“You know, liberals, ladies and gentlemen, are still in a state of shock and disbelief over the notion that ‘social issues’ don’t hurt Republicans. You see the reason for the manufactured, false, it-doesn’t-really-exist attempt to convince people Republicans have a war on women. Which, again, as mayor of Realville: Republicans date women, they marry women, they have children with women.”
–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday
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IN: Weekend Open Thread
BY: coloradosane
IN: Weekend Open Thread
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IN: Mayor Mike Surrenders To Trump, Points Fingers Ahead of “Operation Aurora”
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Is he still on the air? Oh wait a minute clear channel has a ton of dollars tied up in him. And, the pay off is approaching.
We’ll respond in kind!
are as incomprehensible to me as Log Cabin Republicans. It makes about as much sense as Jewish, Hispanic and African Americans aligning with white supremacists.
I just love the latest jobs, jobs, jobs legislation being proposed in state legislatures. Oh wait. It’s not about jobs. It’s about allowing insurance companies to demand proof that a woman’s birth control prescription is for a “medical” reason, such as acne, not for contraception. Family planning for healthy child spacing? I guess the right thinks that a desire to have sex with your spouse without having a child every year makes a woman a wanton slut. Of course that would include most of their own, given the close to universal (99%. That number is getting to be a recurring theme this election cycle)) use of birth control in this country.
One thing’s for sure. The number of women with a strong urge to screw the GOP is growing larger every day. Thanks, Rush, for revealing for all to see the sad fact that today’s GOP pols aren’t man enough to stand up for the dignity of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters if that means standing up to you and your hate spewing lunatic fringe acolytes.
Friday Jams, but . . .
this one goes out to the “Mayor of Realville” and all his addle-brained constituents
because we know how much you think of women.
you’ll love the water wars! Maybe that dawning realization…there are other sources of energy we can live with even if they initially cost consumers more but we can’t live without water…has something to do with it.
in the direction the Good Lord intended, and woulda done if he didn’t take that last day off. That would be East.
There are some thirsty wells in Weld, ya know? WE need to be taking that fresh water from the headwaters of the mighty CO, pipe and tunnel, and dam and pump it up and over, down to the frackers and drillers and dust suppressors…
Colorado was put here to be a resource colony and nothing more. If God hadn’t wanted us to divert water and pump it thousands of feet in the ground to extract a substance He buried there…why would he have allowed us to invent water lawyers and petroleum engineers?
One of the four Republican State Senators that was facing a recall has resigned today citing a number of family health issues requiring her attention.
With the resignation of State Senator Pam Galloway, the Wisconsin State Senate moves to a 16-16 tie (and one moderate Republican has been voting a lot with the Dems lately…). The legislative session is technically over within a few days anyway, but it is expected that they’ll have to come back to fix up some badly gerrymandered State Senate maps. Thanks to the resignation, the leadership now devolves into co-leadership (until the recall election, anyway). (For those who are curious, Galloway’s seat will still be up in the recall election, but Galloway’s name will not be on the ballot.)
Also today, the Wisconsin GAB certified the recalls of Gov. Walker and Lt. Gov. Kleefisch.
complete freakin’ dumbass . . . er, I mean a Republican Presidential canditate . . . you’ve gotta be the best one that you can be . . .
What are the chances that one of these days one of the asshat GOP constitutional scholars actually, you know, reads the constitution?
The myth of the overnight success