Check out this comment! Left late last night:…
*[new] A colorado Payday Loan
A colorado Payday Loan is also a great way to protect your credit score. While your Payday loan is not reported to any of the Major credit bureaus, your other bills most likely are, HB 10-1351, in which the standard two-month payment period for payday loans was swapped out by a six-month personal financing term – was toxic to the state’s small customer loans industry, costing up to 450 jobs.
by: maggieC @ Wed Mar 30, 2011 at 22:58:32 PM MDT
But the link in this comment from the bill number goes to the very same website that just about all payday loan spam goes to (I didn’t click, just rolled over).
This struck me as very interesting – I had always assumed that the payday lending spam was coming from Asia or some other remote location. I assumed they were idiots and they had no idea payday loans were an issue in Colorado, LET ALONE that they were spamming a blog with a considerable readership in Colorado politics.
Now I think they DO know. Does that make them even dumber?
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The people posting spam comments usually don’t know anything about the issues and may not even be actual people, but the person who wrote the original comments probably is a genuine CO payday lender who purchased some sort of “SEO and social media reputation building” package from an offshore spam company. The original comments provided are often run through a spinning program to vary their language to prevent them from being detected and removed by anti-spam measures and to avoid SEO penalties, but search engines are smarter than article spinners and often penalize them anyway.
However, they could actually have hired some local would-be SEO consultant who doesn’t realize that most people on a blog like this recognize a spam link even in a coherent comment.
Keep your faith! This was probably something posted by someone with a vested interest, not a regular paid by click or post spammer. The link goes to a full article, the comment is the first paragraph.
Other than being horribly slanted, the article is actually not that bad. Someone clearly did research on it. A comparison of sponsors is even in there. Oh, and that it was posted on an open thread from eleven months ago.
I only noticed it because it was in the recent comments. Why would a non-offshore spammer post in an 11 month old thread though?
If I were the Guvs I’d be pissed, though!
I’d be pissed, too. They’re dumb and make us pissy, we all agree!
I’d be pissed, too. They’re dumb and make us pissy, we all agree!
My first double post.