The so called, proposed GOP 2012-2020 Budget is just a distraction. squirrel!
If we fall for it, the public discussion this week and for the forseeable future will be about Medicare in 2014 and Medicaid in 2016. Instead of the deficit now. Instead of the GO(T)P gov’t shut down this week. We need a 2011 budget. Yesterday.
We should be talking about why North Africa and the Mid-East is in turmoil. We should be talking about what the hell we’re doing in Iraq. What the end game looks like in Afghanistan. and Libya.
Instead this week, “we” the Right are going to be talking about how awesome Paul Ryan is, and which aspects of which likely R primary candidate we like or don’t like and how perfect candidate just doesn’t exist. Crickey, Reagan raised taxes, Bush Sr raised taxes. Goldwater said gay doesn’t is personal and doesn’t matter. And we don’t talk about that other guy – inventing the EPA and all that bull shit.
Instead this week, “we” the Left are going to be talking about how President Obama has not done enough for his base. How he hasn’t be progressive or liberal enough. How he got screwed on the tax cuts and Iraq and Afghanistan. How we shouldda got single payer.
The left should be talking about the future. Instead we’re going to be talking about the past.
I’m in.
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I’ll be lobbying in DC later this week, and it should be exciting!
I now have a personal interest in this issue. I would prefer to see a CR if not an actual deal..
I now have a personal interest in this issue. I would prefer to see a CR if not an actual deal..
seemingly over and over and over again. And if Timarahichelle Pawlingrichmann wins in 2012 we’ll be a whole lot more pissed about that than tax cuts/single payer/everything else…
Fighting over who’s going to be in charge instead of addressing the big issues.
an unhealthy predeliction toward (violent/competitive) entertainment and away from an interest in issues – among other symptoms.
I think one of those had to do with playing instruments while your empire was in the midst of a catastrophe…