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April 12, 2011 12:01 AM UTC

Romney 2012 Kicks Off

  • by: Colorado Pols

Our friends at the Washington Post report:

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney formed a presidential exploratory committee today that will allow him to raise money for a near-certain run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

“It is time that we put America back on a course of greatness with a growing economy, good jobs and fiscal discipline in Washington,” Romney said in a web video announcing his intentions.

In the video, Romney focuses almost exclusively on the economy, touting his experience in creating jobs and balancing budgets in the private sector…

Romney made no mention in the video of health care or his decision as governor to sign a law that has been unfaborably compared by some Republicans to the plan put in place by President Obama last year.

Mitt Romney consistently polls at the top with Colorado Republicans compared to any of the likely (or unlikely) GOP presidential candidates. Romney has also been showering Republicans with campaign donations in hope of winning support, including Colorado Rep. Cory Gardner.

On the other hand, Romney has tremendous “RINO” baggage to overcome with the Republican rank-and-file, from his flip flops on abortion and gay marriage to being the state governor who blazed the trail for Barack Obama to enact mandated health insurance. So if Romney does end up being the Colorado GOP’s choice for president?

Well, you’ll know their “core principles” are as fickle as Romney’s then, won’t you?


31 thoughts on “Romney 2012 Kicks Off

  1. Are you sure?

    The fact that repeal of the national law, derided as “Obamacare,” was a rallying cry for Republicans in last year’s midterm election hasn’t been lost on Democratic loyalists who hope to taint Romney by tying him too closely to what is a highly unpopular law among GOP voters.

    Some analysts are wondering if that strategy could end up backfiring if Romney wins the Republican nomination for president and has to reach out to independents and moderate Democrats — especially if those voters start warming up to the national law and its Massachusetts precedent.

    “Democrats need to be careful of that strategy of praising him too much,” said Julian Zelizer, professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. “Once he has the nomination he’ll be playing to moderates and independent voters and he could use that in his favor.”

    Boston University communications professor Tobe Berkovitz also warned that Romney could eventually use Obama’s comments to appeal to the same voters Obama needs for a second term.

    Better watch out, Romney could turn your own sword against you.

    1. Read before you post.

      Not only is your comment irrelevant, more closely tying the theme together and proving the Dead Guvs right, but using Fox as legitimate analysis is like using a Magic 8 ball filled with dirty words. Funny to some, obnoxious and worthless for everyone else.

      1. What I am saying is, the “Dead Guvs” analysis of Romney’s problem might be exactly what makes him dangerous to Obama.

        You would agree if you were not blinded by partisanship. What if President Romney isn’t so bad for you? At least you can oppose Romney when he screws you over without looking foolish!

        1. First we have MA-Romney, who in many aspects is similar to Obama (the corporatist moderate part, anyway). Then we have POTUS-Primary-Romney, who has to convince TP’ers that he’s not the socialist MA-Romney. If he can do that, he then has to pivot again to re-embrace MA-Romney, to run, you know, as the white Obama.

          I’m dizzy already!

          1. Vote for the guy who got it done in the most liberal state in the country, or vote for the guy who got it done in a “center-right” country?

            Maybe ArapGOP missed the TPM that he accused Pols of missing?

      2. What’s wrong with using a Magic 8 Ball?  I used one the night I proposed and look where I am now?  Oh wait holy moly!  I’m writing gibberish on public websites to try and duplicate the mental simplicity of ArapaGroper.  “Romney serious person ugh.  Want to vote for serious person ugh. Yeah my team.”

      1. He is going to have to cater to the right wing crazies during the primary and then after the primary if he wins, he is going to have to dump them for the independents.  Ken Buck couldn’t or wouldn’t do back away from his extremist label.  Mitty might have a tough time making the pivot too.  “I was for affordable health care before I was agin it.  I was agin a nanny state for women before I was for it.”

        He is going to have to live with the stink of his pandering for a long time.  I don’t see how that will be an advantage to him.

  2. The PEA Party (Pissed Enough Already) won’t let it happen. The GOP has themselves to thank. Start with Dick Armey and the Koch brothers

  3. I get that a former KKK membership, or Acorn office manager, or probably even a Black Panther Party leader would be politically DOA.

    But aren’t Mormons just another Christian flavor? Albeit one of the crazy uncle flavors what with a past of polygamy and what all.

    1. I was just about to post this sweet painting. I love Mormons.

      All the little chicks with their crimson lips

      Go “Jesus rocks!”, “Jesus rocks!”

      Livin’ in sin with a safety pin

      Go “Jesus rocks!”, “Jesus rocks!”


        1. That is a fucking Aztec/Olmec/Toltec/Mayan (it’s kind of generic) pyramid. And our Lord and Savior. Do you REALIZE what that means?!

          Really, what the hell is the matter with you?

    2. Movement opposes any religious flavor that is not  their own.  They only make common cause with other denominations for short term purposes.

      In their world view yes Muslims and godless secularists are the worst, but the Mormons are a cult.

      For that matter the catholics are misguided and the jews–well the jews (the Likud party ones anyway–the fundies would support Kach if the could) are necassary to support because the new zion is a sign of the end times.

      Southern religious voters will NEVER vote for a religious minority Mormon.  Romney is fooling himself.

      1. So

        a) if the Southern Baptists and other fundamental Christian groups see LDS as “a cult” and will not vote for him, is there any electoral math that puts a mormon in the white house?

        b) Israel

        Why would anyone want to encourage and or facilitate the end times?

        I can understand those who say it’s soon (May or Oct this year, then Dec next year, etc) because to them it’s already here.

        But for everyone else wouldn’t they be all about saving and evangelicizing right up to the end?  I mean, how can anyone who believes end times are imminent not be making sure that everyone everywhere has heard about Jesus Christ?  Is it fair that some illiterate remote village dweller gets judged the same as everyone else?   I mean, we agree the end is not up to us, right? So why would we want to promote and or facilitiate it?

        I’m just too dumb to live.

        1. but it is a democratic one.

          It includes California and the mountain west where there are large Mormon populations and even non mormon fundies aren’t freaked out by them.

          I don’t think a Mormon can survive a GOP primary in the south (maybe not certain parts of the midwest either), but I don’t think a D would have any problem.

          Israel and the end times-

          I don’t get it either.  Personally I can’t wait,  I want to find out what Adam’s life partner Steve is like.

      2. most definitely vote for a religious minority Mormon if their only other choice is to vote for a closet Muslim terrorist.

        “It may be a book whispered by a salamander, but at least he’s got a book — dadgummit.”

  4. Just what does mittens, or any republican for that matter, mean by the reference to “good jobs”?

    Since reaguns, 35,000 factories have vanished. Outsourcing.

    The blue collar demographic is gone for the most part. Replaced by the demographic working formerly good paying jobs with a demographic now termed the “working poor”.

    Any republican that is in the top 2 percent has every reason to believe in the shark infested waters arena that is now the American job market and the republican “I got mne, you go fuck yourself” mentality that ronni reaguns championed.

    The rest of the repub demographic are absolute fools to believe in this chicanery, this no win spiral down in which the animal eats itself.

    One other question………for any republican………..

    What happens when less thn 40 percent of Americans can afford a house payment, a car payment?

    What happens when there are the very rich and the working poor?

    Repubs advocate for it. But what happens when it becomes reality?

    When the guy down the street loses his job, it’s a recession? But what happens when you lose yours, because nobody else has money to spend?

    Is it serious then?

    What does mittens consider “good jobs”?

    1. President Reagan raised taxes 11 times because he was serious about deficit reduction.

      If we had a candidate running this time around who was equally serious, he or she would have a real chance to earn my support, even if it was the GO(T)P.

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