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May 02, 2022 01:12 PM UTC

Pam Anderson's Got A Very Big Little Problem

  • by: Colorado Pols

Fundraising reports for the most recent period are starting to show up for candidates in the Republican primary to run for Colorado Secretary of State–and if you’re in that minority of Colorado Republicans who doesn’t want the 2022 election to be a rehash of the 2020 presidential elections, which might incline you to support ex-Jeffco Clerk Pam Anderson, we’ve got bad news for you:

Republican ex-Jeffco Clerk Pam Anderson.

Pam Anderson is basically broke, with a shockingly low $5,665 balance of cash on hand at the end of the reporting period last week. To put these numbers in some perspective, Rep. Ron Hanks, who has been dismissed by some for his supposed inability to raise money, has almost three times Anderson’s cash on hand according to his latest report. Anderson’s principal opponent Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters has not yet reported her fundraising haul, but the national attention Peters is receiving as a central player in the “dead-ender” plot to restore Donald Trump to the presidency–for which she may end up in jail for a very long time–could mean she’s been raising a lot of money these past few months. We’ll be watching closely for Peters’ report to be submitted.

As for Anderson, this surprisingly anemic fundraising is just more evidence that she is a candidate without a constituency–at least without a majority coalition she would need to actually be competitive against her incumbent opponent Jena Griswold, who posted a massive $850,000 haul for the same period and ended the same period with $300,000 on hand. There’s simply no good reason for Colorado voters to hand the state’s election system over to Donald Trump’s party, no matter how many times Anderson insists that (R) after her name is not what it looks like. Absent a major turnaround that we don’t see any impetus for, Anderson is setting up to be an honorable placeholder who saves Colorado Republicans from further embarrassment in a race that’s off the table.

Or, Anderson actually loses to Tina Peters. It’s time to starting planning for the worst.


12 thoughts on “Pam Anderson’s Got A Very Big Little Problem

  1. Brought in $50k, spent $90k. 

    Well, she won't likely be in the company of other Republicans who lost their primary races with a significant amount of money in their account.

    1. Pam Anderson spent her money on petitions like she was supposed to. This is more Colorado Pols BS, she'll be competitive in the fall.

      1. Oh Moddy,

        "Jena Griswold, … ended the same period with $300,000 on hand" seems to make it somewhat competitive. Until you read that Jena has spent almost $2M on reserving TV ad time. Oops.

        I am so looking forward to my GOPer primary ballot.

        1. That properly ought to be Election Protector Incumbent Secretary of State Jena Giswold (D-CO) versus Alleged Felon County Clerk Tina Peters (Q-CO).

          Anyone have an update on trial dates for Ms. Peters, so we can figure out if she commited misdemeanors or felonies?  And will the Ethics Commission say anything about her working vacation with Mr. Lindell?


      2. Moderatus….

        I am a newly minted unaffiliated voter who changed from "D" to "U" so I will have opportunity to cast a vote in GOP primary in June.

        I am already a Pam Anderson but I'm curious. Who are you supporting in the other races and why?

        P.S.  Don't get too excited. My vote for Anderson (and any other Republican for whom I may vote is only good for the June primary. In November, it is almost certain I will vote a straight Democratic ticket.)

      3. She needs to be competitive now, asshat, unless you can come up for a way for her to get on the ballot as the R nominee after losing the primary


        1. If Anderson loses the primary to Peters and then Peters decides to follow KBB's advice and "abandone her campaign" for the good of the Republican Party, I guess a vacancy committee COULD put Anderson on the ballot.  Timing might be tricky …

          1. I can't see Peters going that route.  Too much cash to grift, though it would be a novel way for Anderson to get on the ballot.  

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