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August 27, 2006 06:02 PM UTC

Beauprez, Domestic Partnerships and 5280 Magazine

  • by: Colorado Pols

Two weeks ago Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez was called out by The Denver Post for apparently changing his position on domestic partnerships. The Post cited a 5280 magazine article in which Beauprez talked somewhat favorably about domestic partnerships:

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez said Tuesday that he does not support a proposed ballot measure to grant same-sex partnerships – forcing his campaign to explain a February article that said he did not oppose same-sex “unions.”

A February issue of 5280 magazine paraphrased Beauprez as saying he “rejects the idea of same-sex marriage. He’s okay with same-sex ‘unions,’ but he believes ‘that marriage is between a man and a woman.”‘

5280 magazine publisher Dan Brogan has made available the interview in question with Beauprez at 5280.com, and there’s no question that Beauprez is sympathetic to the idea of domestic partnerships:

If we want to talk about some kind of a relationship between two people that isn’t man and woman, and what we think of as the traditional marriage union, I’m willing to talk about that.


17 thoughts on “Beauprez, Domestic Partnerships and 5280 Magazine

  1. So, Beauprez stated in this interview that he “made a loan to two guys.”

    I assume this was a Heritage bank loan Beauprez was referring to.

    Can everyone appreciate the overwhelming kindness and generosity behind this action by Beauprez?

  2. 1.  The transcript is in direct opposition to the stated position of his running mate. Janet Rowland.

    2.  This interview took place, as I remember, during a campaign swing that included a meeting and prayer lunch with Pastor Ted Haggard and Focus on the Family policy wonks.  So let’s remember to put this all in context.

    3.  If he were to just state — pure and simple — his position on same-sex unions and civil marriages, we wouldn’t have to go through this examination of his previous statements.  Instead, Beauprez thinks he can get away with dancing around the subject and refusing to be cornered into a position that is, indeed, black and white. 

    1. Big “C” conservatives are getting colder and colder towards Both Ways.  No matter how the establishment Repubs want this guy in office, he is making things worse.

      Funny.  Even people who I’ve met who know of Mr. B say one thing about him…that is the “L” word.  Liar.  Call it politics, call it changing your position, call it part of the game.  To most people, plain and simple its just “Lying.”

      Your right, he should just take a position and stay with it, instead of attempting to dodge traffic in the middle lane.  Wonder jusat how many of those conservatives, like those Christian Coalition supporters who helped Both Ways at the Republican Assembly are starting to woner.  Then again, maybe they sold their souls a long time ago and can’t turn back now.

      Either way…they can count themselves as card carrying members of the “Southend of the north bound Elephant Parade.”

      1. It shows you are willing to reconsider things. And I think trying to say what both groups want to hear is natural for politicians as the entire election is trying to get people to prefer you.

        But people do want a clear picture of where they stand on the major issues. They can even say they are not sure on a subject (the Iraq war is a good example for that answer). But in that case they need to give the parameters of their uncertainity.

        I think BWB is trying to be all things to all people. So we don’t get a picture of where he stands but instead get an impression that he will say what you want to hear. And this will destroy credibility oh so fast.

        Once the credibility is gone, he’s done for. Because people want someone who is credible. They don’t expect agreement on each issue. But they do expect an honest answer. Otherwise they have no idea what that candidate will do in office. (Lying both ways once in office is not as bad because the track record speaks for the candidate.)

        I think us Democrats have it for the governor’s race, and because of that the state house and senate are close to sure things. So we’ve got at least 2 more years and probably 8 to repair the damage the Republicans did to the state.

        God is smiling on Colorado.

  3. Even though I’m a crazy liberal progressive that thinks BWB would ruin the state, part of me almost feels bad for the guy. His campaign continues to implode as he keeps making incredible poor decisions, while at the same time getting constantly caught in political double-speak. I mean, Ritter is going to have to do some absurd to mess this election up. Unless Ritter murders a minority child on live television (and then fails to prosecute himself), I think he has got this one in the bag.

  4. In fairness, the definition of a civil union can be vague, and you might oppose one while supporting another. He should just come out and say exactly what legal protection gays should have. (Of course, then we’d probably get his third opinion.)

    1. A Republican attempt to appease the moderate wing and unaffiliated voters.  Bottom line, just as “Guest Worker” means nothing leass than “Amnesty for Illegals,” Civil Unions mean “Same Sex” marriages.  Plain and simple folks.

      As such, those Repubs who orchestrated this nighmare over the past six years will be looking for jobs come January I’m affraid.  At this rate, the Republican Leadership (and their insider trades and deal making – reminiscent of Tamany Hall) will all be looking for excuses and people to blame.  More importantly, they will be looking for jobs!!!!

      Gigi Dennis, Doug Dean, Chuck Broerman, and all of those who haven’t already bailed out.  Mr. Martinez should just step down in January and save the party any grief in February, March, April, or May of 2007.

    1. but the right wing puts candidates in a no win situation.  If they sound at all flexible, they lose party support, and if they sound rigid, they scare off the average voter.  What’s an “R” to do?

  5. Wouldn’t it be funny if someone were to go around saying the following Beauprez Quote –

    BEAUPREZ: You know, you just can’t say it and have it be so. Either you are or you’re not.

    Thanks Colorado Media Matters for listening to Both Ways even when he thinks he safe with his County Vice-Chairman moderating the conversation.  Just shows that no matter where he is, he says things and does things that make him look evem more ridiculous.

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