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August 18, 2022 07:05 AM UTC

Thursday Open Thread

  • by: Colorado Pols

“Weak character will neutralize all of the other possible good qualities a person might possess.”

–Robert Greene


24 thoughts on “Thursday Open Thread

    1. A wonderful wife of 54 years.  A son who chairs the philosophy dept. @ Trinity College.  My attorney daughter.  A wonderful granddaughter and grandson.  Furballs too numerous to mention.

      My fine online friends.

      And the sure and certain knowledge that Donald Trump will die in prison.

      There are many blessings in my life.

  1. Good news we can all agree on! I attended a workshop put on by the US Attorneys office, FBI and Aurora Police on protecting houses of worship. According to the FBI, .99996679% of the 5.6 million Coloradans don’t commit hate crimes.

      1. Freedom of speech means supporting the right of someone to spew out hateful vile racist misogynistic speech. It's easy to support speech you agree with. It's hard to support the right to speak things you find abhorrent – but critical to do so.

        And yes, you draw the line at speech that calls for violent action. Even if it's alluded to.

        1. Nice that you’re for protecting houses of worship. 
          All worshippers, or jusr your preferred Christian brand?

          There’s plenty of hate going around that could and should be countered from the pulpit. In my UU church, we do that. And been attacked for it.

          But here’s some stats for you to ponder: 

          Anti-semitic attacks increase 61% in Colorado

          Muslim Avs player gets racist threats, slurs

          Mosques vandalized in Colorado



          1. As a volunteer I just do my church. Most churches, if they choose have their own volunteer security team. 

            Maybe you should change churches if hate is what they project on Sunday or any other day. 

            The workshop was at Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church in Aurora. A really nice place, you would feel at home. Just be sure to wear your mask, social distance and no food in the sanctuary. 


    1. Here’s a great piece by “Sad Jesus”…

      There is no such thing as a Christian nation.
      It doesn't exist.
      It can't exist.
      Not a chance.
      Not with Christ.
      For Christ cannot be nationalized. He refuses the platform. He rejects any and all power established through vote, people, government, or popularity. He seeks no political party, no people group, and no established system of organization. 
      He cannot be colonized, weaponized, militarized, bulldozed into existence, marched down the street, hammered by a gavel, or flown over a stadium.
      He dwells outside of walls, structures, and human constructs. He tears down all that would cage Him, franchise Him, leverage Him, and hoist Him upon a flag.
      For Jesus lives in the margins, the cracks, the undefined, and the unconstituted. He cannot be legislated, demarcated, or plotted on a map. 
      Far beyond theology, denominations, creeds, rules, religion, news networks, social media, speeches, conferences, prayer formulas, mission statements, worship centers, bibles, and books.
      He blesses all.
      Lives in all.
      Claims all… equally.
      He is all, in all, and for all, or He means nothing at all. 
      There is no budget that can commandeer him, no army that can assert Him, no democracy that can elect Him, no dictator that enforce Him, and no office, house, branch, or anthem that can contain Him.
      In fact, you can surely be sure that any person, group, or effort to nationalize Him is not of Him. Not even close.
      Perhaps it's becoming all the more clear. The code has been cracked; the mystery has been solved. The cancer has been disguised as the cure; the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is revealed. Hidden in plain sight, Christianity without Jesus is the anti-Christ and the nationalization of this Christianity is his ultimate pursuit. 
      For you can nationalize hate.
      You can nationalize greed.
      You can nationalize racism.
      You can nationalize violence.
      You can nationalize injustice.
      You can nationalize white supremacy.
      But, you can't nationalize Jesus.
      For Christ can't be nationalized, but all that is anti-Christ surely can.
      Within every call, drumbeat, and chorus to nationalize Christianity is the screaming confession that, "we have not, believe not, and worship not Jesus."
      Don't be fooled, all the pursuits of Christian nationalism and the establishment of a Christian nation. They have nothing to do with Him and cannot exist with Him, by Him, or for Him.

      Grace is brave. Be brave. (Chris Kratzer)

        1. Nope … Republicans don't have a platform anymore.  The 2020 national convention basically said "2016 platform is close enough … that, and whatever Donald says are all we need."
          The state party's website has an interesting resolution in the Platform section

          They also have a list of the APPROVED | Colorado Republican State Assembly and Convention Resolutions, Saturday,April 9, 2022

          I'm hoping someone asks Pam Anderson her opinion of

          Resolution #2: We Require Integrity in Elections. Whereas over the last 6 election cycles the people of Colorado, on both sides of the aisle, continue to mistrust the accuracy of election results and whereas elections exist to give these same people a republican government they choose through democratic means that can be held accountable at the ballot box, and whereas illegally cast votes directly cancel out legally cast votes, Be It Resolved that the Colorado Republican Party supports each eligible voter actively registering to vote, ending automatic voter registration, and insists on the cleaning of county voter rolls so that only qualified voters receive ballots who then are required to show state- issued ID when voting in person. The Colorado Republican Party also supports locally controlled elections following the rule of law with verifiable counts and processes; rejects Secretary of State administrative rules used inconsistently in opposition to state law and changed in the midst of an election; opposes the use of private funds to assist in the administration of elections; calls for the development of a plan to hold elections during emergencies; and requests forensic audits of election machines and the maintaining of backup images of each hard drive in the voting system on an external hard drive, kept safe for the statutory 25 months or until the completion of all audits. Voting shall be in person on Election Day at the precinct voting center, with voter ID. Mail in ballots shall be permitted only for active-duty military, and registered voters who request a mail in ballot because they are physically unable to vote in person. Ballots should be counted by hand by election judges in each precinct.

          Of course, that flies DIRECTLY in the face of the 2013 legislation that has proven to be popular.  AND it would increase costs substantially ["Counties’ Election Costs Declined 40% on Average After Colorado Voting Process Reforms"]

    2. Well, they don't commit REPORTED hate crimes, anyway.

      And by the official stats,

      "Hate Crime 2022. Colorado. Data is current through the last full month, … Cases: 151 Clearances (by first arrest or exceptional clearance): 41%."

      And we are doing better than the nation:  "Clearance rates NIBRS data indicate that 1 in 4 hate crime incidents were cleared either by arrest or exceptional means."

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