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March 23, 2012 05:20 PM UTC

Sandra Fluke heads to Denver, no word yet from Greg Brophy

  • by: JeffcoBlue

( – promoted by Colorado Pols)

POLS UPDATE: FOX 31’s Eli Stokols:

When asked about comments by Limbaugh and others – Colorado state Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, echoed Limbaugh a week later and Tweeted that taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for a woman’s “birth control, Spring break or booze” – that portray birth control as an unnecessary, hedonistic luxury, Fluke frowned.

“It’s definitely quite upsetting and it’s disrespectful to women,” Fluke said. “It just conveys a level of ignorance, frankly.”

Ultimately, however, Fluke believes that such comments only underline the importance of more women following her lead and standing up for their reproductive rights.


A huge announcement this morning from Know Your Care, thank goodness I already RSVP’ed!

The moderator for today’s event will be award-winning columnist and editor Diane Carman.

Our panelists today include:

· Anna Benyo, National Women’s Law Center

· Congresswoman Diana DeGette

· Hon. Elbra Wedgeworth, Denver Health

· Sonji Wilkes, mother of a son with a pre-existing condition and

Sandra Fluke

Sandra Fluke is a student at the Georgetown Law School.  Her personal story about women’s health has received national attention and is inspiring others to share their story as well.

At today’s event, please consider sharing your personal health care story with Know Your Care and our partner groups.  At the event you can tape a video of your health care story, write it out for us, or simply leave us your contact information so we can follow up.

Today, March 23rd is the 2nd Anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act-a law that is helping millions of Americans get the health care they need.  But there are still many women who are unaware of the life-saving consumer and patient protections of the new law.  Today, we hope Ms. Fluke will inspire you to share your story and help educate Coloradans about the new life-saving options available under the Affordable Care Act.

Please thank and support the partners who helped make this event possible:

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative

Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (C.O.L.O.R.)

NARAL Pro Choice Colorado Foundation

National Women’s Law Center

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

Progress Now Colorado Education

Sorry to say today’s event at the Colorado History Museum is full and SRO: I got on the RSVP list earlier in the week before it was announced that Fluke would be there. Obviously I can’t wait to hear her story – and to hear if Ms. Fluke has anything to say to or about Sen. Greg Brophy, who gratuitously smeared her for testifying in favor of birth control coverage. My hope is she will.

I’ll be back this afternoon with word of how it went!


11 thoughts on “Sandra Fluke heads to Denver, no word yet from Greg Brophy

  1. Keep us posted!

    As for Brophy, he’s busy flexing his fingers so he can tweet “The end is near.  We are doomed…the evil <  > is coming to campaign for Obamacare…”

    1. tweet something classy, like — “I’m surprised she’s not already in the Mile High club” and “Be sure to bring lots of dollar bills.”

    1. Many law students have Mon-Wed or Tue-Thu classes; the fact that she hopped a plane late Thursday to attend a Friday event in Colorado is no evidence she skipped even one class, much less that her “studies are suffering.”

      But thanks for clarifying that you’re a woman-hating neanderthal like Rush — the only explanation I can see for the level of bile she’s facing simply for taking a view you dislike on one measley issue.

    2. Why shouldn’t she capitalize on it — especially if it’s politically for the benefit of a cause that she believes in? Your side gave her the platform. Now suck it up.

  2. The latest talking point from the right is to attack Fluke as a tool of the left.

    However, Fluke would never have been known by anyone if the Republicans hadn’t:

    1. Prohibited any women from speaking at the hearing on birth control in the first place.

    2. Had a mouthpiece like Rush Limbaugh call out Fluke as a “slut” and “prostitute.”

    3. Failed to immediately and strongly denounce Limbaugh for his outrageous attack on a private citizen who was simply seeking to testify at a public hearing.

    So ArapaGOP, don’t go whining about this. It’s your own Republicans’ fault for incredibly stupid politicking.

    1. Whine, complain, condemn, cajole and otherwise caterwaul about it this. A lot.

      Clearly, it works – most Americans agree and this is precisely the kind of issue we want our successful candidates to be talking about. A lot.

      Any chance Flopney could appear with Buck and talk about buyer’s remorse and zero tolerance for abortion and how birth control is evil and maybe even toss some Biblical stuff from Fphesians or Exodous?  A lot.  

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