U.S. Senate See Full Big Line

(D) J. Hickenlooper*

(R) Somebody



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July 06, 2011 03:50 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”

–Abraham Lincoln  


40 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

  1. from CNN

    Economists are expecting 120,000 jobs were added to payrolls in the month. Typically, the economy needs to add about 150,000 just to keep pace with population growth.

    So why is debt reduction the only thing being discussed in Washington? Because the people in D.C. have jobs.

      1. Put credible policies in place to bring about long-term debt reduction (which must include tax increases) and you’ve stabilized the economy, country, and world.

        And then maybe in their spare time they can finally get around to addressing unemployment. Because for the last 2 years there’s been no effort on this.

        After all, long term 17% unemployment/underemployment will also destabilize our economy, country and the world.

      2. debt reduction through severe cuts in spending at this point needs to take a back seat to getting the economy moving in the right direction again with jobs. Economic stimulus first, then deal with debt reduction.

        On the plus side (?), the continuing GOP economic policy tanking of the US economy combined with a surge of positive change in Mexico is reducing illegal immigration to the US to a trickle.  With no significant improvement in family income here coupled with a more than 45% increase in family income in Mexico, looks like the GOP may wind up losing the support of ticked off Hispanic American voters over draconian laws in state after state for the sake of a non-problem.


        1. Michelle told him that “there are mean people out there.”

          First order of business in 2009 should have been to reverse the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy….Obama had the votes, then.  He should have planned ahead. Now, he doesn’t have the votes; he is absolutely hostage to the repubs.  They are playing him like a red headed stepchild…and all because he got  the vision and the reality all mixed up.


          1. from Blue Dog and other Dems who were scared to be seen as raising taxes but he and the Dem leadership should have played the same kind of hardball to get all Dems on board that the Rs always used to get the Collins and Snowes to vote the party line when it was absolutely necessary, giving them a longer leash only when they didn’t need them.  

            Unfortunately, Obama and the Senate leadership seemed to believe a show of a new era of civility and bipartisanship was more important.  They completely failed to realize that a rejection of Bush era policy and desire for real change was what got him and a supporting majority in both houses elected, not the call for peace, love, lets all hold hands civility which is so often given empty lip service by voters.  

            1. They’re interested in strong, decisive leadership to help get our economy back on track, and to stop shoveling cash to the corporates while the middle class and poor continue to struggle and lose ground.  

              1. showing how much voters hate almost all GOP plans and how much they don’t object to ending the tax breaks at the top, get our President and Dem leadership on our page!

    1. The Dems ceded the economy message to the R’s a long time ago. Obama instead of using the bully pulpit avoids it, it was interesting that he did speak up once, last week, and it surprised just about everybody around here. Where has that voice been all along?

      The Dems ceded the Senate when they did not replace Reid. He does not say much, except to say “yes” when the R’s want something. Yes. I do know they Senate is back in D.C. The R’s are using that as their message – They are working hard to fight any increase in the debt.

      The message is “R’s will go to the mat so the debt is avenged. The Dem’s agree.

      1. Our President buried his head in the sand 6 months after he took office. Either he knows he’s failed, knows he’s not up for the job, or just doesn’t know what to do … I can’t figure him out.

        Take GLBTQ marriage rights/civil unions. Our President remains in the closet, why won’t he take a stand?

        17% of Americans are jobless, yet 12-20 million illegal aliens run amok, he battles his own federal program Secure Communities, why?

        $278,000 in taxpayer costs per job Saved or Created by the Obama-Pelosi spending spree, yet where is Barack?

        Private records withheld via executive fiat, why?

        Foreign abortions funded by taxpayer dollars when those dollars could have been used to kill more brown, white, yellow, red and black American babies, why?

        Running guns into Mexico to help their drug mafia execute it’s culture of death and economic control over the Republic of Mexico, why?

  2. Abortion-rights supporters worried Tuesday that regulations Kansas is trying to enact would give the state health department unfettered access to patient medical records and suggested it could endanger the privacy of women who have terminated pregnancies…


  3. Some media outlets are supporting the idea of making voters show an ID when they go to vote…….no problema.

    If you have a valid driver’s license. okay.

    If you don’t, then you have to get a State ID or show a passport or a valid photo government ID.  To get a valid state ID, (free for anyone over 60)

    you have to show proof of age, name, lawful presence in the state and ID(?)A birth certificate costs $17+ in person and $21 online.   I don’t know what the lag time is to get all “your papers” in order…..

    The real problem is that this could be an “under the radar” change…so when people show up at the polling place w/o photo id, they won’t be able to vote.  

    The dems, smiley faces all in a row for god only  knows why, are carefully REGISTERING voters….you don’t have to show an photo ID to register……only to VOTE.  These are two different events.  Does anyone know if the dems are concerned about the photo ID to vote strategy?  

        1. if I paid extra to “expedite” it.

          And put some undeserved money into the pocket of some crony contractor who “expedites” birth certificate requests?  Naah.  I wasn’t in a hurry.

          In NJ, you can get things done a lot quicker if you bribe people.  If I wanted to play that game, I’d still be living there.  Well, if I could afford it, that is…

    1. We know that this will make it harder for more friendly demos, youth and minorities, to vote. Rs know it too which is why they are pushing it as part of their over-all voter suppression efforts.  Where this happens, Dems will need a massive education drive along with voter registration and GOTV drives. Also Dems will need to do outreach with assistance for obtaining papers to those without a driver’s license.  

      1. Except, as do we all….we use the term “Dems will need.”  “Dems should

        Who are these Dems?  How does one contact them?  How does one know that this is indeed what they are GOING to do, not what we think they SHOULD DO.

        OFA is doing registration drives in CO, not voter education.  I think that we should be prepared in CO for voter photo ID ….

        THat is the whole point of my comment/concern.

        1. I’ve had to show my ID for years in order to vote.  Is that just because I’ve had county clerks who imposed this requirement?

          1. You need to show proof of address. This can be an ID, or merely a utility bill or bank statement with your voting address and name on it.

        2. I’m sure you know that they are the ones who run things at the grassroots precinct organizing level. They organize boots on the ground efforts like GOTV for the party. If anyone would be interested in helping to get an education effort going in response to any suppression threat,  County officers, HDs and their PCPs are your guys.

  4. Feds: Foreign terrorists want to implant explosive devices in fliers

    The U.S. government has told overseas airlines that fly into the country that foreign terrorists have discussed the possibility of surgically implanting explosive devices into air travelers, NBC’s Pete Williams reports.

    The response, is also typically predictable

    The intelligence means that fliers will likely encounter heightened security at the airport, including more pat-downs, bag screening, explosives detection and passenger questioning.


    That’s going to be some heck of a pat-down huh?  No more simple molestations, now granny get’s rolfed and thrown into the stirrups and must pass a pre-boarding TSA colonoscopy.  (“Excuse me grandpa, you SAY that’s a pacemaker — got any proof?”)




    I’ve got a friend who’s been back and forth to the Mid-east on a dozen government assignments since 2001.  He swears that there are groups sitting around the fire at night in the desert — “OK, next let’s tell them that we’re putting bombs in their canned pet food?” “Haha.” “No, wait, how about we say we’ve developed chemical warfare rainclouds?” “Haha.” “No, no, I’ve got it, we’ll announce that we’ve developed a poisonous and exploding toilet paper?”  “Hahahaha — yes, that’s a very good one, I’ll send out the e-mail in the morning, Alalalalalalalalaaaaaa!”

    1. They’re REALLY pushing the body scanners these days. They all recite the same canned line about no cancer risks when I decline. (I find they argue less when I say I’m worried about my health than if I say I’m concerned about my civil liberties.)

      I suggest that we dub this the “national insecurity state.” I mean, come on. A tiny risk of being on the one plane blown up by a terrorist, even with no body scanners and no pat downs, just the metal detector and baggage x-ray, is still a hell of a lot less chancy than driving your own car the same distance.

        1. Nope. Lots of yes ma’am no ma’am no I don’t need a private screening ma’am thanks ma’am (get stuff and go). It would be a lot funnier if they tried to make it enjoyable. I’m thinking of shrieking that it tickles every time they touch me next time, but I think I don’t want to be on the no fly list more than I want to be less bored of the gropedowns.

  5. Cantor floats tax compromise for debt deal

    (Reuters) – A top Republican floated a tax compromise on Wednesday that could revive hopes for a budget deal as President Barack Obama warned the United States could spiral back into recession if agreement is not reached soon.

    Eric Cantor, the No. 2 official in the Republican-led House of Representatives, said his party could agree to close some tax breaks in a trillion-dollar budget deal as long as they were offset with tax cuts elsewhere.

    Cantor’s comments are a shift from his party’s previous insistence that revenue increases cannot be part of the deal — a stance that has been undermined by Senate Republicans’ vote to end a tax break for ethanol producers.

    His proposal could open the door to a compromise that would allow Congress to raise the $14.3 trillion debt limit before the country runs out of borrowing capacity on August 2.

    “Clearly there is an openness there to some revenue, and we are going to keep talking,” said a Democratic official familiar with the negotiations.


    Perhaps the Republican’t Party has become aware of the giant club they’ll be beaten senseless with the more they hear “millionaire tax cut” and “Corporate Jet welfare.”

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