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August 04, 2011 07:49 PM UTC

Denver's anti-abortion talk-show host Bob Enyart vs. Mitt Romney

  • by: Jason Salzman

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

Bob Enyart, a local anti-abortion radio-show host, is planning a national campaign aiming to convince GOP primary and caucus voters of this: “When Mitt Romney says he’s a pro-family, pro-life conservative, he is a liar to the base that he needs for the nomination.”

“We plan on doing again what we did four years ago, starting in December,” Enyart told me. “We began running TV ads in the early contest states, where there’s a significant pro-life voter bloc. We skipped New Hampshire, and we plan on skipping New Hampshire again, and focusing on Iowa and South Carolina. Florida is such a huge state, and it’s very expensive. But we’ll try to get more money for Florida this time, but we had a pretty effective strategy for Florida last time.”

Enyart crusaded for Colorado’s failed Personhood Amendments and similar causes.  Today, for example, his website says he’s in Durango protesting at a Catholic hospital that allegedly allows one of Enyart’s targeted doctors to treat patients there.

Enyart contends that Romney “singlehandedly instituted homosexual marriage in Massachusetts, and he used tax dollars to pay for surgical abortions on demand,” making Romney “low-hanging fruit” for his campaign.

“Romney has done more to further those two goals [gay marriage and government-funded abortion] than Barack Obama has,” Enyart believes. “Romney instituted homosexual marriage, never mind Obama’s uncertainty on the issue. Romney funded abortion on demand with tax dollars. Barack Obama may dream of doing those things but hasn’t yet.”

Enyart, whose radio show airs locally on “Colorado Christian Station” KLTT 670 AM, spent “tens of thousands of dollars” in 2008 and expects to spend more this time. The money went to grassroots educational activities and commercials, which were used other groups as well, he says.

“We’re very effective at convincing rank-and-file Republican base voters that Romney is the enemy,” Enyart told me.

“How so?” I asked.

“The message is effective,” he replied with confidence. “Romney got trounced in Iowa. He had boots on the ground for a year and a state-wide organization, and he got slaughtered. And the number one reason given by Republicans for voting against him in the caucuses was that he was lying about being pro-life.”

I couldn’t find an exit poll showing that caucus attendees though Romney was lying about being pro-choice, but plenty of polls show that evangelicals are a major GOP voting bloc in Iowa.

In 2008, ABC News described its exit poll of Iowa caucus goers this way:

While a range of factors rumbled through the Democratic race, the Republican contest was essentially about one thing: religion. Evangelical Christians accounted for a remarkable six in 10 GOP caucus-goers, and they favored Huckabee, a Baptist minister, over Mitt Romney, who’s Mormon, by a broad 46-19 percent.

And for hard core anti-abortion Republicans, the abortion issue often blows every other concern off the table.

Even rabid anti-abortionist Dan Caplis, co-host of KHOW’s worthwhile Caplis and Silverman show, told Enyart June 21 he wouldn’t vote for Romney, even over Obama, if it turns out he’s not sufficiently anti-abortion. Caplis, who “likes Mitt Romney,” said:

“If I’m missing something about him, factually, historically,  if he truly is not pro-life, well then, I wouldn’t vote for him. So, if there’s a question out there, I want to find the answer to it. There have been all sorts of candidates out there who call themselves pro-life and then don’t act that way. I as a consumer want to make sure that I’m not fooled.”

So are Enyart’s claims about Romney true?

The allegation about Romney instituting gay marriage in Massachusetts appears to be false. I didn’t have time to get to figure it out for sure, but I looked through news coverage around time that the gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, and Romney was described as powerless to stop it, and he was quoted as an ardent opponent of gay marriage throughout. It appears that Romney was not in a position to stop gay marriage there.

Enyart says his claims about Romney’s acceptance of publicly-funded abortion are fully documented on his website ProlifeProfiles.com.

I looked through Enyart’s site, but did not have time to determine for sure if Romney had the ability to stop his state-wide health insurance plan, so-called RomenyCare, from covering abortion. I’ll do this in the future, but please inform me, in the comment section below, if you have insight into this issue.

Meanwhile, look for Enyart to stick his face directly in front of the GOP establishement on this issue. Ann Coulter even hung up on him, and I’m sure she won’t be the last.


31 thoughts on “Denver’s anti-abortion talk-show host Bob Enyart vs. Mitt Romney

  1. I, and most people I know, are anti-abortion. However, we are all pro-choice.

    I may personally disagree with abortion and make other choices than having my own children aborted (I was 17 when my son was born, so it was discussed, and rejected), but I will defend to the death the right for every person to make that decision for themsevles and not have it made for them by the government.

    So while calling Enyart anti-abortion is accurate, it is his being anti-choice that makes him reprehensible.

  2. You have redundant paragraphs in there starting with “We plan on…”

    That said, I wondered what Gunny Bob was doing these days. Last I heard of him he left his KOA talk slot (now filled with “Brownie) rather abruptly to go on some secret mission in the Middle East. It’s sad to hear he’s back polluting the airwaves with his zealous righteousness. Since I’m a liberal and thus automatically a heathen, I don’t listen to Christian radio.

    Hope he’s successful in his efforts to knock out Romney, since that will pave the way for one of his fellow nutcases like Backmann to get the nomination and thus ensure Obama wins re-election.  

    Thanks Gunny!  You’re doing a heckava job!

      1. We poor bloggers can’t afford proofreaders. I spelled Bachmann’s name wrong in my comment.

        This is the same Bob “Gunny” Enyart that had the early evening talk slot on KOA a few years ago, right? “Gunny” is his nickname because I assume he was some type of gunner in the military (unless of course it was fabricated).

        God forbid there be more than one.

        1. “Gunny” Bob Newman (Neuman?) was on KOA and had a regular column in the Denver Daily News. I think he was a Gunnery SGT in the Marines (Maybe Army).

        1. You got me thinking if it was the same guy, and it’s not. “Gunny” is Bob “Gunny” Newman who had the early evening talk slot at KOA. I used to listen to Newman, and some of his remarks weren’t that far from Enyart, maybe  that’s why I got the two confused.

          Newman once said Obama wanted to pay for abortions in third world counties to boost the global economy, and that every Muslim in the U.S. should be required to wear a GPS tracking device.

          My mistake, sorry.

            1. That was my recollection, so I Googled.   According to Wiki, he was convicted of misdemeanor child abuse in 1994 for beating his girlfriend’s kid with a belt so hard it broke the kid’s skin.

  3. There is a Bob Enyart who has been off and on Denver radio for years.  He is anti-choice as are most right wing politicians/talk show hosts….and so he wants to attack Romney for not being sufficiently pro-life.  So?  Why is this news?  

    It would take a real man to critique boyles or Cplis/silverman….but that would not be you.

    1. Your opinion on issues of choice is worse than useless, so I oppose your arguments with facts when I feel they are valuable to the discussion.

      You accuse me of personally having a vendetta against you, but mostly I ignore you because I just find your opinion to be of little value.

      You just said Jason isn’t a real man.  I’ve met him, and can attest that he indeed is.

      You, however are a piece of shit!

    2. I have come across Bob Enyart in person more than once and his anti-choice statements and actions are far more dangerous than your standard right wing radio host. One incident that is still fresh in my mind is him trying to disrupt a No on 62 event by screaming the entire time, rushing the stage while shoving people out of his way and finally trying to deface campaign materials.

      1. I think that violent behavior should not be tolerated and he should have been arrested.

        rushing the stage while shoving people out of his way

        This is not free speech.

      2. A guy everyone should know about and watch out for. Not only has he been a regular protester and caterwauler at women’s medical clinics over the years, he actually led protests against employees of the construction firms that worked on a Planned Parenthood facility. Construction guys. Really. An out there, scary dude.  

    3. You don’t like Jason’s diaries? Start writing your own instead of your daily bitchfests. You bitch when people ignore people like Enyart. You bitch when people expose what he’s up to.

      Either way, you do what you do best–criticize everything while you have one ear stuck permanently to talk radio.  

      1. because she criticizes Democrats. I like dwyer for the same reason. DaftPunk, John Kennedy, Poor Richard, all you feuders.

        I finally know what it feels like to be giddy with glee like Karl Rove. You Dems don’t know what you’re missing. It’s like rainbows and candy all the time.

        1. I thought you were MOTR.  I am easily confused.  I really appreciated your posting proudly your politically affiliation.

          Now, I do want to clarify one thing, seriously.  I do criticize

          the Democrats, but only because of their passivity.  I support almost all of their policy positions.  I do believe that they have a fiduciary responsible to answer consistently the lies from you Republicans.  I think it was wrong to abandon the public airwaves to the Republican party. Our original constitution does not mention political parties. But, we have an adversarial form of government and the tension between competing entities keeps us functioning.  The Dems are not doing their part.

      2. This is my perspective. I comment from this perspective, but I obviously have not made myself clear.

        1) I believe that talk radio is not  legitimate  media.  I think it is a propaganda machine, dominated by the right, but also the same techniques are used on the left (although I do think that “progressive” talk radio is more factual).  I think that talk radio perverts the use of a  public resource, the air waves, and it should be conducted to serve the community public interest.  I believe it is the single most important factor in dividing this country politically.  I think the political divide threatens our ability to survive under this Constitution.

        2) Jason treats talk radio as if it were a legitimate form of media. That is why I take exception to what he writes because I think it just give credibility and legitimacy to what I believe is a propaganda machine.

        3) I don’t get what is so revealing about what Jason has written here.  What Enyart is doing is perfectly legitimate political organizing.  He is buying TV time and spending “thousands of dollars” to get his message out.  Elected officials who belong to a conservative anti-choice religion are consistently attacked for not using their office to further the anti-abortion fight.  This is nothing new.  Why write about it?

        4) I certainly wouldn’t object if Jason or anyone wants to monitor talk radio as well as legitimate media outlets  and report anti-choice events and campaigns planned.

        5) If a talk show host is promoting violence against anyone….left, right, anti or pro abortion, that is NEWS and should be reported.  But, Jason doesn’t say that is happening.

        6) I am not a journalist, I don’t have the resources or training that Jason does and so I expect more from him and I guess my comments express my disappointment. He is the only one in Denver basically mentioning talk radio.

        1. It would take a real man….but that would not be you.

          Clear enough for me.  You’re in no position to be making that call.

          Everything else sounds like “sorry if anyone was offended.”

        2. Uh, because it’s a timely and legitimate political story that could have a significant impact on Romney’s chances for the GOP nomination, perhaps?

          1. If Jason is going to be tracking right wing political efforts, than this does make sense.

            As this goes forward, these are the questions I would have:

            1) Is Romney going to be targeted again by some “right wing christians because he is Morman, as in 2008?

            2) Is Enyart going to do the talk show circuit with his campaign and if so, HOW MUCH WOULD HE HAVE TO PAY FOR THE AIR TIME, IF HE WERE NOT INVITED ON AS A GUEST?

            3) Could the Republican party in Colorado (be still my beating heart) be faced with another internal melt down between the  pro and anti Romney factions?

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