“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
–Abraham Lincoln
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
BY: davebarnes
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
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Let’s go fact checking with Obama….
1. Gays serving peacefully and without threat in the military, check
2. No work requirement for welfare, check
3. New $1 Trillion healthcare tax on middle class, check
4. Nearly 15% “official” U-6 unemployment, check
5. All Americans forced to buy health insurance and have an ID to prove it, check
6. Most Americans free to vote without ID, check
7. Most Americans required to have an ID for public library “checkout” privileges or buy certain over-the-counter medications, check
8. High double digit “official” unemployment for women, blacks and Hispanics, check
9. More nuke negotiation room promised to Vladimir, check
10. Personally gave the order to take down Osama, he watched it live, and took the credit, check
11. Still scaring seniors and minorities with leadership comments such as, “their going to put y’all back in chains”, check
12. Over $1 Trillion in unaccounted “stimuli”, check
13. National debt at $16 Trillion and no plan to tamp it back, check
14. Lowest house sales and mortgage interest rates in 40 years, check
15. Lowest business starts per capita – ever, check
16. Nearly 50 million Americans on food stamps, check
17. Business-individuals-non profits forced to offer health plans that counter their religion, check
18. 25,000 potential Keystone pipeline jobs frozen, check
19. Solyndra-Vestis-Abound workers promised gov’t driven sunshine now unemployed, check
20. Trillions in new FICA tax receipts promised, check
21. More government spending, higher taxes & less local control of government promised, check
22. 50%+ DPS dropout rate yet charters succeeding, check
23. Social Security as we know it on course to collapse with no rational plan to fix it, check
24. Medicare/caid as we know it on course to collapse with no plan to fix, check
25. Fast & Furious … exporting weapons for terrorists and attempting to cover it up, check
26. Firm plans to hike income and capital gains taxes, check
27. Firm plans to divert even more private capital for government spending, check
28. 31 million Americans out of work, check
29. Obama budget pushes USA to fiscal cliff by 2022, check
30. Obama promised to cut deficit by 50%, national debt hiked from $10T to $16T, check
31. Obama promised unemployment under 8%, now 43 months above 8%, check
32. 3% surtax on American medical device manufacturers, check
33. Obamacare erects barriers to competition for drugcos and against consumers, check
34. $4, $5, & $6 gas available nationwide, check
Dividing America vs uniting and leading America, check
Do you really just wake up early everyday, log on to COPols, and hit refresh until the open thread is posted?
Do you have such a meaningless life that you feel the need to cut and paste this into the open thread every single day?
If you really believe any of this crap you post (post of which doesn’t even make sense), then I hope you realize the damage you do to your own cause by being obnoxious about it. If you are just doing it for the purpose of being obnoxious and “sticking it to liberals” at COPols, then I guess more power to you.
But seriously, I know five-year-olds with more sophisticated persuasion tactics than simply repeating the same thing over and over again.
Get a job, get a life, find a better way to spend you time. Maybe read a book or two.
31 American brothers and sisters are without a paycheck and youre worried about Lil old me?
Fact checking is popular in the political fighting session….do you object to the truth?
“Do you have such a meaningless life that you feel the need to cut and paste this into the open thread every single day?”
Sad and miserable life. Pathetic.
It appears through other polling that Obama maybe in greater trouble then I imagined.
Romney winning Colorado? Colorado Peak Politics has a very insightful news article that reveals … well some interesting facts. http://coloradopeakpolitics.co…
More relevant or instructive …aka as disturbing to liberals … are the 40% of Hispanic voters who indicated they are planning to vote for Romney-Ryan.
Don’t make a false predictor of me … OFA and the Obama Super PACs need to step it up. The collection of funds has been merciless, although some questionable foreign deposition to Obama are muddying the waters …. when will we see action?
Now Obama and his Sunday morning spin specialists told it was an obscure YouTube video…yet the assisination of ambassador Stevens seems now to be called a planned attack on of all days Sept 11th!
YouTube Lara Logan on Obama’s foreign policy
Interestingly I haven’t seen Obama or any delegate of his address this 60 Minutes reporters assertions of what’s occurring overseas.
the same thing you’ve posted previously?
You’re really neat. Re-runs are great.
And thanks for embarrassing the GOP for us.
at Sunday school this week, honey?
Christian Group Finds Gay Agenda in an Anti-Bullying Day
Go to Google today for a cute animated homage to author Winsor McCay.
Koch brothers to workers: Vote for Romney or ‘suffer the consequences’
Not to worry though folks . . . likely entirely legal. Let’s ask the Supremes, just the next logical step after Citizens United.
The managers have all seen budget cutbacks, lower pay, and resource constraints under Obama and the day to day employees have all had to worry about their job or that of their spouse.
I wonder just how bad Koch Industries have had to lean on their employees with the rising costs of healthcare and energy?
“under Obama” seems to be your favorite. You omit the rest of the sentence…”and the Teaparty Congress”. You continue to try to convince readers of this blog that it’s all on Obama, as though he were a monarch and is solely responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens.
Everyone but you knows that to be bullshit. I think even you do, but you are too much of a partisan hack asshole and too immature to realize that your habit of insulting the intelligence of Pols readers COMPLETELY destroys your credibility. I don’t mind, of course, that you embarrass even the most partisan republicans (your asshat brethren AGOP, Nock, and TDFGOTB excepted), because it ends up helping to get Democrats elected.
When Dubya was president, you had a different point of view, remember? Nothing was his fault, it was all those Democrats in Congress. We should thank you, I suppose, for helping Obama get elected, but you are so crushingly obnoxious it is difficult to hold that thought for more than a few seconds.
As Dukeco1 pointed out Friday Romney thinks that the uninsured have plenty of access to healthcare and that no one dies for the lack thereof.
I really hope this comes up in tomorrow’s debate. Paul Krugman has a few choice words on the matter:
That should seem pretty obvious, right? Apparently not to Mitt.
Gee, what could Romney/Ryan be thinking?
Then eventually, those estimated 72 million folks that lose their insurance will grow smaller in number “naturally”.
“lowering health costs by attrition”.
“Fuck ’em, I got mine.”
Or in Vulture capital-speak: “right-sizing” healthcare.