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September 28, 2011 02:53 AM UTC

DeGette Defends Planned Parenthood from "Republican Vendetta"

  • by: DaftPunk

( – promoted by ProgressiveCowgirl)

Ever since the tea infused congress almost shut down the government over Pap smears for poor women, the pro-choice movement has been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and Planned Parenthood to become the ACORN of 2011.

In a letter written in his authority as chair of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, which rehashes almost verbatim a press release from Americans United for Life containing a variety of debunked lies  about the organization, Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fl) demanded internal audits of how much Planned Parenthood received and spent in government money from 1998 to 2010. Stearns also requests any state audits of PPFA for the last 20 years that have not been made public, as well as a description for how “segregation between family planning and abortion services is accomplished,” and how the practice is monitored for compliance.

Representatives Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), the ranking member of the panel’s Oversight subcommittee, and Henry Waxman (Calif.), senior Democrat on the Energy and Commerce Committee fired back:

Planned Parenthood is being singled out as part of a Republican vendetta against an organization that provides family planning and other medical care to low-income women and men…

We are aware of no predicate that would justify this sweeping and invasive request to Planned Parenthood.  The HHS Inspector General and state Medicaid programs regularly audit Planned Parenthood and report publicly on their findings.  These audits have not identified any pattern of misuse of federal funds, illegal activity, or other abuse that would justify a broad and invasive congressional investigation…

It would be an abuse of the oversight process if you are now using the Committee’s investigative powers to harass Planned Parenthood again.  Your fervent ideological opposition to Planned Parenthood does not justify launching this intrusive investigation.

Cecile Richards, CEO and President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America added:

“At a time when the American people need jobs, some members of Congress are instead misusing their political power to go after health care access for the most vulnerable women in the country, we are certain that the millions of women and men who count on Planned Parenthood will make their voices heard and speak out, just as they did during the budget battle in the spring.”

Of course this fight is not about birth control or STD testing, it’s about abortion; As noted Republicans like to say, “well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does”, even if that is not meant as a factual statement.  Or as Representative DeGette said at her September 2009 town hall, “legal medical care, and tell me why poor women have any less right to legal medical care than anyone else.”

Because Republicans hate abortion so much, they’re willing to neglect the facts:  For over 90 years Planned Parenthood has operated as a non-profit at hundreds of health centers around the country. Well over 90% of the services they provide are preventive in nature, including life-saving cancer screenings, confidential counselling, and prevention and treatment of STD’s.  One in five women has used Planned Parenthood’s services at some time.

This partisan witch hunt will amount to nothing, besides wasting money on high paid DC lawyers.  It reminds me of the Personhood initiative which has no chance of passing, but causes donor fatigue from financing its opposition.…


20 thoughts on “DeGette Defends Planned Parenthood from “Republican Vendetta”

  1. that Republicans not only hate abortion, but they also hate the poor.  So it does no good to point out how their extremism hurts the poor — they’re fine with that.  It’s just become more acceptable among Republicans in the last several years to be open about their hate for the poor.  

    1. It’s been amazingly transparent since the ’10 election how they’re willing to write off over 50% of our population in pursuit of their anti-women ideology. It hasn’t been too long since they, at least, maintained their animosity toward women, their rights, their intelligence, their rise in comparitive power, their sexuality to a pseudo-caring paternalism. Now those old white men are really on a tear. Eg: girls who receive immunization against an STD will just, naturally, become “harlots” (TX); better to let them die of cervical cancer.

      All goes back to that good ol’ Good Book. And their fear of losing control. If they only knew they could get the same sensation from riding a Harley.

  2. Having trashed her in the past, I’m coming back around. It started with her obvious testiness toward Republican obstructionism voiced in her recent telephone town hall. She seemed genuinely pissed. It’s about time she and other Dems woke up and started smacking back. Now: keep smacking.

    1. Legislators have strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, DeGette has fewer, far fewer, town hall type events when out of session. But, last week I watched on C-Span part of a committee hearing where the oil industry and R congressionals were trying to dismantly EPA regs. At a quiet, but key part, of the hearing, DeGette expressed reservations about accepting documents as part of the record. She argued forcefully, supported by Waxman.

      We need DeGette

      1. Keeping an eye on the extractive industries is another of DeGette’s strengths; she’s not just about abortion and stem cell.  

        You should see her in “Gasland.”

        1. She and the Rep from New York have been working for years to get O&G to be accountable for what they are using to frack wells. The woman deserves a medal for tenacity.  

          1. Diana DeGette may not be the most social of our Colorado Democratic delegation (as others have complained here a couple of times) but she is as sharp and hard-working as they come. Diana is one of the people in Congress most responsible for consistently defending the rights of women — half of our US population. She is not afraid to take on anyone, and has a clear moral compass. Her record shows compassion for people from all walks of life, as well as a commitment to the planet. Look at her record — from a populist standpoint — nearly perfect. http://projects.washingtonpost

            The fact that Diana DeGette does not spend all her time tooting her own horn and smiling for the cameras, is a feather in her cap, not a liability. On policy, Diana DeGette is a rock star. We need DeGette. We MUST retain DeGette.

      2. we must also recognize and encourage our representatives when they step out and join the parade.

        I’ve also noticed a (slight) change in the tone of senators Udall and Bennet. Here’s hoping. Let them know: we expect fighters. We expect them to tutor the electorate (Yeah, like the media is going to step up and do their duty?). We expect them (at this point) to quit their nitpicking and support the President’s jobs bill. And we expect them to help get Colorado’s citizens on board. Their jobs aren’t limited to voting; their jobs include twisting arms in the hallways in Washington, confronting know-nothing (and self-interesed) editorial boards and speaking out to all Coloradans with Democratic conviction.

        As we wake up and energize ourselves, we have to wake them up and energize them. DeGette seems to be headed the right direction.

  3. criminalize womens health care don’t have any comment on this latest attempt to destroy a womans right medical care.  Pro-life is an oxymoron with these cultists.

    1. To tend to the womens’ health providers and their staffs who are targeted by these loonies who think bombs, mahem and murder –murder! — are part of their democratic arsenal to further their puny “religion”-based agenda.

      Can you spell “scum”?  

    2. Forensic vagina inspectors

      There are other countries in the world that, like El Salvador, completely ban abortion, including Malta, Chile and Colombia. El Salvador, however, has not only a total ban on abortion but also an active law-enforcement apparatus – the police, investigators, medical spies, forensic vagina inspectors and a special division of the prosecutor’s office responsible for Crimes Against Minors and Women, a unit charged with capturing, trying and incarcerating an unusual kind of criminal.

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