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July 08, 2011 05:04 PM UTC

"One Hundred Miles of Stupid" w/Poll

  • by: ClubTwitty

(Talk about your bizarre legislation – promoted by Colorado Pols)

POLS UPDATE: We understand that this is just a new way to weaken environmental laws, but we were curious as to the official “rationale” behind this legislation. According to Public News Service:

Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, introduced the bill, claiming federal and local laws and oversight have interfered with border security and that border areas are “overrun with criminal activity.”

So…the terrorists and criminals are winning because…of the, uh, Whooping Crane? That, and the Safe Drinking Water Act, are a criminal’s best friend. After all, states such as Idaho are already having trouble fighting border crime because they’re tied up with a gray wolf insurgency.

More, from Public News Service:

Lynn Scarlett, a former deputy Interior secretary under President George W. Bush, has reviewed the bill, H.R. 1505, and says she supports improving border security but thinks giving a single federal agency the authority to ignore laws and other federal, state and local agencies is a dangerous move.


Rob Bishop-R, Utah–chair of the House Natural Resources Committee has introduced a bill exempting lands within one hundred miles of a border or coast from most federal environmental laws.  According to the Pew Environment Group:

H.R. 1505 was introduced on April 13, 2011, by Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, and would apply to an area that encompasses 10 whole states, including Florida and Hawaii. Environmental and other laws this proposed legislation would waive include the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Wilderness Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, National Park Service Organic Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act.

Colorado has three Republican (and no Democratic) members on the committee–Scott Tipton, Mike Coffman, and Doug Lamborn.  

Polsters–How will they vote on mark up?

Will the CO Rs vote for stupid?

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30 thoughts on ““One Hundred Miles of Stupid” w/Poll

    1. didn’t propose that themselves.  Certainly if the legislature were still in session (sensible Utahns stand relieved!) they would quickly work up a resolution urging such action, between efforts to thwart the hospitality industry. If the Gov. weren’t so busy helping his real estate pals bulldoze ancient villages, I’m sure he’d be on it.  

      Maybe they are leaving it for Orrin so he can prove his crazy bona fides before the primary…to avoid being Bennettized.

    2. The goal here is to exempt as much of the country from environmental regulation as possible while claiming to secure the nation from brown people (while coincidentally taking in people who say “Eh?” too much).

      If they thought they could pass a law that simply exempted the entire country from environmental regulations, they would.

      1. We still don’t see platforms off the Florida coast. Many people (most?) don’t care so much about environmental regs until the environment in question is their backyard.  

    3. border with outer space, and outer space is widely known to be the single greatest source of alien invasions with detrimental effects on the survival of human civilation.

      So, maybe we should just forget environmental laws all together.

    4. shores of Lake Michigan then we’ll have all of Michigan covered and Chicago can become a law free zone.  Seeing that the MO River was once our western border we should include that too.  Why should the middle of the country miss out?

      1. Indiana tried to legislate a definition of pi

        The Harrison Act did all kinds of wacky things for all kinds of wacky reasons…

        The proponents of the Harrison Act played on populace fears of “drug-crazed, sex-mad negroes” and made reference to negroes under the influence of drugs murdering whites, degenerate Mexicans smoking marijuana, and Chinamen seducing white women with drugs. Medical doctors testified that drugs made blacks uncontrollable, gave them superhuman powers, and caused them to rebel against white authority. One medical doctor brazenly testified at a congressional hearing that: “most of the attacks upon the white women of the South are the direct result of a cocaine-crazed Negro brain.” – Dr. Christopher Koch, State Pharmacy Board of Pennsylvania.

    1. Can we get Exxon Exxon to “service” one of their Rio Grande pipelines and let loose?

      Once again, GOP doesn’t know ass from elbows.

      Illegal immigration from Central & South America was almost 1mil/year around ’05.  It’s dropped to about 400k by end of decade.  Why?  Violent crime @ the border, uptick in violence & costs from smugglers, wave of tightened US border security, and #1 reason is the tanking US economy.

      Maybe GOP does have the answer to illegal immigration — screw economy by defaulting on debts & cause a kamikaze Recession.  Statistics show they’ve effectively cut the illegal surge in half in just 5 yrs.  Hell, give them another turn in office (especially w/ Batshit Bachmann or Ms. Mooselini at the helm) and we’ll be seeing mass emigration.

      VanDammers thinking Costa Rica is looking nice (except for those damn bushmasters).  

  1. into protected and non-protected areas all because of some arbitrary round number combination of zeros? — fuck that.  Way too confusing and capricious — a mercury holding pond in someone’s back yard and a panda preserve in the front?

    No sensible Republican is going to vote for this kind of state-splitting nonense.  And, actually there’s no reason to revoke any environmental regulations.  Let’s just make every border state, in it’s sovereign entirety, a federal-regulation-compliance-optional zone — now that’s the Republican way, right boys?

  2. For intance in Alsaka, think College Fjords, Glacier Bay National Park, the stuff up north (maybe this is why they are doing it to open up the Artic National Wildlife Reserve).  What about Hawaii.  Wow, can’t you just imagine drilling on the road to Hana?  How about in the Seven Sisters?  What about volcano national park, I guess then we really won’t need to have volcano research).  I’m guessing that half the country’s population lives in this band.  Do they realize what this will do?  Florida Democrats, where are they in all this?  Talk abut an issue??  Everglades, pristine beaches?  Really???

  3. for Colorado lawmakers for the simple reason that Colorado is a state that is not directly impacted by it at all, since it is far from any U.S. border, something also true of the delegation from Utah which includes the member of Congress behind the law.

  4. at our home.

    Can we have a 100 mile “no stupidity” buffer around our home?

    If every home rule entity prohibited stupidity within 10 miles of their borders, we would live in a much nicer nation.

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