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May 25, 2021 12:02 PM UTC

Wait, Ken Buck Just Now Discovered Redistricting?

  • by: Colorado Pols

Suspend your disbelief long enough to check out this unusual fundraising missive from Rep. Ken Buck, running for re-election in Colorado’s heretofore safe 4th Congressional District:

We realize this is a fundraising email, but are we really supposed to believe that Ken Buck “just got the news” redistricting is going to happen? Like it does every ten years? If you are really that uninformed about how stuff works in American politics, there are a number of remedial sources of information you should consult before reading this blog. And for pity’s sake, don’t donate to anyone until you learn something. That’s like giving children live ammo.

“Sadly,” Buck says, he has no control over drawing the boundaries of his own district? Fans of small-d democracy may disagree on this point! Politicians drawing their own districts is exactly the sort of thing Colorado voters overwhelmingly said no to with Amendments Y&Z in 2018. That means those rascally socialists can’t draw Buck into career oblivion. As for turning Colorado’s deep-red CD-4 blue, we’ll see–but they’ll have to put Weld County somewhere.

As usual with Ken Buck, there’s a whole lot of wrong here. It’s a lot to, as they say, take in.


17 thoughts on “Wait, Ken Buck Just Now Discovered Redistricting?

  1. Buck would be delighted to carve out his own little fiefdom consisting of Weld County and Cory Gardner's buttcrack.

    But this much is true: don't let these losers say ANYTHING about redistricting in Colorado, which for better or worse has been turned from a partisan shitshow into a citizen shitshow.

  2. Maybe what he meant to say was that he and his staff were too lazy or dumb to keep track of the census and apportionment required by the US Constitution.


  3. Can't let Pew Pew have all the say something idiotic/people point out you're an idiot/I'm under attack/send money to own the libs fun.

  4. Something about the 4th just makes their crop of politicians (and staff) completely ignorant of how government works. Once asked Gardner's upper level staffer at the time if he planned to do any public events in the new parts of his district: i.e., DougCo. She insisted, repeatedly, that Gardner's district did not and would not contain that part of the state, despite the maps having been adopted and the 2012 election being months away (and me telling her these things). 

    They're just dumb. That said, this is clearly a ploy for cash. Buck'll run in whatever eastern seat the state gets, don't matter if it has his home in it or not. 

  5. Hate to say it, but you're right Ken.  Things are incredibly dire — hell, you're probably a lost cause in the House already . . .

    . . . nothing left to do, but dust off those high heels, saddle up that AR, and announce your run for the Senate!  (PS.  Better get there before Speaker Qbie does!)

  6. We realize this is a fundraising email, but are we really supposed to believe that Ken Buck “just got the news” redistricting is going to happen?

    Well, of course not. That's not for "we" but rather the many vacuous low-information stump jumpers susceptible to such egregiously fraudulent appeals.

    You know what they say: a vacuous low-information stump jumper and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

    1. You could be on to something. Scammers often intentionally misspell words and make other easy to spot mistakes to make sure the people who fall for them are complete idiots.

    1. There's a way to do this. Larimer + the I-70 corridor and North, including Mesa County, makes a distirct that would tilt blue. Then add Boulder, Broomfield and Weld to create a safe district. This would force both Q*bert and Buck to move. But I hate to say I don't think the COIRC is gonna go for a pretty obvious blue gerrymander.

  7. Just for grins, I think the re-districting commission ought to insure NO district in Colorado contains any territory with the same number as the previous map.  Make EVERYONE realize that things have changed. 


  8. Here's what I think happened

    —Most maps of the new 4th district would turn the map more blue. If Weld and Douglas go together, that leaves only about 60K leftover. It would make the rest of the map extremely difficult to draw. Therefore Weld is probably getting paired with either Larimer, Longmont/Thornton, or the Pueblo area, which are significantly bluer.

    —There's also a doomsday scenario for Buck, where his home county of Weld gets combined with Boulder and Broomfield – exactly enough for one district, and it would be a blue district by, at minimum, a margin of 17 points.

    —He could also be in a lot of trouble if Weld joins Larimer, Logan and Morgan counties. It would still be a lean red district, but only by 3-6 points, and Buck is no moderate. Even worse if Weld joins with Longmont and the northern Denver suburbs.

    —The way he talks, it sounds like he just got insider information that says his district is going to lean red, ala the Weld + Larimer scenario or something akin.

    Of course, it's a fundraising email, so who knows, but I think this is a sign that Buck will either need to move, retire, or heavily moderate. You can already see him taking steps towards the lattermost, with backing Liz Cheney, but I seriously doubt that'll be enough.

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