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April 19, 2022 07:44 AM UTC

Be Kind To Transportation Workers Today

  • by: Colorado Pols
Well actually…

As AP reports via the Colorado Sun, last night the cantankerous, sometimes openly belligerent, and always just kind of silly opponents of the mandate to wear a protective face mask while riding public transportation to protect against infection from COVID-19 appear to have won the argument at long last with the help of a Donald Trump-appointed conservative judge:

A federal judge in Florida on Monday voided the national mask mandate covering airlines and other public transportation as exceeding the authority of U.S. health officials in their response to the coronavirus pandemic…

A Denver International Airport spokeswoman said the airport is waiting for official direction from TSA, but is still strongly encouraging passengers to wear masks.

The same goes for RTD, which has been consistent with reminders to bus and rail passengers that wearing a mask is required under federal law.

The Biden administration, which had recently extended the transportation mask mandate until May 3rd but was widely expected to drop it following that date, says it will drop enforcement of the mask mandate immediately pending their response to yesterday’s decision. That could leave individual employees in the transportation industry who have relied on the mask mandate for their own protection against the objections of anti-maskers in the lurch awaiting of new policies from their employers.

It’s a situation in which we can easily see transportation workers being harassed by jubilant anti-maskers taking out two years of frustrations (like they have from the beginning) on employees with no say over the policies they have been required to enforce. Nobody who was just doing their job all along is the “loser” in this decision, so we hope that doesn’t happen.

Rather than gloating, show your conductors and flight attendants a little extra appreciation today.


12 thoughts on “Be Kind To Transportation Workers Today

    1. Never tried a case as lead counsel before ascending to the bench.  So she has no idea what it's like to try a case as trial counsel.  That lack of credentials is unbelievable for a federal district judge.  I feel sorry for lawyers, parties, and jurors who have to try cases in her court

      1. Yeah the judge is such an idiot the Biden White House has decided not to appeal.

        Is it impossible for leftists to ever admit they were wrong, even about something as small as this?

        1. Well, we don't ever see the fascist right admit they were wrong about anything big or small.  So, get back to us when you and your fellow wingnuts admit your mistakes.

        2. You clearly have never practiced law.  I want trial judges to have actually tried cases as practicing attorneys.  The public deserves that in the judiciary.  


        3. We don't know if there will be an appeal — "We are right now in the process of deciding, and we likely will appeal that ruling. Stay tuned," [Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier] Becerra said.

          Going to be interesting to track the consequences of this ruling.  Any speculation on the coming surge in hospitalizations and transportation companies needing to shut down due to lack of staff?

          1. The decision whether to appeal has to be considered by the Solicitor General's Office.  SOP when the U.S. loses a case in district court.

      2. What she lacks in actual courtroom experience she made up for with watching back episodes of "Judge Judy."

        All rise!

    2. The judge, vetted by the Federalist Society (she was a member), clerked for Clarence Thomas.

      With a hubby who had been sponsored by Stephen Miller for a position as "acting general counsel" for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). [Trump loved "the acting."] Who moved on to be one of the team members of Jared Kushner's venture capital fund.

      Wingnut Welfare strikes again.

  1. I've enjoyed the freedom of going unmasked in schools, confident in my vaxxed-and-boosted status. Many colleagues and students still choose to mask. There isn't any argument about it. More young people are dying of Fentanyl overdoses than of COVID.

    If /when, God forbid, the BA2 variant starts goosing the low hospitalization-and-death numbers, all of that could change overnight. 

    And we'll all do what we have to do. 


    1. I was curious … so went to look and found "killers of 18-to-45 year olds in the United States,"

      In the year ending in April 2021, there were 21,335 deaths from the coronavirus in this age group, along with 22,442 from automobile accidents, 17,114 from cancer, and 21,678 from suicide. That adds up to 82,569 deaths, or more than twice the 40,010 deaths from fentanyl overdoses that year.

      CDC's current estimate of overall COVID deaths by age includes:

      Age Group……deaths

      0-4 Years………..464

      5-11 Years………351

      12-15 Years…….369

      16-17 Years…….300

      18-29 Years….5,910

      30-39 Years…14,815

      40-49 Years…34,104

      total …………..56,313

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