocktail hour was very white, but at least on my side of the ballroom the same wasn’t true during dinner. My table had multiple Latin@s and two Asian attendees, and we were seated next to two tables that I believe were sponsored by the party’s African-American Initiative, which were both entirely non-white. Granted, we were toward the back and I suspect the front (VIP) tables were mostly white except for Rick Palacio and Deval Patrick and their families.
David, the dinner was at 7 pm, you were at the reception before the dinner, which was held in the lobby (and spilled up the stairs into the whole convention center). You do realize the silent auction was a fundraiser, right, not an exercise in math? Your review is more childish than usual. But it’s nice to hear you had a good dinner elsewhere.
I’ve never liked situations where it’s tons of people packed in like Sardines. I was in no way trying to say others should have the same reaction.
What? There are lots of us mature folks who can be just as witty as a younger crowd, even more so in many cases!
I didn’t take my camera. Too much risk of someone borrowing it to take a photo of me and thereby preserving evidence that I can indeed be forced into a dress on occasion.
You in a dress doesn’t sound so shocking.
But I’ll reserve comment until I see the pic. I saw a picture once of a really famous pop star in a dress – yikes!
You’ll have to trust me on this–they had little black short-shorts on and were cheering and doing cheerleader moves standing on top of some sort of large black boxes across from a perplexed and silent group of Mejia sign wavers.
And please take Arizona with you….
About half the Defense Department budget goes to Texas (that’s just an estimate.)
Not that I want to keep Texas in the union, but are they lobbying for that unneeded second engine for the F-35,
or for a 17th major military base in their state ?
Does this mean than anyone suspected of being a Texan will have to provide proof of citizenship?
The Texas troubles are largely driven by Perry’s “supply side” economic belief that government would thrive with the third-lowest combined tax rates in the nation, Lower taxes would lead to more business growth, more jobs, producing more actual tax dollars for the state budget more revenue than higher rates. Sound familiar? Well, that didn’t happen in Texas either.
Also, while the unemployment rate in Texas is somewhat lower than in California…
Texans can blame Governor Perry for steering them off the cliff. The feds, not so much. But please go anyway and God bless.
I like making fun of Texas as much as anyone.
And while I can think of several Texans I would love to see become residents of another country, they’ll have to leave the real estate behind.
Secession is not an option. (If anything, we should be adding states, not losing one.)
1) Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869)
( No, the Texas Constitution does not reserve the right
2) We fought a painful and destructive war over the question of when and whether states may elect to secede. (Never and no.)
3) Separating Texas from the federal assets there would be impossible:
– 7 Air Force bases, 4 Army bases and 4 Navy bases
– at least a dozen major National Park properties
– hundreds or thousands of oil,gas and mineral leases on federal lands
– millions of acres of land
So, if Americans now in Texas want to depart the USA, they are welcome to go anytime. But Texas stays.
I thought that one of the terms of Texas joining the U.S. was that the state retained all public lands. Going by memory so I could be wrong.
The Federal government’s lands in Texas aren’t those…
My point is, secession talking Gov Perry (who, unlike the crackpots he panders to, knows that) and friends have done a lot more damage to Texas than the Feds have. While Tea Party style righties love to go on about the mess in California, under Perry’s watch Texas has become a pretty comparable basket case.
Huckabee just played guitar with Def Leppard. Does he know that they share key qualities he hates about Obama — they weren’t raised in America and weren’t in all-American activities like the Boy Scouts of the 1950s South?
The 1950s American south, of course, is universally regarded as a place of awesome American values, like equality, respectful policing, and law-abiding gov’t officials.
from Why Silicon Valley Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Returning Home
Now I’m sure Tom Tancredo and a large chunk of the Republican party here in Colorado are thrilled to hear that the U.S. is successfully making it almost impossible for people to immigrate. But me, I’d rather we had these people create companies and the new jobs that go with them here.
Limbaugh/Hannity Parent Company Admits Hiring Actors to Call Radio Shows
A shame they aren’t hiring openly anymore. Oh well. If you’re out there, Premiere, I’m still interested.