(Promoted by Colorado Pols)
A leading Colorado Republican, who lost a bid for statewide office in 2018, is counseling fellow Republicans not to dodge questions on abortion in this year’s election, saying people won’t accept statements like, “It’s a tough issue to tackle.”
“That’s going to become an issue that every single person running for every single office, probably even school board, is asked about. What’s your position on abortion?” said Braucher on his KNUS show Dec. 13, pointing out that the U.S. Supreme Court will make a consequential decision about abortion rights around June.
“People want to know where you stand on this. ‘Hey, I’m pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest, health-of-the-mother.’ Or, ‘I am pro-life across the board.’ Or, ‘Hey I think there ought to be abortion up until the second before that baby–‘ People are going to want answers,” he continued.
“We know Republican voters support abortion access because they’ve voted against abortion bans at the ballot box over and over,” said Karen Middleton, President of Cobalt, an abortion-rights group, in response to Brauchler’s comment. “But Republican politicians like [former Colorado Senator] Cory Gardner dodged the question. It would indeed be good to know on the record whether Republican candidates and politicians agree with the vast majority of Coloradans in supporting abortion rights. Even more broadly, Colorado voters do not believe in government interference in reproductive health care.”
It’s hard to find elected Republicans in Colorado who favor abortion rights, while Republicans in the state legislature and elsewhere have pushed for a complete abortion ban here. Colorado’s three GOP members of Congress recently called for an end to Roe v. Wade.
Brauchler briefly ran for governor in 2018 before dropping out to launch a failed bid to be the state’s attorney general.
During his 2018 race, he called those with concerns about Roe v. Wade “fearmongers,” and he indicated that he personally thinks Roe was wrongly decided, but he was vague on his own abortion stance during the 2018 campaign.
Brauchler has criticized reporters for pressing candidates on the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, but he indicated that abortion questions were fair game.
Still, he urged Republican candidates to be prepared with precise answers to questions both on abortion and the 2020 election. For his part, Brauchler has denounced election conspiracies.
Listen to Brauchler on Dec. 13, 2021 here:
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So Brauchler's advice to candidates (Hi there Heidi, Lori, Loren, Lauren, et al!) is to be specific about abortion…..
But he was vague about abortion when he was officially a candidate in 2018.
I'm expecting him to run for some major office this year, and we'll see how specific he is on abortion rights.
I don't know if Brauchler is going to run for a nomination … I think he may wait to be drafted by the convention after those who are running stumble badly. Then, if he wins, he's a hero. If he loses, well, he got a late start and couldn't develop party unity in only a few weeks. And until then, he can get paid for his media gig since he isn't a candidate.
Sounds about right. It also allows him to parlay his narrative about Colorado being a crime hellscape into candidate messaging later.
Brauchler is as dishonest as most of those on the right he criticizes. He was a disaster as a DA and it was delightful to watch him get pummeled by Weiser in 2018.
Speaking of being pro-life, I’m anxiously awaiting the outrage and condemnation of the shooting of George Floyd’s 4 year old grand niece , Arianna.
Her father said that he thinks that their house was targeted. Arianna was injured, has undergone surgery, but is expected to survive. It took police four hours to respond to the 911 call.
So we should be hearing from every “pro-life” GOP politician very soon, right? Any minute now………………………………..
Picture of Arianna is from the family’s handout to reporters.
Have they offered any reason for the 4 hr. delay on the 911 call?
There is an investigation underway about the delay. It is worth noting the incident occurred 3 a.m. New Years Day, a time when cops everywhere are overwhelmed by drunks who often fire guns to celebrate. Never fire a gun in the air — what goes up must come down.
The incident also underscores the folly of "Defund the Police" policies. A nation that lacks the resolve to disarm drunken rioters needs more and better cops, not closed police stations and rising emergency response time.
“Brauchler’s advice to candidates……….”
Candidates could also be questioned about their positions regarding use of so-called “abortifacient” forms of contraception such as IUDs and the morning after pill.
Another possibility is asking if they support intervention by big government or big religion in the bedrooms of law abiding and consenting adults.
Of course they support big government/religion intervening in private bedrooms. It's mask mandates and getting vaccinated to protect the most vulnerable in our society that makes them lose their shit. Forced births aren't a violation of personal liberty but requiring face coverings in public settings is.