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July 01, 2022 07:16 AM UTC

Friday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Don’t call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses.”

–Aaron Hill


22 thoughts on “Friday Open Thread

    1. Voter got what they wanted when they voted for conservatives: inept, corrupt, and costly. Voters are going to vote yes to a bond to pay for the lawsuits too. 

      The good that came out of it was families who moved.

  1. 3 days ago, Drumpf claims he barely knows Cassidy Hutchinson

    Yesterday, Drumpf knows her character so deeply he says he's certain Ms. Hutchinson has "mental problems".

    He can't even get his fucking story straight. To quote Seinfeld " Everyone knows you're lying George"!


    1. I wonder what the hebephrenic orange shitgibbon thinks of that former Secret Service agent saying he's far too gargantuan and infirmed to make a move for that steering wheel.

      lol j/k no need to wonder about that.

  2. Final denver tallies show our Whiskey Lima Juliet did squeak in the CU Regent nomination.

    But here in newly formed District 6 progressive stalwart Katie March lost narrowly to self-proclaimed anarchist Elisabeth Epps, an abolish the police shrieker.


      1. In spirit, doubtless.  But Boudin had executive authority as da to put his views in practice.  An Epps bill to abolish the police will lose 64-1, or more likely die in committee.  But Republicans will tout her as somehow representing Dems.  She's more or less our Boebert, though without the disgusting personal aspects of Boebert.

        1. V, you're probably right about such a bill dying in committee, but Javier Mabrey (likely winner in district 1) will vote with Epps quite dependably. I'd also guess Epps won't be completely by herself in 65-member House voting that often, unless she really goes off the rails on something.

            1. Perhaps, but "really off the rails" is different. Like turning the Marshall amp up to 11 – that's one more than 10!

              (Couldn't resist making the smart-aleck comment first, but I honestly want to give her some benefit of the doubt to see how she actually legislates.)

              1. One Main Street PAC spent half a mil advertising against Epps. Those are probably the ads and push polls CHB saw. One Main Street presented itself as a “local, non-partisan non-profit”, but is actually a 527 political independent expenditure committee.  
                Nevertheless, that half million in out of context accusations against Epps could not overcome her earned reputation as an effective community organizer. Epps set up a community bail fund that has helped thousands of nonviolent prisoners be able to make bail and resume working, parenting, and putting their lives back together.

                Definitions: Epos is an “abolitionist”. This refers to abolishing the “Prison Industrial Complex”, (PIC), not abolishing the police per se.This is part of the Smart Justice movement, including diversion, restorative justice programs in schools, alternatives to mass incarceration of immigrants, the STAR program, which the ACLU and many other progressive organizations work on.

                 I support Elisabeth Epps. She is a compassionate, caring, and effective community organizer. I’m glad that she won the HD6 race. She will bring fresh ideas and perspective to the legislature. 


                1. Epps is on the record in favor of abolishing the police.  No if, and or but about it.

                  Of course, you support her! But you aren’t stuck with her.  I am, sigh.

                  She collected out of state contributions by the ton.


  3. SCOTUS granted cert in Moore v. Harper, which likely means the so-called independent state legislature doctrine pushed by Rehnquist (aided by Scalia and Thomas) in Bush v. Gore is less than a year from becoming the law of the land. Once again, Dick Nixon (through Dead Bill Rehnquist) is pissing the punchbowl of American democracy from beyond the grave.

  4. Clarity on restoring protection for women's abortion rights, from Josh Marshall at TPM:

    by Josh Marshall

    “If the Democrats hold the House and add two Senators in November I will vote to pass a law making Roe’s protections the law nationwide and change the filibuster rules to guarantee that bill gets an up or down vote. And I will do that in January 2023.”

      1. Sorry. Josh Marshall is proposing some non-mealy-mouthed words we need from our Senators that would confirm for us that they are actually committed to guaranteeing abortion rights.

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