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March 30, 2021 10:52 AM UTC

Redistricting Chair is an Election Fraud Truther

  • by: Colorado Pols

Colorado’s new Independent Redistricting Commissions are made up of a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and Unaffiliated voters, which is what Colorado voters approved when they green-lighted Amendments Y&Z in 2018.

When the Congressional Redistricting Committee met for the first time earlier this month, Centennial Republican Danny Moore was elected by his fellow commissioners as Chair of the committee. But as 9News reports, Moore is an odd choice to be this group’s leader.

Why? Because Danny Moore thinks that the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. Check out this 9News story from Monday, in which anchor Kyle Clark says “Danny Moore is an election rigging conspiracy theorist”:

Take a look at this screenshot of one of Moore’s Facebook commentaries on the election (note the date as January 7):

Via 9News (3/29/21)


Moore responded to questions in an interview with 9News by relying on the ridiculous trope that he is “just trying to spark a conversation” by regularly claiming that the 2020 Presidential election was illegitimate. Before he was elected Chair of the committee, our understanding is that Moore did NOT indicate to his fellow commissioners that he believed the election to be fraudulent. That seems like a pretty relevant piece of information.

You could argue as to whether someone who believes the election was not legitimate should even BE on the redistricting commission, but it seems pretty obvious that this person should not be the group’s leader.


10 thoughts on “Redistricting Chair is an Election Fraud Truther

    1. Traditional redistricting requirements were gonna result in a GOP gerrymander anyways. (They usually do.) They might just draw the districts as they were going to be anyways. Whether it was Weld/Larimer, Southern Colorado, Central Colorado. DougCo or Adams/Weld, the 8th district was very likely to lean red. I don't see how they were going to draw a blue district anyways. But this might result in the 3rd district being extra red, or the 6th or 7th district being competitive again. If those also weren't guaranteed.

    2. What???

      A chair of a commission is not a way to "seize control."

      The process of selecting people to the commissions is a weird amalgam.  Steps are:

      Phase One.  Individuals apply using online application process. Phase Two.  Nonpartisan staff review of applications for the initial applicant pool. Phase Three.  The judicial panel randomly selects 300 Democrats, 300 Republicans, and 450 unaffiliated voters to establish a selection pool of 1,050 people. Phase Four.  The judicial panel reviews applications and narrows the pool down to 50 Democrats, 50 Republicans, and 50 unaffiliated voters to establish a pool of 150 people. Phase Five.  The judicial panel randomly selects 6 commissioners (2 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and 2 unaffiliated voters) from the 150-person pool.  Phase Six.  4 legislative leaders select 10 applicants each from the initial applicant pool and submit them to the judicial panel. Phase Seven.  The judicial panel selects 4 commissioners, 1 from each of the legislative leaders’ pools.  Phase Eight.  The judicial panel selects 2 commissioners from the original pool of 450 randomly selected unaffiliated voters.

      Once selected, the commission gets a set of criteria of what may or may not be considered.  The professional staff prepares a draft map, maps submitted by members of the public are on file and may be considered by the commission. There are at least 3 meetings in each district for public input and comment. After all the hearings, the staff prepare another map.  Commissioners can request alternative maps.

      "At least 8 of the 12 commissioners, including at least 2 unaffiliated commissioners, must approve the final map, and the map must be made public before the commission votes on it." Once approved by the commission, it is submitted to the Supreme Court,

      "The Colorado Supreme Court must approve the final map unless the court finds that the commission abused its discretion in applying or failing to apply required criteria."

      No matter who is the chair, there are any number of bulwarks to prevent "control."

  1. Just when you think Colorado has finally set up a system that will be fair and equitable…. Isn't there some sort of vetting, background check?  I should have followed this closer. 

  2. Dog Bites Man – not sure this is news. The last poll I saw said 70% of Republicans do not believe that the 2020 election was free and fair. His views are completely consistent with his political affiliation. 

      1. All the commission would need to do would be to get 8 of the 12 members to agree…. So, it probably will be a matter of waiting to see how he runs the meetings.

  3. Well my guys, if you want people who represent Republicans on the board, you have to get people who will never take the vaccine, believe the 2020 election was rigged, and think Obama was not born in America. That's  not me being derogatory, those are statistical facts backed up with survey data. Bipartisanship definitionally, at this point in time, means working with a party which does not believe real things. That doesn't mean you can't justify conservative values, but it is indisputable that statistically, Republicans are delusional. You couldn't avoid this Chair situation without discriminating against Republicans, unless you just got rid of party ID entirely. This is why commission members should be decided by the merits and not their party registration.

  4. So what?  He is just one vote.  The Dems and Indies will also get to vote.  As chair, he runs the meetings.  All the hand wringing and doom saying is kind of premature.

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