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May 19, 2022 06:45 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.”

–Horace Mann


17 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

      1. This evening, the House of Representatives voted on a proposal to appropriate $28 million in emergency funds to address the baby formula shortage. Two Democrats did not vote, 219 Democrats voted yes. Twelve Republicans voted yes and 6 did not vote. The rest, 192 Republicans, opposed the bill. It now goes on to the Senate.

        1. And the cherry on the Sunday (suppress your surprise), Rep. Lauren Boebert was one of 9 Republicans to vote against a companion bill that allows the government to temporarily waive formula sole supplier conditions in state WIC contracts. Yes, Q-Bert voted to deny babies in 2/3 of the states from receiving their formula, just because the state’s supplier had to close a plant due to health violations.

      2. The House also voted today on the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022, which steps up the sharing of information about domestic terrorism among government departments and creates an interagency task force to analyze and combat white supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of the uniformed services and federal law enforcement agencies. The House passed the bill by a vote of 222 to 203. All the no votes came from Republicans; all the Democrats voted in favor. It now goes on to the Senate.

  1. Pretty cool story.

    After almost 80 years, roses from Colorado’s Amache internment camp may bloom again

    It was during an archaeological dig that the rosebush was discovered. Bonnie Clark, an archaeologist with the University of Denver, and her team were on-site at Camp Amache when they found the bramble crawling across the remnants of a barracks doorway in 2012. It had survived a dark time in American history and the unforgiving extremes of Colorado’s southeastern plains. 

    During World War II, the U.S. government sent some 10,000 Americans of Japanese descent to the camp near the Kansas border, which is formally known as The Granada Relocation Center. The land recently became a national historic site.

    Clark, who leads the DU Amache Research Project and Field School, believes people who were imprisoned at the camp planted the roses. 

    “It's hard to know which family planted them,” she said. “But most of the people who lived in the block where we found them at Amache were from Los Angeles.”

    1. Roses are fabulous. The really old ones have a root system like a tree- deep and wide. Once established, they are almost impossible to destroy unless you pave them over. I'm sure they were a symbol of resistance and resilience for the Amache internees. 

      1. My grandparents grew and sold roses after they took early retirement in the late '60s. Their whole yard was a rose garden. They had concrete planters all over. I kinda felt sorry for the people who bought their house in the late '00s. If they wanted a lawn, they had a lot of work to do.  

    1. I heard on 9 News last night that if this system had been in place during the last election Polis would have lost by 28 points. These people are insane, and they know they can’t win a fair fight anymore. I feel like the next presidential election is going to be a massive constitutional crisis if a fair amount of Trump yahoos are going to be elected in offices that run our elections. God help us.

        1. Agree. The idea that you can just throw away 233 years of functioning democracy because you didn't get your way is completely evil.

    2. Time to dust off Lucas v. 44th General Assembly and remind these asshats that one person one vote is the law of the land, except for the U.S. Senate.  

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