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August 29, 2022 11:44 AM UTC

Republicans Growing Nervous About Hisey Residency Issues

  • by: Colorado Pols

Late last week there were a handful of stories in Colorado news outlets about Republican State Sen. Dennis Hisey’s strange residency issues as he seeks election in a new district (SD-11) against Democrat Tony Exum. It seems that at least one notable Republican in El Paso County is very concerned about how this might play out in November:

As we noted on Thursday, Democratic Sen. Pete Lee was indicted earlier this month by District Attorney Michael Allen for allegedly registering to vote — and casting a ballot — at an address where he doesn’t live. Oddly enough, Hisey appears to have done the same thing in the same county.

Both Lee and Hisey are State Senators from Colorado Springs, and as Marianne Goodland noted for the Colorado Springs Gazette, the similarities between the two alleged crimes will make it difficult for District Attorney Michael Allen to NOT scrutinize Hisey’s actions with equal vigor.

Here’s the visual version of Sen. Dennis Hisey’s current problem.


5 thoughts on “Republicans Growing Nervous About Hisey Residency Issues

  1. Pete Lee had the benefit of a full investigation that took years while he continued to serve and Democrat leadership knew. Hisey deserves the same fairness.

      1. Loren's residency status takes whatever form you need it to —

          * Perhaps he lives in a Post Office Box in Penrose (which was not even in his District)

          * Perhaps he lives somewhere in the Cañon City area but no one knows because his address is protected

          * Perhaps he still lives in California

        Or maybe the question is – what seat of power is he seeking now and does it matter where he lives?

    1. Okay … Maybe it is a question of how such a prosecution might be triggered:  “It requires a voter in the district to file a legal complaint, and then post a surety bond of at least $13,000 to cover any court costs should the challenge fail.”

      In the meantime, I guess I can understand a Republican DA wanting to have a full investigation of a Republican Senator and not take action before the election. But a few people may want to refer back to a statement from the Colorado Republicans:

      “It’s a good thing Democrat Senator Pete Lee isn’t running for re-election because he doesn’t deserve to represent the people of Colorado for another term after blatantly lying to voters about his voter registration,” said party chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown. “With all the questions regarding our elections, our elected officials should be the ones who are helping build faith in our elections, not undermining them.”

      That helping to build faith in our elections stuff can obviously wait.

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