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January 06, 2012 04:31 PM UTC

Open Line Friday!

  • by: Colorado Pols

“CNBC has a story about this over-the-top how wonderful this is. We are back, folks! We’re back! Now, the question we all need to ask ourselves is this: What did Obama do to create these jobs? What Obama policy? We know what Reagan did. We know what the Reagan policies of the eighties did. What has Obama done? What Obama policies have been put into place recently to create all these jobs?”

–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday


24 thoughts on “Open Line Friday!

  1. Rick Barber is off the air at night after 30 years on KOA; Caldera is also gone in the evenings.  Barber and his sidekick, “Big Steve,” were the only non-radical right talkers on KOA.  Barber was a libertarian and a gentleman.  “Big Steve”, producer, was a “progressive.”

    But, he lost his overnight, one night a week gig, filling in for Barber, last Fall.

    The real radio voices are going silent all over the country. The braying of asses is heard in the land.


      1. George Noory.  No need to pay employees when you can just stream the satellite feed.

        Cheap bastards.

        This really sucks.  Rick was my go-to guy when I got tired of Noory and all-night sports.  One of the last live talkers left on the radio these days.

        Here’s his theme song for the nostalgic among you.  Sorry about the video. It was the only YouTube version of Craig Chaquico’s “The Graywolf Hunts Again” that I could find without voiceover.  Chaquico doesn’t play a telecaster like the one in the video.  He plays a Washburn EA-20 electric/acoustic.

  2. By taking the brave legislative action to save the 100watt incandescent light bulb, the Invisible Hand of the Free Market responded by creating jobs!


    Jobless Rate Dips To 8.5 Percent, 200,000 Jobs Added To Payrolls

    The nation’s unemployment rate edged down to 8.5 percent – its lowest level in nearly three years – as 200,000 jobs were were added to payrolls, the Bureau of Labor Statistics just reported.

    Great news? Not for new vets – the rate jumped to 13.1% in December 2011 (up 2% points).

  3. From this morning’s Housing Wire:

    In a story sure to gain traction, Bloomberg Businessweek published a story late Thursday that said Freddie Mac officials have cleared Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich to make public his contract as an adviser to the mortgage finance company.

    Gingrich previously told Bloomberg he couldn’t release the documents because Freddie Mac wouldn’t waive a confidentiality agreement, but Freddie told Bloomberg Gingrich is “welcome to release the contract.” So will he or won’t he? Already, Gingrich’s description of his work and pay has varied from people familiar with his Freddie Mac work. Stay tuned on this one.

    1. But this has the potential to derail his candidacy in much the same way McInnis’s “Musings on Water” work product derailed his candidacy for the CO governorship.

      Like the story says “stay tuned on this one”.  

        1. he got his “not Romney” bump in Iowa. He was just selling books until then. I think his turn as the “GOP option of the month” went to his head and he started dreaming there for awhile.

          I think he now just wants to cut Mitt Romneys’ throat…and sell more books.  

          1. He’s not running for the nomination, never was.  His focus has shifted a bit from self promotion for future gain and to sell books to screwing Romney.  Newt’s always at his best when running nihilist campaigns of mass destruction against whoever.

            The fun thing about Newt is that he’s always so willing to go down in flames himself in his efforts to take down his enemies. Remember watching him self-destruct while Clinton finished out his terms with an approval rate in the 60s?  In fact nobody seems as comfortable with flames as Newt is except for Satan himself.  Wait a minute…  

    1. Here’s the free online dictionary definition:

      blah (blä) Informal


      1. Worthless nonsense; drivel.

      2. blahs A general feeling of discomfort, dissatisfaction, or depression: “Monday morning Oscar woke up with the blahs” (New Yorker).


      1. Dull and uninteresting.

      2. Low in spirit or health; down: sat around all day feeling blah.

      Is “blah people ” a way of referring to the poor or to those receiving some form of government assitance that I just haven’t run across?  Does he think people who earn low incomes do so because they are “blah”?  Also, I don’t see how the vowel sound of “blah” can make it easily mistaken for “black”.  

  4. and by running I mean in charge, or paid, or in charge and paid, but they can be ON the campaign and advising me what to do, but they’re not RUNNING the campaign, but they’re helping me, but they’re only ON the campaign but not RUNNING the campaign:

  5. I guess since the Pakistani army is still shocked….SHOCKED I SAY! that an American POW is held captive in their AO, then diplomacy will have to do.


    Family of U.S. soldier held by Taliban hopeful over Qatar deal

    (Reuters) – The family of a U.S. soldier held captive by the Taliban for over two years said on Wednesday they were optimistic about the possibility of talks between the Afghan insurgent group and countries including the United States.

    They expressed hope that Bowe Bergdahl would be freed “as soon as possible” in a statement issued a day after the Taliban said they had reached a preliminary agreement to set up a political office in the Gulf Arab country of Qatar.

    “We are optimistic about the possibility of diplomatic discussions between Taliban officials and government officials from other nations, including the United States,” the family said in a statement released through the Idaho National Guard.

  6. I wrote to Ed Perlmutter urging him to oppose SOPA. Here is what he sent me in response:

    Thank you for contacting me about H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).  I appreciate hearing from you on such an important issue because it enables me to better represent the beliefs and values of our district.  

    H.R. 3261 authorizes the Attorney General to seek an injunction from a federal court against a domain name used by a foreign website promoting infringement or the sale of counterfeit goods.  This court order may be served on U.S.-based domain name servers, Internet advertisers, search engines, and financial transaction providers. These parties would have to take actions such as preventing access to the website or suspending business services to the site.  I understand your concern for preserving free speech.  The internet is a valuable resource for all of us, however I believe in many cases we need a greater degree of protection for intellectual property of American businesses.  Rest assured I will closely monitor this issue and should H.R. 3261 reach the House floor for a vote, I will keep your views in mind.

    I am requesting anyone to help me translate this. I can’t figure out what he is saying.  Perhaps, that is the point.

    1. Yes this would be catastrophic for the Internet, but those donations from Hollywood are sizable. So I need to see how strongly my constituents care about seeing this defeated before making a decision.

    2. “Thank you for expressing your concerns, but I’m going to be voting to deprive Internet businesses of their rights to a full and fair trial prior to taking away their Internet presence, because the someone tells me it’s necessary.”

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