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June 01, 2012 03:22 PM UTC

Open Line Friday!

  • by: Colorado Pols

“I really like the fact that Romney is ignoring all these Democrat calls to repudiate his supporters. ‘Distance yourself from Trump. He’s a birther! How dare you? Distance yourself from Limbaugh. You have go out to condemn these people. You have got to put ’em away. You’ve gotta put ’em down,’ and Romney’s not responding to it at all.”

–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday


28 thoughts on “Open Line Friday!

  1. Here is the link to Florida judge invalidating parts of the Florida “stop the vote” law.


    I swear I also heard late last night that AJ Holder had sent a letter to Florida Governor ordering him to “cease and decease” the voter purge, but I can’t find a link.

    1. DOJ has ordered suspension of purge


      Election officials of both parties all over the state are incensed over the rate of improper purging with close to 25% improperly purged already having responded common and even 100% in small counties where only a few were sent letters, none of them accurately. Clearly the right can no longer argue with a scrap of credibility that this is anything but a concerted voter suppression pogrom.  

      How can preventing a number of cases of fraudulent voting (some of which were in fact caught) that can be counted on the fingers of one hand possibly justify throwing hundreds, even thousands of legitimate voters, including native born WWII vets, off voting  rolls and forcing them to jump through hoops in limited time spans to retrieve a right to vote that should never have been threatened in the first place? How alarming must this be to a new citizen or an elderly one? How can any kind of legitimate process produce an error rate this high?

      Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall told ThinkProgress that she and the state’s 66 other county elections supervisors sent a “clear message” to the Scott administration at a Tampa conference two weeks ago. “One after another, [they] got up and talked about inaccuracies [in the state’s voter purge list of alleged non-citizen voters].”

      In Miami-Dade, the count of voters whose citizenship status has been challenged by the Scott administration numbered in the hundreds. With time left to respond, nearly a quarter of those sent letters in have already proven their eligibility.

      Several smaller counties also confirmed to ThinkProgress that voters have proven that their inclusion on the list was in error.

      In Clay County, near Jacksonville, the elections supervisor received two names from the state. One proved citizenship; the other was purged from the rolls for not responding within 30 days. Charlotte County (two out of nine) and Bradford County (two out of nine) also reported significant percentage of errors on the state’s list.

      Citrus County Supervisor of Elections Susan Gill (R), who serves a Tampa-area county with a population of just about 140,000, received just three names from the state that it deemed likely non-citizens. But already two of those have produced documentation to verify their citizenship and voter eligibility. One of the two was even born in New York State. The third voter, who has yet to respond to a registered letter, has never even voted.


      See dwyer? Sometimes everything isn’t completely hopeless and everybody on our side doesn’t always totally screw up :)!

    2. Here you go — it’s covered at Politico:

      A top lawyer for the Justice Department’s civil rights division wants Florida officials to explain why they’ve unilaterally decided to purge the state’s voter rolls of non-U.S. citizens just months before a key primary in the 2012 elections — an apparent violation of provisions in the landmark Voting Rights Act.

    1. Losing 45,000 factories since reagan began dismantling America’s once awesome industrial machine will do that.

      Environmental regulations won’t do that. Union wages won’t do that. Nor will pensions, health coverage for employees, or paying a fair share of profits to taxes.

      But greed leading to off shoring 45,000 factories will.

      Millions of American workers are on unemployment, under employed, and sometimes worse, while fat cats reap huge rewards by shipping American jobs overseas.

      Is treason too strong a word?

      This isn’t the President’s fault. He’s doing what he can, stonewalled by republican political sycophants, collusion by millionaires, and a public that shops at walmart.

      A person should think about that the next time they buy that 5 dollar hose that kinks and leaks.


        1. In the midst of this large unemployment, in my industry the biggest problem we face is we cannot find qualified people to hire. And it’s not just programmers, we spent over 6 months looking for a sales admin (he starts this Monday).

          1. did you think that if you didn’t interject something about K-12 into a discussion of the monthly jobs report that we might think it was no longer important?

    2. The shocker here isn’t the involvement of Hickenlooper promoting this company, extolling its path to success, etc…

      The shocker for you on the left should be its foundation …. It is a business that provides some form of financial reporting and compliance tools to FAILED ARRA programs. Second, not only did they fire 150 local Coloradans, but an additional 400 Indian nationals got the axe too. That’s right …. a business built on stimulus off shored on a 3:1 basis the jobs it had tied to the FAILED STIMULUS.

      Now I don’t believe that directly received any ARRA money, but their business is built around those who do receive government money and the financial and compliance reporting they are rightly required to maintain.


      1. If it would, happy to do so.

        What I have done in the past is buy pizza for all the teachers on in service days. I think they are happier with that than helicopters. But you never know…

        1. let’s give it a try then???  Like some educational expert keeps pointing out here,  we can’t keep doing the same old thing expecting improved results . . .  

              1. That they are a bad teacher? It might also be those that try a lot even if they keep crashing are the ones that work hard with all students.

                ps – I agree with you about the cyclic. So far they’re all mostly crashing as they try flying. But they’re having fun.

            1. you could use the same schmetrics you used for your (non-government, non-union) employees.   Sheesh . . .  for a guy with all the answers, you sure ask a lot of dumbass questions.   ;~)

              1. I take it you’ve never been in management. You have to measure based on what the individual is supposed to accomplish. What we use to measure developers is very different from measuring marketing and that different from sales.

                That’s why it has taken over a year to come up with a system for measuring teachers – it has to be designed for what they do.

                ps – Questions are one of the primary ways we learn.

  2. From the “You Can’t Make This Shit Up Department”:

    In the on-going race between AZ and North Carolina for the craziest state in the union, NC just made an impressive gain — they are considering making the effects of global warming illegal. Why didn’t Colorado think of this when we first heard about pine beetle devestation? Imagine the millions of trees we could have saved with our magic wands and legislative “super powers”? http://blogs.scientificamerica

    1. It just might be illegal to consider when predicting things like public safety, shoreline erosion, flood and tide levels for building permits, or for any other decision that the North Carolina government might wish to make based on scientific evidence.

      The equivalent for the pine beetle outbreak would be legislating that pine beetle infestation forecasts had to be based on at least 100 years of data ending in 1997 and had to be linear in nature (which, of course, defeats the definition of “outbreak”).  It’s anti-scientific, but that seems to be an “in” thing right now.

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