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March 08, 2011 12:48 AM UTC

Democrats' #1 2012 Target: Scott Tipton

  • by: Colorado Pols

We learned new information today about upcoming strategy from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) in 2012. According to reliable sources, the DCCC has completed their initial round of analysis of congressional battlegrounds next year, and has the beginnings of their strategy to retake the House of Representatives in 2012.

The DCCC’s principal target in Colorado in 2012 will be freshman Rep. Scott Tipton.

From what we understand, Tipton is considered to be one of the top 2012 Democratic congressional targets in the entire nation; citing his perceived intellectual weakness, solid potential candidates including Colorado House Minority Leader Sal Pace, and a likelihood that CD-3 will survive the redistricting process relatively competitive and intact.

Early identification of Tipton as a likely soft target should not, we’ve been cautioned, be taken as a sign that Colorado’s other freshman Rep. Cory Gardner will get off easy. What this means is that Tipton has been recognized as an unusually good opportunity to take a seat right back from the “2010 wave,” and Democrats need all of those they can get.

If nothing else, 2012 is where we’ll learn if Tipton had anything to do with his own victory.


14 thoughts on “Democrats’ #1 2012 Target: Scott Tipton

  1. Let me see if I have this straight: IF redistricting doesn’t take CD-3 off the table for a decade, IF you guys can put up a real candidate (Sal Pace? HAHAHA), and IF the DCCC doesn’t have its hands full trying to prevent another historic trouncing, Tipton’s opponent might get a couple of ad buys.

    Thanks for telling me! I’m going to start losing sleep right now!

      1. All I’m saying is it’s too early for the DCCC to have any idea what its battlegrounds will be next year. This is wishful thinking from “DraftPace” that our local Democrat message machine is happy to oblige.

        Do YOU know something I don’t?

          1. I’ve heard that CD-3 might lose Pueblo, and with Pueblo any means of thwarting the will of western slope conservatives.

            Because without Pueblo, CD-3 is the reddest district in the state, isn’t it? That would be a great place for the D-Trip to waste Pat Stryker’s money.

            1. Well, I also “heard” that CD-5 might lose Colorado Springs, and without Colorado Springs any means of thwarting the will of Chaffee County liberals!

              It must be fun to live in a land of make-believe AGOP.  

  2. 1. The first time Tipton ran against Salazar, he got creamed.

    2. Fast-forward to the Republican wave, and Tipton wins, aided in no small part by Salazar not waking up in time to save his seat.

    Given those facts, a determined campaign to unseat Tipton, provided the Democrats can come up with a suitable candidate, just might get the job done. Tipton is a lightweight and can’t fight above his weight class.

    1. that Salazar seemed to have no clue that he couldn’t just phone it in, in spite of his past success, until it was too late. His brother Ken would never have made that mistake.  

  3. While the 3rd CD might be a priority for the DCCC, there isn’t exactly a huge bench of great Dem candidates.  I don’t think that Sal Pace necessarily has what it takes to pull independents and there isn’t exactly a plethora of “name brand” folks waiting in the wings.  Therefore, it’s going to likely fall to the shoulders of a relative unknown to unseat an incumbent.  Not an ideal scenario.

    However, the fact remains that Tipton is a tremendously weak candidate even as an incumbent and the 3rd CD has continually trended away from “deep red” status over the past decade.  So the hope remains alive…

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