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February 10, 2012 11:00 PM UTC

BREAKING: Laura Bradford Swept Under Rug

  • by: Colorado Pols

UPDATE: Party time again at Gold Dome High:

Probably, but that won’t stop anyone.


As the Grand Junction Sentinel’s Charles Ashby reports:

A House ethics committee looking into possible violations of Rep. Laura Bradford over a traffic stop last month dissolved itself today, saying there clearly was no evidence she did anything wrong.

The panel, made up of three Republicans and two Democrats, said the Denver Police Department made it clear that the Collbran Republican did nothing wrong other than to be issued two traffic tickets.

It’s been reported that Rep. Laura Bradford, following the dismissal today of the ethics committee investigating her January 25th traffic stop, subsequent allegations that Rep. Bradford invoked legislative immunity to evade arrest for DUI, then the stunning reversal by Denver Police, who now say that the original reports from a 28-year veteran of the force were a lie…anyway, Rep. Bradford now has no desire to disaffiliate from the GOP! This is all wrapping up pretty neatly, in marked contrast to the way she was ready to blow up her caucus only a week ago.

And even though nobody’s heard from the original police officer who made the first allegations that Bradford had invoked immunity, and no resolution to the (presumably active?) investigation by DPD into why those untrue allegations were made, or why an unnamed junior officer is believed over a 28-year DPD veteran–“there clearly was no evidence Bradford did anything wrong!” Despite the admitted three glasses of wine, the reckless driving charge, the special treatment either voluntary or involuntary that halted further DUI tests, the gun…

We would have at least omitted the word “clearly,” folks. We’d say the ethics committee disbanded because the situation was so muddy, it left them with little to investigate.

Somewhere between Bradford’s convenient line today that three glasses of wine didn’t leave her tipsy and the committee’s summary dismissal of the ethics complaint against her, we’re reminded of politicians who complain bitterly about Amendment 41, Colorado’s lobbyist gift ban. Some of these people really have no idea how it all looks to the public outside their little Gold Dome bubble. We’re not worried about a “whitewash,” so much as this becoming part of the folklore that makes ordinary citizens everywhere resent their government–while reporters, cops, and politicians pat themselves on the back for how well they “handled the situation.”

They sure did, folks. They sure did.


35 thoughts on “BREAKING: Laura Bradford Swept Under Rug

  1. No evidence, no point in an ethics investigation.

    I think the initial cop on the scene did exactly what he was supposed to do and got screwed by his superiors on this one.

    And I’ll ask this once again–when’s the last time you’ve been pulled over and were considered so sober that a cop ended up calling a taxi instead of allowing you to drive home and put you personally in a cab?

    She pulled a fast one and got away with it. She must be so proud of how many bridges she has set fire to in the last two weeks.  

      1. that ought to earn her a special award.

        Getting out of driving drunk and getting a cab called to get home, no less? Check.

        Using your “Get out of DUI Jail Free” card to keep from submitting to a breathalyzer test? Check.

        Having got out of any damning evidence, making the need for an ethics investigation invalid? Check.

        Throwing the DPD under the bus, particularly when every single Denver cop that works the Capitol beat knows about this obscure law and sees her plates even before he gets to her window and asks for her license? Check.

        Threatening to throw your Party’s one seat majority into jeopardy? Check.

        What a busy gal.

          1. to update us all on whether or not she’s going to walk back that statement, too, that she likely will not run again.

            Since she’s backpedaled on every single one of her other threats, I’d be inclined to assume she’s gonna walk that one back, too. I suppose it depends on how damaged she is by this with her constituents and just how high their tolerance is for bullshit.  

            1. vote for a slug as long as it had an R after its name. Bradford is proof positive of that.

              The question is whether Rowland wants the seat or not. My guess is, if she wants it, it’s hers.

      1. Standard GOP Operating Procedure – If a Republican does something unseemly, use it as an opportunity to take an unwarranted swipe at the Democrats, or the Librul media, or any other favored target. But NEVER, under any circumstance, talk about it if you can’t figure out how to do that.

            1. drunk driving and then throwing tantrums and threats in his or her wake, we’ll be happy call a Dem a-hole an a-hole, too.  I can think of several times you expressed surprise at our lack of robotic solidarity.

              Hardly anything for you to work with  spin wise, this week? Catholic Church seems pretty satisfied with Obama’s solution even if all of your candidates and your congressional leaders are trying really hard to keep frothing at the mouth. We now know that the percentage of Catholics who have never used birth control is a really, really tiny minority and the celibate clergy in dresses just try not to think about it.  

              Obama’s approval/disapproval numbers are steadily improving along with economic numbers. After getting creamed in three state Mittens performance infront of the crazies was a laugh riot. Oh yeah, he was a real severe conservative as Mass. Governor. The guy’s hysterical.  

              Your party’s core is so out of step with the rest of the electorate, it’s probably is no longer possible for anyone who can win  a GOP presidential primary to win the presidency. So naturally you’re going to try to make this out to be another case of Dems(who was it in charge who called for a hearing?) picking on  a poor innocent R again. What else have you got? Nada.

  2. Look, we brought down Komen.  Why aren’t we outraged enough to take down a Colorado legislator and the police who are lying for her.  At some point, we need to ask ourselves how much are willing to give up as Americans.  We deserve better leadership on every level.

    Are we supposed to believe that the COP BROUGHT UP LEGISLATIVE IMMUNITY?  Come on!  is anyone buying that bridge?

    1. And of course when I’ve been imbibing with my lackey lobbyists, I always scream “Treat me like anyone else” multiple times when I get pulled over.  What is so improbable about friendly cops calling for a taxi to help someone who wants to be treated like every other DUI suspect get home without driving herself?

  3. Shouldn’t he be at least fired for falsifying his report and possibly prosecuted? We can’t allow someone who would do something like that to retain his position in law enforcement.

    1. He definitely should be fired for lying. There is no such thing as a minor lie  where cops in the course of doing their job is concerned. If DPD lets cops get away with lying, of what value will any court testimony from cops be. They will not have any credibility. Since testifying in court is an important part of a cop’s job, they have to have unblemished credibility. Period.  

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