“Okay, you have methane up there, lakes of methane on the moon Titan of Saturn. Is that from dinosaurs? Plants? Where the hell did the methane come from? Cows farting? Where are they? I mean, that’s the primary source of methane that most people know about. ‘Cows are creating global warming with greenhouse gases so we have to stop eating McDonald’s!’ Yeah, well, where are the cows on that moon?”
–Rush Limbaugh, yesterday
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IN: Thursday Open Thread
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IN: Stay Classy, Rep. Matt Soper (Jimmy Carter Eulogy Edition)
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IN: New Year’s Eve/Day 2025 Open Thread
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More people should get their protein from plant sources. It’s healthier for you and the environment.
(My stupid translator is down today. But that was the general point, right?)
How Congress is hurting jobs
The idea is right but a bit like asking why people run red lights. Good idea but ain’t gonna happen.
The dark humor of the situation is huge. Ronald Reagan said “govt is the problem” and Repubs have worked from that premise ever since. Their goal is for government to fail and they really don’t comprehend the outcome of their actions. As a plot line for a story no one would buy it.
you’re casting blame too widely. A key Republican talking point is that businesses are sitting on their hands because of “uncertainty.” Republicans can make sure this is more than a generic talking point by gumming things up in Congress. Do you really think any of this is unintentional, or the byproduct of excessive partisanship attributable to both sides?
Union tugs!
scary people who want your guns!
Crazy people who have or want nukes!
Credit downgrade!
Death panels!
And remember – if you ain’t rich – blame yourself. And then borrow some money from your parents and get into M&A LBO
those Foreingers. Whatever the fuck they are… 🙂
we hates them a little too (droning, tedious 1970’s bastards), . . . but what we really can’t stand is them foreingers. Don’t be fooled by tiresome imitators.
District’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ laid off
mostly it’s the unions’ fault is a common answer.
How did they decide that? Were her kids the best prepared to move on? the most creative thinkers? Memorized the most facts?
Or was it a popularity contest? ANd isn’t even possible that her peers knew the cuts were coming and tried to save her gig by making her TOTY?
I’ll believe she’s a great teacher when ….she puts all her classes on line for free for credit and everyone uses them.
9-Year-Old Who Changed School Lunches Silenced By Politicians
Read full article for the happy ending 🙂
To all Polsters who have bellied up at the Weiner Circle:
Glad I got to see it before it was removed.
I was born as part of a study on the safety of home birth. They decided as a result of the study not to relax regulations on at-home delivery. Although my delivery went smoothly and rapidly, I suppose some did not in order for the study to be considered justification for continuing to prohibit home birth.
That said, I do not think that it is necessarily appropriate in a country without universal health care to mandate that pregnant women deliver in a hospital setting. A friend’s normal childbirth recently, in a leading hospital, came with a $30,000 bill. The average assets of a person under 35 are currently hovering around $4,000. If we feel that the safety hazards of home birth necessitate hospital delivery, then this care should be free to families, including neonatal ICU care and extraordinary interventions for preemies as necessary. One little-discussed reason people choose home births is because they may not want a severely impaired baby to be saved only to have a shortened life expectancy, run up a bill of up to millions of dollars, and be unable to live a normal life. A live baby with serious birth defects delivered in a hospital will generally be saved if at all possible without much attention to the parents’ wishes.
(I, personally, think that ablism is a scourge and that it’s foolish to think that a life with an impairment is worse than no life at all, but I can’t make that judgment for other people.)
These are the statistics for “Direct Entry” Midwives, who have no specific medical training, and accredit themselves (like Rand Paul’s National Board of Ophthalmology.)
CPM is a bullshit certification. Let CNM’s do homebirth.
I believe that at the time (1988) all home birth was illegal and remained illegal following the study I was part of. I believe I was also delivered by a CNM–all I know about her is that she moved to Alaska immediately afterward to deliver babies for women in remote areas without easy hospital access.
Daft shouldn’t have assumed the rest of us know anything about CPMs or CNMs. A few FYI pieces of info to introduce this topic would have been helpful.
Glad your home birth went well. My cousin (same age, close friend) was going to have a home birth for #2 back in the early 80s because #1 went amazingly well. She was, by all measures, a great candidate for an uncomplicated home birth. She chickened out as it got close to the date and opted for another natural as possible hospital birth instead. Number 2 didn’t go so swimmingly. Long story short, if she hadn’t been in a hospital she would have bled out before she ever got to one. The baby would have been fine except for not having a mother.
Also not calling for mandating. Just something I won’t ever forget.
I’d like to know the basis of this claim. I don’t know what’s required for someone to become a licensed midwife, but it seems farfetched that those in the home birth movement have the clout to get states to go along with “made up credentials” for it.
This is about CPMs, not CNMs — the difference is that CNMs are nurses and CPMs receive training limited to delivery of children.
And you to, DaftPunk.
loudly enough and making it seem that your opponent does not favor liberty you can get elected to the legislature. Then you can go to the leg and get permitted to hang a shingle calling yourself a “counselor” with minimal training.
Remember the tragedy in Evergreen about a dozen years ago when some “counselor” was practicing “regressive therapy” and suffocated a child? “Regressive therapy” is actually a pretty dangerous part of psychiatry that should only be practiced by a highly skilled team and what they did should have been charged as manslaughter at the least.
I have no trouble believing that a group can gather enough energy to make up their own “rules” and get those adopted by a lame legislative body. Industry does it repeatedly
that want to repeal “onerous” regulation that prevents “profitable businesses”…
like bankers?