That guy is on the list.
at least 87 dead.
A bombing, a shooting, and who knows what all.
Does Norway have the death penalty?
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Nor do they have life in prison. From the twitter feed I posted yesterday:!/huffpost…
This sicko qualifies. Put him to sleep like Tim McVeigh and other such animals.
is about 1/2 ours
they are very likely to find out what prompted his criminal act. I’m sure when they are done questioning the US will still be the only ‘civilized’ country to be using torture.
but after a day of reflection I can’t let it go. Normally I don’t post stuff from places I consider partisan, but the points raised in this piece on can’t be ignored, esp when certain Polsters started playing the “Muslim Terrorist” card:…
But here’s the money quote from that article:
I’m sure Rep King was firing up the Right-wing noise machine to support expanding his witch-hunt hearings on Muslims in the US when this news first broke. If he had stuck with the NY Times as his only news source, he still might.
But now that we know the shooter (or shooters) were Blond-haired native son(s) with concrete ties to their nation’s Extremist Far Right, we can extinguish the torches and put away the pitchforks…for the moment.
But note that the cry to start investigating our own Neo-Nazi fringe has not started…nary a wimper, really. With the pain of 9/11, this nation seems to forget the 2nd worst act of terror this nation has seen was perpetrated on our soil was by someone with very similar political views and smoldering intolerance for “the left.”
But Dennis Kucinich is not threatening to hold hearings on the Idaho Militia. Senator Bernie Sanders is not calling for the Extreme Right to be purged from government service. It seems that when the other ideological threat to a nation commits another hideous crime, we should shrug our collective shoulders and ignore the threat.
After all, we could NEVER have a terrorist act committed by right-wing anti-government extremists happen here…
It takes your argument a step further……
“Armed Resistence?” “Reload America?” Some things are starting to look the same…
Fear breeds anger and all that.
The New York Times is now positing that this guy intentionally mirrored Al-Qaeda’s mission statements, but from a right wing, Christian perspective. It’s like he knew he was exactly like what he hates, and he embraced that.
And when people are afraid to address terrorism from the right, then it is allowed to grow and commit more horrible crimes. At present in this country people are not only afraid to call out the terrorists on the right, but they have many fellow travellers speaking up for them using code phrases.
we’re endlessly reactionary, and woefully inadequate in preventative vigilance. Blame human nature, blame our media, blame our toadying politicians, blame ourselves . . . (I would bet that there’s more folks than I can count who start a weight loss program AFTER that first myocardial infarction.)
I recall a plethora of post-Waco, post-Oklahoma City, right wing militia concerns, operations, and investigations. (Maybe my memory is skewed because of the number of close friends I have in the Bureau. Great story to tell sometime about an autumn operation to infiltrate a bunch of out-of-state gun toters establishing a “compound” in one of our local high mountain forests. Turned out to be an outfitter and several of his client hunters.) Then came 9/11 . . . squirrel . . . and now granny gets her boobs twisted to determine if she’s packing more than three ounces.
Our biggest threat is always from what just surprised us if you ask our law enforcement, military, or politicians. We are not an anticipatory people.
I remember that Clinton as president wanted to go after Al Qaeda big time because he saw them as a serious threat. But he calculated that the American people would not support such an effort.…