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August 31, 2011 03:49 PM UTC

Wednesday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water.”

–Miguel de Cervantes  


54 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Thread

    1. Still over 700 ATF provided weapons missing and presumed to be trafficked to Mexico.

      How many will be used over our Labor Day to kill our neighboring Mexicans in their own backyards, schools, and plaza’s?

      How do you think Eric Holder is holding up?

  1. When LBJ moved his first civil rights legislation through the Senate many complained that it wasn’t enough. But LBJ’s view was that getting something through for the first time in 80+ years was gigantic. And that the better legislation would then follow.

    If Rollie’s initiative passes, than it shows all the fraidy-cat Democratic “leaders” that taxes can be increased and all it takes is a backbone and a willingness to fight.

  2. and transcripts of the audio–The Memory Project. Gives the name of each soldier and their hometown as well as an audio and transcript of their memories. You can search for someone you know by name, location or service details.

    A friend of mine sent me the link and I’ve been listening to different WWII vets sharing their memories. Some of these stories are just jaw dropping. And they relate them as casually as one would a weather report.

        1. I guess in all fairness they probably should be required to tell us where they live, and where they vote, so that everyone can pre-judge the merits of their spam.

    1. The industry does tinker with boarding order.  Different airlines do it differently.  Southwest approaches “random” with its first-come-first-served seating order.

      Also, the physicist neglects marketing requirements.  Premiere frequent-flyer passengers need to be made to feel special, which would throw off his algorithm.  And the article does not talk about what to do with people who are not on-time to the gate.  Seems like they would mess with perfection as well.

      So, this is not really “another industry unwilling to learn.”  It’s more “another sensationalized story that neglects the subtleties of reality.”  Kind of like 99.999% of “educational reform” articles.

    2. that when physicists (or engineers) assume people act as automatons (or even “average”), their models always meet with universal acceptance and success.

      How does this model account for a family with young children traveling together?

      1. I would assume they still do pre-boarding for families with young children. The trick is to experiment and adjust.

        Imagine if when Craigslist first came along newspapers had decided to create something similar and tie it to their existing classified business. They would have had to experiment and adjust as they went – but they probably would have retained that income stream.

        1. People don’t pay for Craig’s List.

          Once it got so easy to list stuff online and advertise job openings, cars and everything else…all for free, newspaper classified revenue went away.

          Keeping the income stream was impossible.

  3. from posterous

    Question: I would like, for example, for you to express in clear terms how, say java, in any of it’s incarnations, addresses the idea (inaudible). And when you’re finished with that, perhaps you could tell us what you personally have been doing for the last 7 years.

    Steve: You know, you can please some of the people some of the time, but…. One of the hardest things when you’re trying to effect change is that people like this gentleman are right in some areas.

    The hardest thing is: how does that fit in to a cohesive, larger vision, that’s going to allow you to sell 8 billion dollars, 10 billion dollars of product a year? And, one of the things I’ve always found is that you’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards for the technology”. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you’re going to try to sell it. And I made this mistake probably more than anybody else in this room. And I got the scar tissue to prove it. And I know that it’s the case.

    And as we have tried to come up with a strategy and a vision for Apple, it started with “What incredible benefits can we give to the customer? Where can we take the customer?” Not starting with “Let’s sit down with the engineers and figure out what awesome technology we have and then how are we going to market that?” And I think that’s the right path to take.

    1. I think you should try to reconcile your admiration for Steven Jobs’ answer here (people then technology, as you paraphrased it) with your admiration for a technological model for airplane boarding (in your earlier post above) that completely ignores human behavior.

      There is a real conflict. Can you see it?

      1. You start with the model and try it in practice. And from that you adjust. That’s what Apple (and the rest of us do) – come out with what we think is a good solution, then watch how people use it and adjust based on that use.

  4. So Rand Paul decides to predict the future of President Obama’s newest economic advisor, before he’s actually had a chance to do his job. See article: http://www.rollcall.com/news/r

    I disagree with Ron Paul on virtually everything, but at least he has some principles.  

    With Rand Paul on the other hand, the term “cheap hustler” comes to mind.


  5. It seems some morning glory vines are blooming late this year, though the plants are vigorous.

    I may move mine, or start new ones, in another spot for next year. The late afternoon sun really wilts them where they are now. They recover nicely by evening, but think it takes a bit out of them and many of the leaves burned last year (the first time I grew them). I had harvested seeds, but I had problems getting any of the seeds I started this year to take off.

    When it comes to gardening in Colorado, you can never tell! And you’ve got to hand it to the people who try things even if it isn’t exactly what they “should” be doing! Please discuss.

    1. I planted my tomato plants without cages and just let them grow along the ground. I’ve had the largest crop of tomatoes ever! The branches along the ground grow roots and increases the amount of water and nutrients to the plant.

      Also discovered tomatilla plants will take over your garden of their own volition if you let them. Cilantro will not grow where I plant it, but will grow in other completely random places. And, I had to dig up my four year old strwaberry patch ’cause it just wasn’t producing anymore (heavy sigh).

      1. This was during the summer and we were eating outside on a patio. When she wasn’t looking we threw them in this strip of dirt along the edge.

        The next year that strip of dirt had a ton of tomato plants in it. And she then watched us to make sure we ate them.

        1. to compost old tomatoes — the heat doesn’t destroy the little seeds, so when you spread it in your garden next year, you’ve got tons of tomato seedlings. They sure are determined!

        2. they put in a garden for preschoolers back in spring.  During a celebratory picnics the kids took to squishing salad cherry tomatoes into the soil.  Now they have the most bountiful bunch of randomly growing cherry tomato plants ever — no rhyme or reason to the spacing just a messy free4all.

          RG seems to know but preschoolers sure didn’t …    

  6. The White House also has declined to comment.

    Of course they have no comment, nor should they. It’s a no-win situation.

    Worse it leads to the questions they don’t want asked:

    How did he get a SS number?

    Has he been using the SS number for benefit attainment?

    If so, then when did he start and please explain how its George Bush’s fault?

    Etc, etc, etc….

    1. it’s George H.W. Bush’s fault if he’s had these IDs since the first Bush administration. Why won’t the Bush clan address these questions? Did Jeb Bush somehow arrange for Obama’s uncle to get a Social Security card as part of the Silverado shenanigans? If he says it’s a ridiculous question, doesn’t that just mean we should press the question harder? Why else would ANY ONE of the Bush family decline to comment on this?

        1. The Bushes are elbow-deep in this scandal and it doesn’t matter which brother pulled which strings because every family member bears responsibility for the crimes of every other family member. Do you think this had something to do with providing cheap labor to build the houses Silverado financed? That’s an intriguing theory, Libertad, and it angers me to no end the Bushes are remaining silent on this travesty.

              1. 1992 a half uncle of then world famous, powerful Barack Obama (he wasn’t?) who had pretty much no relationship with Obama obtained a ss# and license. That would be before Clinton took office but after he was elected or before? Following me?  Why, then, are Clinton and Bush I both mysteriously refusing to comment on it?  Hmm?  Can anyone explain that?

                Why am I refusing to explain it.   Both Obama’s half uncle and I did exist in 1992 and I’m from Chicago myself.  How am I going to explain that away?!?  Where were you, RG? Come to think of it, where was ‘tad, in 1992 and why haven’t either of you volunteered that information yet? Why is everyone of us refusing to admit what we knew and when we knew it?  

                See how this works?

  7. No links, not running afoul of any anti-outing rules, but the #redco hashtag on Twitter just saw an interesting Tweet.

    If true, serves ’em right for that dumb April Fool’s joke. I actually paid attention to them! Apparently I shouldn’t have, just more oil industry astroturf. And maybe some revenge for a certain jilted gubernatorial candidate?

    I love the internets with their twists and their turns and their tubes!

    1. Putting aside the fact that 95% of the crap tweeted is crap I wouldn’t want to know in the first place – seems like most people just retweet what other people are tweeting.

      Seems like an enourmous waste of time to do and to read.

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