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July 27, 2011 04:08 PM UTC

Tell Us How You Really Feel, Donald Trump

  • by: Colorado Pols

Los Angeles Times:

Donald Trump has some interesting advice for the Republican Party. The New York real estate tycoon went on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning and told the hosts that if the GOP wants to ensure that President Obama isn’t reelected, all it has to do is not make any deals with Democrats and default on Aug. 2.

Trump seems to think that using the country’s sparkling AAA credit rating as a sacrificial lamb and letting the nation default would damage Obama, who has been willing to put everything including entitlements on the table, more than it would hurt Republicans who have stubbornly refused to raise revenues on the richest Americans and companies during the debt ceiling negotiations.

“When it comes time to default, they’re not going to remember any of the Republicans’ names. They are going to remember in history books one name, and that’s Obama,” Trump said…

History may remember Donald Trump’s name, too. Maybe not in a good way.


19 thoughts on “Tell Us How You Really Feel, Donald Trump

  1. The offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.  Republicans apparently believe what they’re doing is just “politics.”  Many of us believe that purposefully bringing your country to the brink of financial collapse because you hate the President, hate that he has power, is way beyond politics.

    1. (I hope I am not breaking some rule by reposting this here but I was writing this when this post went up.  It’s more appropos here.)

      We need to remember that for the Republican right wing – conservatively 80% of the party – this is a win-win situation.  Remember their ultimate goal:

      “I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” – Grover Norquist

      A government default will do just that. As as for the pain:

      “Our goal is to inflict pain. It is not good enough to win; it has to be a painful and devastating defeat. We’re sending a message here. It is like when the king would take his opponent’s head and spike it on a pole for everyone to see.” Grover Norquist from the National Review, quoted in The Republican Noise Machine by David Brock, Crown Publishers 2004, pg. 50.

      So, when liberals wring their hands and complain about all the pain this will cause America, the right wing simply smiles.

      We need to be planning how to pick up the pieces once the proverbial substance hits the electrical appliance.  I assure you that the ruling class has one.

      1. Safe to say today’s GOP House caucus has crossed the line into just plain evil. Not to mention treasonous. Not to mention really creepy.  

  2. The rich will not be affected by a stock market crash. Trump & his Wall Street cronies would welcome a drop in stock values so they could buy and control more for less.

    It’s amazing how powerful The Rich& Privileged lobbying group is in the Republican Congress — they are willing to put the entire world economy to the brink in order to avoid paying taxes. And the media and Congressional Dems, for the most part, are not calling them out.

    Screw the phone calls and emails, it’s time for The People to take their protest public.

    1. got there via a health crisis and can’t manage to live a jet set life of luxury in the bankrupt state. You have to be too big, or owe the banks too much, to fail for that to work out for you.

  3. Congress will agree to meet our minimum obligations if there is no agreement by August 2nd. Enough scaring seniors. It’s time to fight for smaller government! Don’t give up now.

    1. Government jobs are a significant part of the unemployment figures right now.

      If we cut more government jobs, the unemployment rate will rise.

      So you’re advocating for higher unemployment.

        1. Remeber, the CBO scored Boehner’s budget and found that it only cut $300 million.  The Tea Party half-wits went nuts saying that Boehner lied to them.  This is why they don’t believe him now.

  4. .

    You, and the Banksters staging this phony crisis, just assume that the bills we don’t pay will be to folks who lent us money/ bought our paper.  

    Well, Charlie, there are a lot of payments that go out of Treasury that don’t go to such lenders.  

    Paying Social Security at 80 cents on the dollar does not affect our ability to borrow in the future.  Halting payments for unneeded bombs and “Intelligence contractors” can be done within the 4 corners of those contracts.  

    If Congress cannot put together a deal by 31 August (2 August is a phony deadline, to match the phony crisis,)

    the machinery of government will simply trim spending to available cash.  Yes, there are mechanisms already in place, and used regularly, to do the sort of adjustments this so-called Default will require.  


    Aren’t you starting to get tired of the Banksters holding a gun to their heads and threatening to kill the Banksters if we don’t do as they say ?  

    Are you all so completely conned ?

    Why are you so sure that the solution to too much borrowing is more borrowing ?  

    My Tea cents.  


    1. If you spend money on things using your credit card (let’s say for a good reason, necessities because you lost your job), you’re expected to pay the bill at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress already spent the money when they wrote a budget that leaves us in deficit.

      If you choose not to pay your bill at the end of the month, your credit card company will raise your interest rate and screw up your credit rating, making future payments even more expensive and your financial troubles worse. And you still owe the money. And eventually they’ll send bill collectors after you.

      If teabaggers didn’t want the government to run a deficit, they should have proposed a balanced budget this year. Not a single teabagger ever proposed anything close to that.  

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