Night before last I heard about the back to back billion dollar ad’ buys the republicans are putting out in a six state swing area in just the next few days.
Between the Koch’s, Rove, the aspirin between the legs guy, Gingrich’s sugar daddy, the shit bag that owns the Cubs, Trump, the RNC, and Dick Armey’s PAC, 4 billion has been pledged out going forward.
Those numbers are impossible to overcome.
No sitting President has gone up against that kind of coordinated, sharply focused money, which tells us how badly the 1% and corporatocracy fears this Administration, loathes our present form of Democracy, and wants to, at long last, shred and shatter the last remaining pieces of the New Deal.
The red machine has burned 25 million in Wisconsin, not counting the quarter million they’ve invested in walker’s criminal defense fund. They see the recall as Germany saw the Spanish Civil War, a testing ground. Can money, laser fixed, remorselessly poured in, hammering out a vile, false narrative, overcome the will of a people? Can a crooked, immoral, bought and paid for politician be remade, through propaganda, and reinstalled through the brute, blunt truncheon that is the avalanche of lies only vast amounts of cash can provide?
Knowing this, as an older American, a person that did my military service, played by the rules, has been fortunate enough to work Union all my life, built a nice life with my hero, who’s also my wife, I’m all too cognizant of the stakes, the odds, the way SCOTUS has rigged the deck, and how much our country’s scary situation parallels Great Britain’s in the immediate weeks after Dunkirk.
The ominous specter of republican control.
I also know the thought of waking up November 7Th, nauseated, wondering what else I could have done, one more phone bank, call, voter reg, one more door, one more conversation, one more $50 donation, is unacceptable.
But let’s imagine the horror, the skin crawling creepy image of a mittens win for a second, and with it a question.
What’s in it for a regular working stiff red?
You know, the schmuck that is what we still refer to as part of the “middle class”
Lower taxes? How? They’ve never been this low.
More energy production? It’s at an all time high.
Less regulations? The water already catches on fire.
Foreign policy expertise? Hitting Iran, Syria, John Bolton as SECDEF?
I guess it comes down to, when you finally strip away the bullshit, the right wing, evangelical conservative republican base will have been vindicated.
Oh yeah, life will be a lot worse. Inflation, increased taxes, no social safety net, no FDIC, public schools, EPA, or product standards, never ending for profit wars, fought by poor kids, but your single, unshakable goal will have been reached.
Sure, you’re broke. 15% unemployment has a way of doing that. And ya lost the house. Sorry about that. It’s pretty bad, no argument there. But…………
Ya beat the black guy. Your world is right again.
Way to go, geniuses.
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