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November 30, 2021 01:41 PM UTC

Polis/Griswold Recall Update: A Whole Lot of Sad

  • by: Colorado Pols

We’ve been doing our best to keep an eye on the latest efforts by right-wing grifters to “recall” Gov. Jared Polis and/or Secretary of State Jena Griswold. When last we checked — on August 31 — “lead organizer” Lori Cutunilli was promising the Facebook faithful that recall petitions were just a few weeks away from circulation!

However, Recallpalooza seemed to be gasping for air by the time California Gov. Gavin Newsom easily turned back an attempt to oust him from office in September. According to the latest campaign finance report for the “Recall Polis – Griswold 2021” committee, momentum remains elusive:


You’re reading that correctly. The recall committee raised $12 in the last month — all of which came from Cutunilli herself. Things are so bad, in fact, that they would need to raise $1,307 just to be able to report that they have no money.

The grift may be strong among Colorado Republicans, but it is apparently not without end.


7 thoughts on “Polis/Griswold Recall Update: A Whole Lot of Sad

  1. I gotta wonder …. what expenditure did the Committee make that was EXACTLY $12.00??  Is that the rent on a mailbox inside a copying center?  The minimum payment for an off-off-brand wireless contract? Replenishing a mail franking machine? 

  2. Gawd damn Biden's inflation and his supply chain fiasco . . .

    . . . just not enough cases of Bud Light or Gomers available to do the job required, and not enough money to afford 'em if there were!

  3. I don't think that is active. FB shut down the Recall Polis/Griswold page. Everything goes through Citizens for Colorado. They're pushing for donations all the time. 

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