( – promoted by Colorado Pols)
The above link is a list of bills doomed yesterday. All of the bills are either bipartisan or Republican led except for SB12-183 Utility Heating Disconnect Cold Weather Exemption which prevents some people from freezing to death in these tough economic times.
I personally love a few of these bills: BJ Nikkel and Linda Newell’s SB 46 School Discipline bill that tries to prevent kids from being pushed in to the school to prison pipeline we have developed and Pat Steadman and Brian DelGrosso’s SB 104 Drug Treatment Consolidation Which makes delivery of drug treatment more efficient.
There were women’s health bills SB12-108 Medicaid Dental Services Pregnant Women which was so loved that two opponents in the fall Andy Kerr and Ken Summers were co prime sponsors.
There were a host of bills that represented conservative values like HB12-1255 Ending Continuous Appropriation Of State Moneys, HB12-1309 Colorado Mandatory E-verify Act, HB12-1356 No Sev Money For Local Gov That Impacts Oil & Gas yet they we sacrificed as well to prevent Gay people from having civil rights afforded the rest of us.
So when they say their priorities are jobs or even “drill baby drill” and gas prices–remind them of the May 8 Massacre.
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Is to restrict the basic rights of some people based on who they love.
If even Ryan “Border-Staring Expert” Frazier acknowledges that this was a travesty, does McNulty have ANY base of support to speak of?
I’d love to be a fly on the wall in his office, his home, his car, from now until civil unions finally pass, however this comes about. Does he understand he’s on the wrong side of history? Is he aware of how much trouble he’s making for his own party? What on God’s green earth is he thinking?
Word is that the Senate is looking to pass some of the legislation that died from the “May 8 Massacre” by adding it as amendments to bills coming up for their final floor vote in the Senate today, and then send them to the House for concurrence before tonight’s end of the session. This likely will include the “must-pass” water projects bill and would make it less likely that we’ll see a special session. Stay tuned …
Senate is going to amend certain bills that died last night onto existing bills still in the process. Below is a tentative list of what is proposed. The amendments will be non-controversial because the passed bills had bipartisan support and strong coalitions backing them.
Of concern is the highest priority, SB 165, the water projects bill. This bill normally passes every year because of the importance. SB 165 dedicates $38 million to infrastructure projects throughout Colorado. Amending this onto an existing bill will be challenging because of title requirements.
In order to amend a dead bill onto a live one, the amendment( in today’s case = the dead bill) must fit under the title. During the final three days of the legislative session, the rules may be suspended and the Senate President and the House Speaker have the ability to do things they otherwise could not.
SB 165, unfortunately, does not fit cleanly into existing bills – others, such as the education bills and the criminal justice bills fit nicely. One concern raised by Sen Steadman, and I agree 100%, is that by forcing an amendment onto a bill under the suspension of rules, when that bill’s title may not allow that amendment otherwise, risks setting a dangerous precedent for future leaders in the legislature.
Looking through the bills that died on the House calendar last night, there are very few that absolutely need to pass this year. Many of the bills should not be resurrected. It is unfortunate that policy enjoying bipartisan support and broad stakeholder support must wait until next year. A wiser course of action would be to hold a special session for SB 165 alone to ensure Colorado’s infrastructure needs are met. Use SB 2 as a political hammer over the interim and leave the remaining bills (that cannot be amended safely under existing titles) for next year.
This way the infrastructure is funded, the Democratic controlled Senate looks like they are the reasonable governing body, the Republicans (although secretly happy that McNulty took one for the team) continue to look like narrow minded partisans who can’t find their way in the modern world, and the Democrats get a political message for the election year – not only are Republicans too straight for their own good, their leadership is willing to play chicken with $38 million dedicated to jobs and infrastructure (about the only true jobs bill (not) passed this year).
Here’s the list, with a few of my comments added:
Bill that died: SB 164, Private Post-secondary Education
Amend the bill into: HB 1155
Tochtrop and Newell
Bill that died: SB 165, Water Projects Bill
Amend the bill into: HB 1278
Comment: very risky – 1278 deals with the South Platte river study that barely survived the House and some Senate members don’t think too highly of. The funding for the study has nothing to do with the CWCB (coming from the Gov’s emergency fund, I believe). Run this bill in a special session and name the session “McNulty’s Special ‘I Shot Myself In The Feet So Many Times, I Don’t Have Any Toes Left’ Session”
Bill that died: SB 173, Mental Health Professional Disclosure
Amend the bill into: HB 1311
Newell and Hudak
Bill that died: SB 46, School Discipline
Amend the bill into: HB 1240 or HB 1345
Hudak and King
Bill that died: SB 47, Accuplacer for K-12
Amend the bill into: HB 1345
Johnston and Hudak
Bill that died: SB 172, K-12 Assessment Consortium Participation
Amend the bill into: HB 1240 or HB 1345
Broad title bill: HB 1310-Omnibus criminal justice code could accommodate the following bills that were killed
• SB28 Aggravated Juvenile Offenders
• SB 104 Drug Treatment Consolidation
• SB 163 Drug Offender Sentencing
• SB 117 DUI Offenses
Comment: keep SB 117 the hell away from anything dealing with HB 1310. Way too controversial for the final day of session and threatens to kill the entire bill, which would be very sad.
Bill that died: SB 169, Noxious Weed Management
Amend the bill into: HB 1349
Comment: Hardly a priority, let it alone for the next session
Bill that died: SB 108, Oral Health Bill
Amend the bill into: HB 1281
Bill that died: SB 129, Rural Broadband Mapping
Amend the bill into: ???
Comment: While an important issue for rural Colorado, could draw unnecessary fire since this bill was tied to the telecom bill that died.
Bill that died: SB 155, Transparency of Elections
Amend the bill into: HB 1036 (now pending in House)
Comment: SB 155 a good bill that enjoys very broad support from all parties involved in the process, except for one freaky lady from Aspen – you know who you are.
Thanks for the thorough update, Car 31! I get the concern on stretching the rules to allow 165 under a title where it really doesn’t fit. One way or the other, it’ll get done – in a special session if need be.
Doing Resolutions. Ahem.
These are ed bills that may be saved.