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August 08, 2006 12:17 AM UTC

English-Only, Ref. C Rebates Off Ballot

  • by: Colorado Pols

Today is the deadline to submit signatures to get initiatives onto the November ballot via petition, and it looks like two high-profile measures won’t make it. A proposed initiative to ban bilingual education didn’t pick up enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, and neither did Jon Caldara’s Referendum C refund attempt.


10 thoughts on “English-Only, Ref. C Rebates Off Ballot

  1. Democrats are pumping up the failure of Initiative 88 (aka the John Caldera Relevancy Initiative).  Specifically, they are pointing out Both Ways Bob’s boasts that he was the first signer of the I88 petitions.  The Ritter campaign already has a press release out.  Seems Bob can’t win for trying.

  2.   Isn’t there already an official English amendment in the Colorado Constitution, Article II,Section 30a?  It’s wedged in there just above the notorious Amendment Two.

  3. but I think caldara pulled this one for the sake of beauprez. he took one for the team here. no ballot initiative means no both ways bob attacks.

    1. Caldera did this for the sake of Beauprez. 

      Isn’t running to the center fun? We get to all pretend we’re Conservatives until primaries are over with and November looms. I’m not complaining, mind you, just making a statement of fact.

  4. The fact that the Referendum C Rebate is now off the November ballot will not and cannot let Both Ways Bob off the hook. 

    After all, he was the first to sign the petition for Initiative 88…and he was SO PROUD to announce that he had accomplished this!

    This action by Beauprez only proves how little he knows about the wants and needs of Colorado voters. 

    The Dems and Ritter should repeatedly make mention of this critical Beauprez blunder during the “ad-attack” season.

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