All this week, Rep. Mike Coffman’s constituents will be visiting parts of his new congressional district trying to find him. They have previously visited and reached out to his office to see if he was making any public appearances or town halls, but couldn’t get an answer. Videos of the attempts will be posted on Colorado Fair Share’s Facebook page and youtube channel.
His constituents are also starting an online petition asking for a June town hall. Rep. Coffman was last seen at a fundraiser in the 4th Congressional District questioning whether the president is “an American in his heart.” According to news accounts, Coffman has not been available for follow up questions about that statement from his constituents, the media or anyone else.
You can sign the petition & see the videos on Colorado Fair Share’s Facebook page:…
and view “Where’s Mike” Videos, Episodes 1 & 2 here:
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Isn’t that like asking where’s Waldo?
Who’s Hank? but better.
Whereinhell is the guy and why won’t he debate Miklosi? What inth eworld could he possibly be afraid of?
Perhaps Miklosi could promise to build some kind of green zone in which to debate.
because Pols readers may remember I’ve been saying this for years, as one of Mike Coffman’s constituents… every time anyone I know tried to get an appointment with him, they couldn’t. Unlike Congressman Ed Perlmutter who hangs out in grocery stores on occasion, or Senator Michael Bennet or Congresswoman Diana DeGette who have been very gracious to me and to other people I know, Congressman Coffman seems to always be “unavailable right now”. One of them was a Board member with a local lgbt group, who said that even Congressman Doug Lamborn’s staff was willing to meet with them, but his own Congressman, Mike Coffman, was not.
As the above videos indicate, apparently, my friends are not the only ones with this problem.
…I got taken out of Coffman’s district and put into DeGette’s.
the votes affect us all equally.
I’m in her district, and I work on a number of veterans issues that directly affect her constituents, and I can’t get my emails or phone calls answered.
She talked with us for almost an hour. Who is the staffer responsible for Veteran’s issues, Dan? Maybe you need to speak with a different staffer?
It was Stephen Groves, but he didn’t even last a month.
The official story is that is was a mutual decision, but the real story is that the Congresswoman doesn’t believe Veterans issues are anything to worry about in CD1.
I have tried to bring it to her staff’s attention, but I don’t even get my emails returned.
Good thing that Ed Perlmutter gives a shit about vets.
Everyone cares about Veterans, or at least, they should. I concur that Congressman Perlmutter’s staff is wonderful — if I am not mistaken, I think it is Bill Holen that is his staffer for Veteran’s issues. Bill’s wife Debbie is on the Aurora City Council. They are wonderful people who give a lot to our community.
And his new Vet rep is LtCol Kathryn Wirkus, formerly of CO DMVA. She’s fighting her way thru the backlog of vet issues so big that they need a 2nd person!
I’ll keep trying – but I hope someone on her staff has read the pile of stuff I’ve sent them…if nothing else, she should care that Colorado has the 3rd largest number of vets using their post 9/11 GI Bill in the nation (24K expected to triple in two years) – 4000 of which go to schools in HER district.
So you fire your Vet rep? WTF>?
Even more reason to think he’s awesome.
Wow — I had no idea on the stats for Colorado. Good info.
I hope you can work things out with Rep DeGette’s staff, Dan. They are good people, and when they read this, I know they will want to talk to you more.
In the meantime, if I haven’t thanked you lately for all you do for Veterans, THANK YOU! I have many Veterans in my extended family, and I am extremely grateful to you, Staff Sargent Dan!
Just curious — have you reached out to Joe Miklosi? He will need advisers on Veteran’s issues when he’s in Congress.
Working on the Vet Court initiative requires me to be on the sidelines, at least politically. It is the one issue that most politicians can agree on in this state, even if it’s usually lip service.
Because of that I seem to be taken seriously by almost all of the Fed reps, included Do-nothing Lamborn’s guy. I have yet to meet the rep for Gardner or Tipton…they seem to be absent quite often at UVC…but so has DeGette.
Maybe after 18th Judicial get’s their vet court started (and Denver District Drug court gets the support they need) I might get back in the saddle.
The real question is, “How do these members of Congress vote?” Do they vote with their constituents, or against them (with multi-national corporations)? How do their votes reflect their values? I could go and listen to someone give lip service at a town hall about education, for example, but if they vote for unfunded, unproven, federal programs that make teaching more difficult, they’re not worth my time of day. I suspect you’ve probably seen that in the Veterans community as well, haven’t you, Dan?
Since Congress is made up of only 17% women, and we represent 51% of the population (for a net deficit of 34% under-representation by gender), criticizing the strongest women’s ally in Congress for emphasizing women’s issues is a little sexist, isn’t it? The other 83% of the members of Congress could be pulling a little more of their fair share, thank you very much!
In rough numbers, 22 million military veterans in the United States in 2010. 22 of 310 million Americans -~ 7%.
And there are 105 vets in Congress. Of 535, that’s about 20%.
Wow! Vets are way overrepresented.
But wait…
Because all politics is local….how many vets represent CD1? Zero.
How many vets are there in CD1?
More than zero.
0 / (any number) = 0% representation. Wow! Vets are wayy underrepresented in Denver….unless there are zero vets.
But wait- it get’s better for women.
How many women live in CD1? let’s assume 51%.
How many women represent CD 1 in Congress? 1, or 100%.
Wow- so while your identity politics shows that nationally women are underrepresented in Congress, in Denver they are over represented and it is the men who are underrepresented.
Damn statistics. They can almost tell any story at all.
Identity politics is generally dumb.
Unless we can agree that the indentity we start with is “American:.
For example –
If the Code of Conduct ever starts to parse along traditional Democratic party identities -we’re doomed.
I am an American man, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I am an American woman, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I am an American immigrant, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I am an American black hispanic transgender gay man, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
When you dismiss vets’ concerns about not getting representation – and suggest that it’s sexist to cal out a Congresswoman for being sensitive to women’s (and other) issues, but not vet issues, you miss the point. SSgDan is not the only vet I know who complains about reaching Representative DeGette about vets’ issues. I have not heard one woman complain about reaching her with woman’s issues. But I also admit I’m one guy, hearing anecdotes, and these do not a Representative’s office make.
BTW- FWIW, most vets I know in CD6 don’t have much praise for access to Coffman neither. I always went to Perlmutter, even through surrogates in CD7, to get a sensitive ear. And since 2008 it seems like at least one Senator can be all ears.
(and if you peel back the 17% number it looks bad for Women as political talent and especially candidates. If women are 51% of the voting electorate (I don’t think that;s true for most constituencies) does that mean they are also 51% of the candidates? (no) Does it mean they are 51% of the electacble candidates? (no) And does it mean that other genders cannot represent other than their own gender’s issues in elected office? (I sure as hell hope not- ’cause then Denver women are represented, but not men.)
Identity politics is a good way to do voter reg, and get out the vote. But for most serious stuff – it’s almost pointless.
is sexist? Really? Legitimate criticism isn’t sexist. It’s just legitimate criticism. I wonder if I’ll live long enough to see you figure out the difference.
First, I would LOVE to know how Diana DeGette is considered the “strongest women’s ally in Congress” because I can think of a few other women in Congress that might arguably deserve that title more than her.
Second, I’m with Dan and MADCO on this one–DeGette’s office is beyond terrible at getting back to people, returning their phone calls or even being spotted in her own district. Forget Where’s Waldo? Let’s play Where’s Diana?
I have at least 12 emails and 6 phone calls documented to her office to get a single comment on a fracking bill last year–no response from DeGette. Great staff–lovely to talk to. True, they never call you back but gee, they’re so polite on the phone. That has to count for something, right?
Awful happy for you that you got face time with her, Nancy. Now if she could just get around to representing the rest of us folks in Colorado…well, that’d be just swell.
This is actually kind of humorous. Maybe they are looking in the wrong places. The “new congressional district” technically doesn’t come into being until January 2013. Do they really think the average voter (aka non-political junkie) is going to care in November what a Republican congressman said about a Democratic president?
Maybe they could ask Joe Miklosi where he stands on things like a balanced budget amendment, raising the debt ceiling, gas prices, how he plans on fixing Medicare and Social Security. This is what voters want to know, but all we get from Miklosi is endless pleas for money. It seems like Coffman’s gaffe is the high water mark of this carpetbagger’s rudderless campaign. It’s time to start taking some stands, Joe.