“You force insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions we’re not talking insurance anymore. We’re talking welfare. It’s not insurance. People don’t want to hear this I know. What are the Republicans afraid of?”
–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday
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Rassmussen polling is the source.
No wonder a current state penitentiary guest in WV pulled 40%+ of the Democrat primary votes from the sitting President
I’ve seen tell of other polls saying the opposite.
Have you gone over to King’s yet? I saw a gallon of milk for $3 there.
You won’t post “I’ve seen tell of other polls saying the opposite.”
It’s not like you would ever acknowledge them or concede the point.
Sam’s Club was $2.09
Whole Paycheck does run about $5 a gallon, but that’s for the organic variety.
Now, my last fill-up on my pickup did run me $106 dollars. But it’s an F-250 diesel with two tanks and the $3.79 a gallon price is actually rather moderate for clean diesel.
it’s good to wait until the tank is empty.
I somehow doubt Libertad is so elitist as to shop for the good stuff. If he’s happy with his GMO’n’antibiotic-laden cheap stuff, I’m happy for him. I just hope he’s not too much of a shut-in to shop for it himself. I think he could use the fresh air.
What’s wrong ‘tad? You’ve given up on Presidential polls because even FOX NEWS shows the Prez is beating the Romneybot?
No wonder the presumptive head clown in the GOP Clowncar is giving up on his own state…
Polls tell you where people were in the past, they’re not predictive models.
In race specific polls you are looking a multiple players seeking an office. In this right track-right direction type poll you’re seeing the results of a wide cross section of issues — the track and direction vectors pointed out in this poll and others like it signal trouble for Obama based on past performance.
Based on the double-downs committed to by Obama we’ll continue to see the same outcomes. It’s like groundhog day with this administration.
For most Americans that shiny hopey changey thing from 4 years ago has some major skid marks on it.
Incomes are down, consumer prices are up and leader of the free world wants to hike taxes and spending. Face it that plan hasn’t been selling well at the water cooler for nearly 2 years.
Do you have time to pivot? I don’t think you do, worse you don’t have the will to lead for the American people.
would post something subjective that paints a negative for the country, then gleefully predict doom, gloom and chaos.
I guess for you, a perceived bad outcome for the nation is a positive.
That’s a real weird form of “american exceptionalism”.
“Polls tell you where people were in the past, they’re not predictive models. ”
Then explain how you always post this crap every day, hooting and screeching that it’s a sign of impending doom for the Prez…followed up with a steaming pile of made-up shit that exists somewhere in your deranged head.
Case in point:
“Do you have time to pivot? I don’t think you do, worse you don’t have the will to lead for the American people.”
What the FUCK does that mean? I mean, really, did you just hear that from whatever Moonbat neo-fascist talk radio show you listen to in your Mom’s basement, and you typed it in because your simpleton lizard brain can’t think of anything else?
We’ve been over this ‘tad – you’re a worthless troll who’s posts generate automatic contempt and scorn when they appear on this site.
You realize you’re arguing with Libertine, don’t you?
Try out your arguments on a fence post, first. You’ll find the answers more nuanced.
You mean Obama’s got to go through inauguration all over again? Oh, well, so be it.
has an approval rating just slightly lower than a snakes’ belly. Hmmm?
‘I Stand by What I Said, Whatever It Was’
-Mitt Romney
It must be getting awfully hard for Mittens to keep track of exactly what it was he did say at any given point in time. Most people don’t change socks as often as he changes his tune. Can you remember which socks you were wearing the Tuesday before last? I think we can all understand his problem.
Tell the truth. There’s less to remember.
Will set you free. The truth is the refuge of the truly lazy. 🙂
How Mittens thinks:
“Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it.”
– Notebook, 1902
What he should be doing:
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”
– Notebook, 1894
Stupid, stupid voters.
Meanwhile, the government is using drones for something on us. I like how it’s not the least bit creepy and completely buried in a story about huge pelicans.
Tell me you think it could have been a UFO and I’ll believe you, but tell me it may have been a Rocky Mountain Pelican then I’m just gonna call you stupid.
last summer. have not yet seen any this year
do ya?
run from Peterson or Ft Carson. They were observed by several on at least 2 successive days. I only saw one and saw it only on one day. But, I have taken to looking for them frequently. I’ve wondered at the consequences of flipping it off
the pelican takes a swing at you, or something. I don’t think they are as friendly as The Flintstones would have you believe. Be careful up there.
instant, total annihilation…if I remember correctly… 🙂
It’s a fairly simple world:
What is your Klout score, anyway, David? I am a social media no-show, but in your line of work, your social media connections must be substantial. I find the subject, and the prospect of the direction the phenomenon could take us, fascinating.
but very interesting.
very confusing world to try and work or play in
disaster capitalism at work.
Arizona’s Secretary of State goes birther, says Obama might not be on ballot
Arizona’s Secretary of State goes birther, says Obama might not be on ballot
you can bet Scottie has given it some thought
guess Bennett is a Sheriff Joe posse playa